I Don't Like To Brag Or Anything

...but I just noticed I have, like, a whole trophy case of trophies here at ECF.  

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I Need A New Display Cabinet.

I've just received six trophies from ECF and I've nowhere to put them. Thank you ECF - don't really know what they mean but much appreciated.  

Preventing Residue In Pc Case?

I sit at my computer a lot during the day for university, work, and to play games. A few years back, a lot of residue from vaping built up in my case. Didn’t notice until my GTX 1060 stopped working one day. Looked inside and the micro capacitors on the card were sitting in a bit of it and had corroded off the board.

Hypothetically, it shouldn’t have done that. It shouldn’t be conductive or corrosive from what I’ve read, but that’s what happened, honest truth.

Few weeks ago I was swapping out my motherboard and noticed there is once again a bit of residue build up on fans in the case. Not as bad as before. I cleaned it all out with rubbing alcohol.

Is there some kind of way I can prevent this residue from building up in the case? Just been trying to keep a window cracked and blow my vapor out the window.

Maybe some paper towel over the intake fan ports? It’ll reduce airflow I’m sure, but my components usually stay well under harmful temperatures. None of my frequently played games are very intensive.  

Battery Heating Up, Coils Not Firing

Hey guys, sorry if I post this in the wrong place, but I didn't find a sub forum that seems appropriate.

So, I have a BCV Surfrider clone (hybrid) and it has been working great but all the sudden this last weekend I noticed one of my batteries just stopped working.. not a big deal. So I put in another battery. Still not working. So I was playing around and I noticed that my button got extremely hot. I took the battery out and noticed that it was hotter than I've ever felt.

I was playing around with it to see if something is wrong, but everything seems fine. I accidentally put in the battery backwards and it worked fine like how it used to.

Anyone have any idea what is causing this?  

Spider Web Cotton

Ok the title was weird to draw attention

Have u guys ever open your rta and see the cotton changed it's shape??? Its not it was caught on the bell threads while I tighten it cause the way it was disformed (if there is such a word) don't show it was that the case....just was fluffier and a part of it was pulled close to the air holes under the coil....I noticed something was off when I was puffing and opened and saw that....I just fixed the shape of cotton with a screwdriver and keep vaping it but was curious if anyone have seen their cotton change shape....like a cotton candy  

So I Finally Saw It Happen...

A few days ago I noticed a new co-worker of mine was a vaper. He had some kind of old, ratty looking mech with some kind of tank I'm unfamiliar with on top. This guy doesn't strike me as the type of person who would be responsible with a mechanical, but trying not to be judgmental, I kept quiet. So yesterday a friend of mine says "look at that guy, what's he doing?" I look over and see this guy dancing around, frantically pulling everything out of his pocket. Out comes an 18650 battery, with a key WELDED to the end of it, still throwing arcs! By this time, his pants were actually SMOKING!!! We go over there to investigate, and he had put a fully charged battery without any kind of case or covering in his pocket with a bunch of change and his keys. The old ratty battery no longer even had the plastic shrink wrap sleeve on it, just a silver cylinder. When it was cool enough to touch, we examined it, and the positive terminal had completely burned away, and it had burned a hole in his pocket about the size of a half-dollar. After lecturing him about using a battery case, we asked to see the battery in his mod. He pulled it out and it was in worse shape than the one that shorted out in his pocked. No insulated wrap, big gouges in the side, burnt spots on the positive end. All we could do was warn him to get new batteries and go about our business. I have a feeling our warnings fell on deaf ears. I even showed him my little $0.99 battery case. I can understand someone not being completely knowledgeable about all the technical stuff, but isn't this just common sense? Sigh.  

Ideas For My Juice Locker!

So I was lucky to find at work this week a tiny locker. The second I saw it I knew what I was going to use it for. Juice locker. I think I'll add a shelf someway and give it a paint job. Any suggestions? I've already pondered the idea of a car batterie inside and a 510 on top to make the ultimate box mod. I'd only have to charge it yearly. Hahaha joking! And I have to brag about the juice on the left I won it on a Facebook contest. Its flavorcrafters new line evolve. Decent stuff. Just waiting on my sample box and the locker should be crammed with flavor. Feel free to share your juice storage pics too. Vape on gang!  

Eleaf Istick Secturity Code Not Working

So I ordered an Eleaf Istick 50watt from Vapenw.com and when it came I tried to verify it's authenticity.
It looks legit, the only thing I noticed that's different from most I've seen is the Istick logo on the top next to the connector. I paid 44$ for it so I'm not upset it works like a beast I just wanna make 100% sure that its real just in case I need parts or such.

The code is in a format like so

0000 1111
2222 3333

I can't figure out how to enter the code, I've tried from left to right top to bottom and from top to bottom and left to right.

It does have the torque screws though which most if not all clones lack.  

Vaporesso Drizzle Kit Top Lid Stuck

I just got my new vape kit and it is a Vaporesso drizzle kit (the small one).
I have easily been able to take the top off but recently I actually noticed the airflow valve that you can open or close, and somehow I never noticed it was there and now that I do, I have huge problems trying to take the cap off also considering its a super small (ring) that you need to twist it just wont come off. I tried the rubber gloves, the alcohol, and the hot water but none of them did anything.  

Stay Clear Of Cheap Ego Chargers

Okay guys, first of all, sorry if this is in the wrong section, was unsure where to post this warning.. I just want to show you guys my experience with eGo chargers.. I'm unsure of where I got this one, I think it came with my Vision Spinner battery, I'm pretty sure the supplier just bundled it with a crappy cheapy one.. Here's what happened to mine:

I noticed after a weird flashing occurred on the LED, the battery LED was constantly flashing, I noticed that the plastic had caved in and I thought I had stepped on it or something, but nope! The whole thing was melting and it smelt absolutely horrible, I opened it up and I noticed that one of the capacitors on the PCB had burnt out.. Be careful with chargers and NEVER leave batteries charging unattended, this could've caused a serious problem if it had caught fire.. Please be safe everyone!  

What Differences Do You Noticed Between Touching And Non Touching Coils?

I'm a single coil guy (laziness) :

After the huge push and trend of having only extremely close and tight wraps I see a few more people doing some non touching coils:

What are the performance differences anyone has noticed in these different style wraps assuming gauge and diameter the same ?

(Cotton wicks)

Second question


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