Atlantis V2 Question

Not sure where to post this so if someone could redirect it that'd be great, anyway to those who use an atlantis v2, after you take a puff do you hear a small sizzle? Its barely noticeable and i dont think it affects anything but if i take a long puff i hear it. Vapes perfect, no gurgles, no leaks, no liquid in mouth, etc. Has anyone noticed it? (.3 85 watts)  

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Scared Of Device

I posted this in another user's smok m80 thread. I hope it's ok to post here too. I'm really concerned, and would like to know if this has happened to anyone else. Here is the post unaltered:

I loved the device at first, but now I am scared to use it. I had an Atlantis 2 on it, and at first, it consistently read the ohms as .39. Then it started jumping all over the place from puff to puff. It went anywhere from .39 to 1.2, always different with each puff. At one point, it even changed the watts on its own (it kept dropping them down from around 30 to around 25; it did stop doing this). So I put my kanger Subtank nano on it, at 24 watts. It read anywhere from .55 to 1.5. Then, on the last puff before I shut the device off, it read 2.62 and burned my throat really bad at 24 watts. Since it reads different with each puff, and I don't get the new reading until after I've hit the button, I cannot check what it will be before I've inhaled. I've been vaping for years, and never felt anything like this. My chest hurts, and my throat feels very sore. Contacting the vendor now, but I don't know that I would even want to use one ever again. This was scary for me. The device had the updated chip, and was not even used for more than a half a charge. (The two tanks are fine on my other mods.)

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Vapeonly Atlantis Ni200 Coils...

I was strolling through sweet vapes website and seen they had these Atlantis coils made by aspire.I plan on ordering a temp control mod this week and wanted some nickel coils to go with it I have the maganus/starre tank...well I seen that the vapor shark nickel coils are twice the price so I was wondering if any one had any experience with these. I heard the Atlantis coils would fit in the Maganus but didn't know if these would and I see the vapor sharks ni200 coils are 0.15 and the vapeonly coils are 0.25 would that be noticeable or have any effect such as having to use more watts or temperature? Here's a link VapeOnly vAir-T Atlantis Nickel OCC - Aspire Coils - Aspire - Clearomizers Tanks  

I Think I Know The Meaning Of Tootle Puffer

I think it means taking small puff but chaining it.Like Puff time is less then 2 second but you vaped it quickly.That action sir/madam,it’s tootle puff  

Subtank With No Spit Back

Hey guys,

I'm looking for a tank and battery combo that subohm at . 5 but the tank has absolutely no juice spit back. I do know my atlantis and atlantis v2 have tiny droplets of juice that hit the tounge. So small that I don't notice it until I had someone point it out to me. I run 70pg, 30vg juice.

I'm looking for a setup for a friend with a tank that is small like the atlantis v1 or subtank mini with a small frame mod.

They currently have a I stick 30 so ideally I'd like a tank that works with that.

I will say thru personal testing the atlantis v2 will give me absolutely no spit back at 50 watts, but the I stick 30 cannot get to 50 watts.

If a new mod is needed, they will go with the new Kanger 50 box but my big concern is spit back. I'm talking I need a tank that has no spit back.

I'm looking at doing this in the smallest package I can. Ml capacity isn't a issue. Size and weight is the issue here too.

Rba tanks are out of question. Need something with replacement wicks.

Any ideas?

Sent from my LGMS395 using Tapatalk  

Defective Aspire Atlantis???

I just got my Aspire Atlantis in, and to be honest I'm not at all satisfied, and I can't help but wonder.... Did I get a defective unit?

I bought it and the Kanger Aerotank Turbo quad coil tank. My resistance on the Kanger is registering at 0.9ohm and I'm sending about 23watts to it. The amount of vapor is excellent, flavor is good, and it's not an overly warm vape at all.

So then I slap on my Atlantis. The 0.5ohm is registering at 0.6 (big and I'm sending 28 watts to it. First, the hit is BEYOND airy. I'm on the lowest airflow setting and there's no pull required at all. I believe it isn't sealed well somewhere along the airflow adjustment, because when I blow a bit of vapor back into it as a test, it comes out of the airflow hole (obviously) but it also flows out of other areas around the airflow ring. This doesn't happen with my Aerotank Mega, Aerotank Turbo, or my Nautilus...

Furthermore, the hit itself is just BAD. The flavor is off, the vapor is WAY too warm to be enjoyable, and where as I exhale nice sized clouds using the Aerotank Turbo, I exhale pathetic small clouds that aren't even thick when I use the Atlantis. Considering its a lower ohm with more watts going to it, how is that even possible??

So, no resistance at all on the airflow, even on its smallest setting, and obviously I have to be getting air from some areas around the airflow ring. The vape itself tastes bad (not burning cotton bad, just a bad flavor), and it's VERY warm. If I try and pull on this the way I do with the Turbo (only 0.3 ohms higher), I exhale a measly small thin cloud AND I often get choked when doing so.

So I'm just curious.... Is this the way this tank hits?? I can't believe how many praise it if so, I see no appeal. So I can't help but think I must have gotten a defective tank. I've tried lowering the watts down to about 22watts just to see, and even though the vapor wasn't AS hot, it was still uncomfortably warm and did not do my liquid's flavor any justice.

Any thoughts? I really would like to hear if this is how these new sub ohm clearos are going to hit, because if so I have absolutely no interest in making the switch.

Thanks in advance,

Istick 50w And Atlantis 2

Well decided to bite the bullet and get the istick 50w and the Atlantis 2, so far so good I got it off a Canadian website both for 120 and received it the next day! Gotta say the Atlantis 2 is our of control lol nothing compared to my aerotank mega put about 20 ml through it so far and not a single dry hit, seems to eat through juice like crazy tho lol and maybe just a little too much air flow for my liking but I'm sure I'll grow to these things but as they are kind of new their still a little weird for me, anyone else run this setup? Any tips or tricks for me? I noticed to get the maximum amount of liquid in it I screw the coil into the tank fill it right full then screw the bottom part on works well  

Room Gets Cloudy, Best Way To Get Rid Of Vapour

One of those stupid questions but would like to hear your tips...

I vape heavily (sometimes end up chain vaping for a few minutes) on high watts and end up fogging out the room.

Long story to explain why but my question is what is the best way to vape in such way but get rid of the vapour quickly?

I've tried opening my window and it takes forever to get rid of it all. Does a damp towel help?

Not too fussed about it really but since it's a general question, I wanted to hear what you lot do (if you do anything at all to reduce the vapour).

Thanks for holding your cool through this dumb question lol.  

Best Nicotine Strength For Mouth-only Vaping?

Quitting MTL (50/50 - 12mg nic) for now.

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I hear that nictoine can be absorbed by the mouth, great. However, I don't feel the effect of 12mg. Think I should up it? I'll try 18mg or 24. Which is more effective for mouth: PG or VG? Or doesn't matter?

I'm running low on nictoine base so don't want it to go to waste. Thanks!  

Istick Tank And Ejuice Suggestions For Huge Clouds

I am currently using the istick 50watts with the Aspire Atlantis 2. I just upgraded to the Atlantis 2 from the original Atlantis. I certainly like the Atlantis 2 better, I love the improved airflow I just don't like how hot the tank gets. I have it cranked all the way up to 50watts. Does anyone else have a tank they would recommended for the istick 50watts? I love chasing after big clouds. I would also like to hear any suggestions about how to get bigger clouds out of the set up I already have. Such as rebuilding/modifying the coils for bigger clouds or recommendations for ejuices. I've messed around with different pg/vg ratios to see what works best for me. If someone can give some suggestions as far as what they like or what they've found to work best, I will certainly check them out. I have a tendency to lean more to sweet or fruity flavors, but I'm open to try anything. Thank you everybody in advance for any input.  

Pg With Sub Tank?

I am using my isub tank and waiting till I get my liquid delivered but have no juice I was wondering if I could pick up some cheap puff e juice till it arrives. I just thought I seen awhile back that pg is harsher with sub ohming. pretty sure puff e liquid is a 70pg and 30vg just figured I'd ask before I go spend money.