Funny Cigar & Ecig Story

I haven't had a cigar for a year and a half, but due to not being diligent in watching an auto re-enroll in my favorite cigar club I was still paying 250.00 a year for the club. Since I still had fond memories of the place, and a lot of business acquaintances still there I thought I would stop by and maybe indulge in a nice stick (they have a lovely walk-in humidor there). It had been so long I didn't really know what to expect, except I had a lot of really good times there and was looking forward to reconnecting with old friends and having a really good cigar.

I got there about 5:30 and there was the typical blue haze and the aroma of premium cigars, leather chairs, and premium liquors, just like I remembered. Trouble is, I really didn't appreciate the smell of cigars like I did in years past. In fact, it was a bit nauseous. But a few of the old crew (business associates and friends) were there and it was great to see them again. I took a look inside the humidor to pick out a nice stogie but TBH just wasn't enthused with the smell of the sticks the way I used to be. I decided I really didn't want one and returned to the lounge and pulled out my iStick 50 and Atlantis and sat down with some friends. In the middle of a conversation about local business trends I was interrupted by the hostess and told vaping wasn't allowed there. Seriously?? I paid a lot of money for the privilege of sitting in a nice leather seat and smoking whatever I felt like. I told her that I intended, as a member, to smoke (I didn't use the word vape because I figured that would have confused the poor girl) what I liked in a club I had paid my yearly dues for. So she quickly left and I got back to my friends that had lots of questions about my iStick.

About 10 minutes later the young lady had returned and handed me a check for 250.00 saying the owner had refunded my membership fees and suggested I find a suitable club for vaping. WoW! So ok, I left and set a meet with my friends there at a local restaurant and we had a nice dinner and talked vaping stuff, after which I took them to a local shop so they could buy similar rigs to my vaping rig.

This happened about a month ago and of the 5 friends I met with for dinner and took to the vape shop afterwards, 4 have stopped smoking cigars and now vape only and love it. But none of them got a refund check for their yearly dues to the cigar club like I did. So at this point, I'm feeling like the lucky one.

Strange times to be a vaper I guess... even the smokers hate us.  

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So Far How Much +/- Did You Spent On Vaping?

Been vaping and quited smoking last year December 07,2014. Until now, my set up is strictly just two (2). First Vivi Nova 3.5ml + a Vamo 6, with one spare tank and 3 wicks. Then after a month I bought a second set-up namely: Aspire Nautilus 5ml + a Cloupor mini 30W. I do have a have a bad habit of having/purchasing a replacement or emerency tank so I also have an Aspire Nautilus Mini and 5 spare BVC coils. Well my rough estimation is around less than USD200 including e-Juice which I got from friends... Marlboro and Cuban Cigar flavors.

I mix those two juices, because Cuban Cigar juice is almost perfect clear in color, while Marlboro is Light to medium yellow... while Cuban cigar CAN be vaped at 15up Watts without burnt taste, but lacks "Throat hit" so, I add 30/20 cuban /Malrboro for more throat hits... all at zero (0) nico. btw.

Goal is: to keep away from analogs, still play with moderate vapor and enjoy throat hits + the smell of cigar and try to save money. I consider myself a "Casual Vaper".  

Whoaaaaaaaaaa Some Stuff Changed Around Here!

It's been a while!

I left for a while,,,,,,,I think it's been a year or more,,,,,,I took a break because,,,

1) I thought it was getting too political around here (my opinion) and I wanted a break from it.

2) I got a job (which I LOVE) and it takes a lot of my time,,,,,,,

3) I stopped vaping. Yep, me,,,,,,,,who vaped 20 ml a day at one point,,,,Nope, I didn't go back to smoking,,,,,I didn't plan it,,,,it just,,,,,happened. Mostly due to the job, I think,,,,,,I just vaped less and less and less until I wasn't vaping at all,,,,,,,,

then WHAMMO,,,,,,,,the urge for cigarettes hit,,,,,like 9 months after I stopped vaping and almost 3 years after quitting smoking, and it hit like a ton of bricks. It kind of surprised me to be honest. Well, there was no freaking WAY after THREE YEARS that I was going to start smoking (I did that THREE TIMES in the past and it was ALWAYS a disaster),,,,,,so I picked up my provari, charged those batteries, made myself some No Nic juicy peach, and started vaping again.

Thank GOD for my e-cig, because there is NO DOUBT in my mind I'd be smoking again if I hadn't kept it.

Some thoughts,,,,,,,,

1) whoaaaaaaaaaa what the heck happened to this forum???

2) Provari has a VERSION 3??????????

3) Where the heck do I reset my password????????? I forgot mine, I had to have it reset, and I'd like to change it to something I'll remember.

4) It's nice to see everyone  

What Are Vape Shop Owners Supposed To Do?

I opened up my vape shop a year ago, and since then I've made friends with other vape shop owners in the area. I'm in my early 30s, I worked two jobs for years to save up enough money to start a business. I also have loans. My friends in the business are in the same spot. Are we just supposed to file for bankruptcy and end up broke and homeless? I don't have anything at all to fall back on. And let me guess, nobody at all is going to reimburse us for completely losing our livelihoods. The kicker is, I've never sold to a minor, nor have I ever sold any tainted BS THC carts.  

Wednesday Next Week (may 20) = One Year Off Death Sticks!

I just felt the need to share a short version of my journey to date:

I had been vaping part time you about 2.5 years before my new (now ex-) girlfriend got me to walk into what was pretty much the only vape shop in town. After trying the V3 eGo setup, I bought a tank to replace my older eGo-T crap tanks and some juice. the next weekend, I bought an entire new eGo kit and gave her my old batteries so she too could start vaping. We both cut down on smoking by 50% in a couple of days. It took me a total of 12 days to decide I was done with cigarettes and by the 4th week, I was the owner of a Provari. This all started a year ago now. The Russian 91% followed quickly after that. Next wednesday will be my TRUE one year vapaversary. I since acquired a second Provari for a ridiculous price and 2 more Kayfun clones.

I will not hide that there have been temptations, even lately, to try an actual cigarette, but I have been keeping strong. I did smoke a small cigarillo at the company Christmas party last December and resisted the urge to ask for one or two more from my coworker.

I have not felt the need to stop and take a 5-10 minute "breather" for about a year now whenever I do just about anything physically demanding and I have to thank vaping for this. I also now have a great vape shop minutes away from where I live and have been into various vape shops halfway around the world (work related travels... I'm not that rich and I can get great juices 5 minutes from here) I still get one or two juices form that first vape shop I visited, which now has 4 locations, all of them at least a 30 minute drive from home.

Remembering last year, I do miss my ex (we left each other on good terms) and I really wonder how she's doing on her side with vaping. I know she's got a great shop near where she now lives and hope they have been able to help her. I have been to that shop, but was on a business trip and it was hard enough to know she had to go back to her hometown, so I didn't call her to let her know I was going to be in the area. It's probably better that way, although I still think about her.

It's been a great journey and I now can't wait to get on my old hybrid bicycle to see if I can now keep those racer owners behind me for good; during one of my last rides last summer, 2 of them took the better part of a mile before they finally passed me, and that was on the slope uphill on my way back from my 1 hour ride. I still weight over 250 pounds, BTW and will train hard to make those snobs eat my dust with a definitely inferior bike like I used to 10 years ago

Thank you ECF for helping to keep me on track and enjoying vaping so much!  

All About The Taste

I am a new member and everybody’s been helping me with various atomiser problems and I think I’ve been told to move it into here . It’s been recommended I use RTA,s and not sure what they are , and also it would be better for me to use bigger atomiser,s . When I started vaping I was looking for something that tasted and had the hit of a strong cigar ,and many companies advertised “ cigar flavours “ but were cr#p then I found TW heavy cigar 36mg and loved it. Then it became illegal so had to change to 18mg , big shock no taste ,so changed to 0.5 and more power and ok again .i found for whatever reason the heavy cigar flavour is very susceptible to the slightest change . But now I cannot get supplies from uk anymore because of uk post office rules regarding Covid so they say so been chasing around Thailand for something worth vaping . So if you recommend to me different tanks and atomisers it has to be A available in Thailand and B copes with plain tobacco flavour . I don’t like sweet and funny flavours . All I want is something that tastes like a cigar ( Dutch not Cuban ) . As an example heavy cigar with a 0.5 tastes great , with a 1.2 no taste at all . Thanks everybody I’ve had such good response from this forum and learnt a lot already .  

All The Wasted Years!!!!!

I've been vaping with v4l and v2 e-cigs for a couple years mostly the ego style ones. I love messing with all the technology I have and I'm very hands on so I figured I'd stop limiting myself. I bought a Sigelei 100w Plus, Kanger Sub Tank Mini, and a Mutation X V3 RDA.


I feel stupid for not doing this earlier. I've been vaping 12mg for a couple months now, but bought 6mg for the Sub Tank and RDA and that is even too strong! I diluted it with 100% PG to make it 3mg and it is much better. I couldn't be happier. No dry hits.. no leaking... all the problems I've dealt with over the past couple years are gone and I'm experiencing vaping like never before.


Plus I finally convinced my GF to start vaping on New Years Eve and she hasn't looked back. She's using the V2 Pro Series 3 which she loves and we even found some really good house made flavors at a local vaping shop that we really liked. She got cotton candy and I got cigar. I didn't think a vape shop would have juice that good and they even made it fresh right in front of us. To my surprise no steeping required!

Alright I'm rambling. I will leave you with this pic.. and to all you musicians out there that is a ART Pro MPA II preamp with genuine Telefunken tubes from the 60's.

20150316_191947 by joshfiricano, on Flickr  

Vaping In Hotels: Beware!

So I am on a business trip in Madison, WI. I am staying in a hotel (a Hilton to be exact) and I was just hanging out in my room, watching TV, and doing a bit of vaping in my boxers. Then it happened.... the fire alarm went off. I about pooped my pants it caught me so off guard. I ran down to the lobby to explain what happened when the fire department showed up and started asking questions. When they found out that my room was the one that tripped the alarm, they instantly started treating me like a criminal. You would have thought I just murdered their first born child.

Eventually I got the "you shouldn't smoke inside, it's against the law" lecture from one of the firefighters and when I told him I didn't realize it was an issue in a private room where I'm not actually smoking, he went off on me. He told me that regardless of what it is, any type of "smoking" is against the law and that I should have just told someone I was smoking and it would have saved everyone from a headache. He just could not comprehend why I was confused as to why the alarm went off when there was no smoke present. He got my name, phone number, and date of birth from me right before he left, not sure what that was about. The hotel attendant was much more understanding, to whom I apologized profusely for the chaos I caused. She said it's not the first time it has happened and that she is going to talk to the building manager about some new signs addressing the issue of vaping in the rooms.

After doing some research on my own, I found a few things to be true.

1. Smoke alarms arent necessarily built to only detect smoke. Some can be set off by steam, dust, or any type of aerosol.
2. Dane County, WI just recently (Jan 2015) enacted a ban on vaping indoors and that apparently applies to private hotel rooms as well.
3. Public fire alarms are really fracking loud!!!

Be sure to do a bit of research on local vape laws when you travel, it could save you some trouble and legal issues. Hopefully this doesn't come back to bite me in the butt, it was an honest mistake and had I known, I wouldn't have vaped inside in the first place.

Just thought I would share my story so others may learn from my stupid mistake. Save yourself the embarrassment and look up the laws, ask an employee about rules involving vaping, and for the love of God and all that is holy, don't vape near a smoke detector.  

11 Year Vaping Veteran….just Checking In

Hey kids!

I have been so horribly absent from here over the last 5-6 years. Long story short, quit the stinkers on 8-22-10 and haven’t looked back. Vaping has grown and changed so much during the 11 years I have vaped, I won’t even bore you with the details of what gear was like when I started vaping. You fellow veterans know. It took a whole different level of commitment than it does today, because NOTHING had the power, endurance, or availability it does today.

I have been a 8mg/ml vaper for the last 10 years. I did kick it up to 12mg for a bit when I went through a divorce 5 years ago. There have been so many vape ban scare events that I am stocked up on supplies well. I have made my own juice for 10 years so my stash of nic is good to go. I can decrease the mg/ml if that situation ever arises, but at age 44, I think I have enough to last me at least a good 20-25 years at my current mg level. If I drop the level down, I think I am good to go until the nursing home days come calling.

The biggest part of why I wanted to post here again is:
1. After being a smoker for 16 years, I used smoking for every stressor life threw at me. Since I started vaping, I have survived undergrad, my masters, and my doctorate degree. ZERO temptation to go back to the stinkies. Went through a very unexpected divorce. Never tempted to return to Marlboro. If you commit to the process, it does work. I got remarried a year ago. My husband enjoys the occasional cigar and bourbon on the deck. I can hardly stand to smell him when he enjoys a stogie, which is thankfully only a few times a year. I realize how gross it must have been to be around me when I smoked 1-2 PPD. It does suck in the beginning but giving up the stinkies is worth it.

2. 11 years in, zero health issues. I am a physically fit and busy person anyways. But zero lung issues from my years of smoking or my years of vaping. My current PCP doesn’t even know I vape. I can hike with zero problems. I ride a Harley, and do cross country trips on it, and always stop to hike in places to find rando waterfalls and whatnot. I was in the mountains for a week this spring and zero breathing issues or short of air like I used to have when I smoked stinkies. I did find my vape hit a little harder though and I vaped less! Bonus to vaping is I can vape while I am riding my motorcycle, I don’t have to pull over to smoke lol. The Harley is a new hobby since I quit smoking, so I don’t know what that would have been like, but I see fellow riders pulled over to smoke all the time. Glad that isn’t me!

3. I am a mental health provider. I prescribe meds for depression and anxiety and all the other mental health disorders all day long. And I am a HUGE advocate of vaping to patients who want to discuss it. Many mental health patients have a nicotine dependence. I always tell them I will not be the one barking at them to quit, as it is their choice and whatever consequences result from smoking, they are already aware of those and it isn’t my place to preachy preach about it. But I do tell them I used to smoke, I quit 11 years ago, and I have vaped ever since. I have shown several my device and tank, I refer them to local vape shops that I know are good and helpful, and I refer them all to check out this site. I get pissed when I hear how many reply with their PCP telling them how vaping is so bad. The medical world has been brainwashed pretty good, lemme tell ya. I am an outside the box kind of provider, I don’t buy into all the malarkey the “experts” want to feed us. I won’t go into covid and the current state of affairs in our country, but if more healthcare professionals researched instead of following the masses and “expert rules”, our healthcare world would be a better place. Pharma and the FDA annoy the hell out of me. Anyways, there are more of us “good guys” in healthcare though that do advocate and support than some think, but we are still a minority, with the majority being asleep at the wheel about non FDA approved harm reduction and cessation devices. Every time I see a PCP start Chantix I want to scream. It has about a 2% success rate at best from my personal observations. Anyways, the TLDR here is I support the cause and fight for education about vaping every day in my office.

I wouldn’t be where I am today without the support and help from so many of you fellow veterans back in the day. I am still in shock at how much this industry has evolved in a relatively short period of time. Nic salts…..who knew that would ever be a thing! The one discouraging thing is seeing how many companies have closed up shop anticipating the regulations. I loved my freedom smokes for my nicotine. But, that is the nature of retail period, some survive and some don’t. With USPS delaying the mail ban, I think most could have hung on a little longer. But I don’t run their business or know their projections and models and revenue, so I have no place to judge. ❤️ Vape on friends! I will try to stop by and visit you all more often. This always has been and will always be a great community!  

Ideas For A Bulk Purchase/cheap Setup To Assist Transition For Friends?

Hi all,

I've spent most of the last year getting involved with local advocacy and legislative groups/issues in various ways; I'd like to ramp up my involvement a little bit in 2015 by assisting my fellow analog users with the transition to vaping. I've donated a few iSticks and Nautilus Mini tanks to some friends; and would like to step up this effort in a bit more economical/affordable way. While directing them to our local B&M has worked for some, a lot have "not had time" or are hesitant to spend the time to learn/jump in to it at the local B&M (I'm guessing on most of this.) I don't want to force anything on them; this is the group of friends who always want to try my setup and love it, are very interesting in quitting analogs, but just haven't made the effort to dive in.

I'd like "prime" them a little more to help them with a successful transition by handing them a nice starter device. I don't want to do this by introducing them to poor quality gas station/big tobacco products that will have them back on analogs in no time. I'm looking for a very affordable, simple "starter" setup with everything they need to get them started.

Anyone else with similar experiences and a good device idea for this? I'd like to start with six devices; will spend up to $200 for this initial trial run and see how it goes. I'm wondering if there are some online vendors who may have deals on bulk purchase "starter" packs that will be good for those who know absolutely nothing about vaping and get them more interested in it... any ideas would be appreciated!

Thanks all!  

Why Buy From China?

There is a lot of stigma around buying products from China and most recently I have been asked by many vaping friends. How I get my products so cheap...simple buy direct. They didn’t quite understand as they thought the products were either fake or 2nd due to the price.

So I’ve been recommending CIGABUY company I’ve used for over a year. I really cannot falter their fast shipping to the UK ranges from 4-7days depending on local delivery etc. Some say but I need coils now! Plan ahead its much cheaper and in the long run it will save you money.

I ordered two sets of coils for £19 and when I went to a local shop they basically wanted £30, but had a back log from thier supplier, 2weeks wait! Im not trying to put custom off the local shops at all just sometimes if you cannot get hold of coils it maybe easier. And most I’ve been too have recommended wholesalers. It wont put them out of business over a couple of sets of coils as I know only 20% of people choose this option. But for the likes of people who cant afford the higher expense its a good option

Hope this helps

See link CigaBuy

And have a good look round for more options happy vaping