Upgrade Assistance/advice

Been off the thread for some time, just logging back in for some advice.

Been using the original iStick with an aspire mini for quite some time. Any advice on an upgraded battery or tank. I am not looking to build coils, just want to see if I can improve the overall quality and more importantly flavor.  

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Some Advice Please :)

Hey there!
I have been vaping for a little over a year now and have gone through several different set ups but am fairly happy with what I'm using atm-- I have one of those Aspire Sub Ohm batteries and have been using a Nautilus tank with it. It seems that the coils in the tank burn out super quickly because the battery is too strong for it I guess? Any way the other day my battery and tank (the whole shebang) fell right into the toilet. The only good thing was that the toilet was recently flushed so yeah... I am now in need of a new battery and was interested in one of those lil box mods that everyone in the world seems to be using lol. The tanks I have and would be using with it are my two Nautilus tanks (one is a mini) and sometimes an Innokin iClear thingy (the one with the cool rotating tip). I vape mostly very sweet caramel, cookie and cereal juices at .6 nic and am mostly in love with flavor versus cloud making if that makes any sense. I'm not at all good with any of the technical stuff so have no desire to use any rebuild-able stuffs. Oh and I have an Aspire vv battery but it loses the charge so quickly I am kinda wanting something new...

Any one have any great advice on a new battery for me?  

Istick 30w Advice

Wich is the best (clearomizer) option for istick 30w?I know that MELO was specially made for 30w one but I don`t know,maybe you know a better than this.I want with replaceable coils.I was thinking at Kanger SubTank plus v2 with 1,2ohm coil,Delta II with the same 1,2ohm coils,Aspire Nautilus mini BVC or the MELO.
Now I`m waiting opinions for those who know!  

Having A Hard Time Finding The Right Set-up

I'm having a mad time trying to find a tank or clearo to fit a relatively small battery to upgrade from my triton without having to go to a MOD set-up I need a nice drip-tip too.It seems like an in between of my Triton tank and a MOD I can't quite find the vapor production I'm looking for I lowered my ohms on the triton 1.8 it did produce a bit more vapor but the tanks just aren't built for those ohms and they run to hot.I've already gone through three coils.I looked at the Aspire Nautilus mini premium kit not completely sold on it, eGo One battery with Nautilus mini but I think the tank I'm looking for should hold more e-liquid.Any help here much appreciated.  

Sigelei 50 Watt Vr2 And Subtank Mini Upgrade Opinions Needed

Hey all. Been awhile since I’ve posted but I still snoop daily. Happy to say that this month makes a year off the cigs!!

I’m hoping for some advice on a setup I’m considering upgrading to.

For awhile now, I’ve been rotating a nautilus mini between my provari mini 2.5 and an istick 20w. I find I still get a more consistent flavor and vape on the PV but the istick comes in handy when I’m out and about. Ultimately, I’m looking to enhance my vape experience and hope to get more flavor and more vape production. I typically vape 70VG/30PG 6mg nic juices

I’ve been thinking of moving on up to a kanger subtank mini (found on sale for $30) so I can begin to learn how to build coils, etc. in hopes of saving some extra $$$ on replacement coils down the road. I’m also considering upgrading to a Sigelei 50 Watt VR2 (found them on sale for $50) so I’ll have plenty power for the tank. However, I have no experience with the Sigelei’s, just see that they are a fairly popular box mod with the community and online reviews. Also found the Sigelei 150w on sale for $80 but feel it may be too much for my needs.

So here’s my questions to you fine folks:

- In your opinion, do you think this setup (subtank mini w/ Sigelei 50w VR2) would be a nice upgrade for me based on the price? I’d really like a good setup that I can use to begin learning how to build but also want a mod that is powerful enough so that I won’t feel like upgrading a few months down the road. I also like the fact that I can still use/buy premade coils.

- To build a good sub ohm coil, what supplies are necessary such as what gauge/brand wire, cotton types/brands, tools needed, etc. Keep in mind that I’ve watched a few videos on building coils for this tank but am a complete novice and would need to purchase all the supplies/tools.

- Also, what are the best/safest 18650 batteries to power the sigelei?

I realize that I could probably search for this information individually through this forum and various review videos but am hoping for some additional input/opinions as well. Plus, there's so much information available online it becomes overwhelming and confusing to a noob such as myself.

Thank you in advance.  

Any Suggestion For A Simple Tank Upgrade?

Hello everyone!

I have been an happy vaper now for 5 years. Like most of the old beginners I started with cartridges, blue foam, cartomizer and so on. Currently I am using Kanger tanks, T3, Evod 2, MiniProtank and Aspire ET-S BVC, with Vision Spinner VV but I am looking for an upgrade.
I am not looking for an RDA, nor big battery and definitively not sub-ohms. I'm looking more for a glass tank, adjustable airflow, large capacity, and the ability to see the liquid.
Thank you you all so much for any advice, and happy vaping!  

Not Sure What's Going On...

I've really been trying to get on this gaping train. I smoke less than a pack a day and have bought the eleaf mini along with the gs16s tank specifically for the mini. I have bought several juices from Vape Wild ITCVAPES Mt Baker Vapor and from my local smoke shops. I recently upgraded to the istick 30w and have kept my eleaf gs16s tank and I'm using it on the 30w. My problem is every time I attempt to vape for the day I wind up weepy coughing up phlegm and heavy chest. I don't understand it. I've done 50/50 juice higher pg juice higher vg juice 100% vg juice...what am I doing wrong?? Anyone with advice please help as I sincerely would like to put down the cancer sticks.  

Help Me Pick A New Atty

Hey guys, need your knowledge and advice here.

I started vaping last year and think its time to upgrade, but last year it was waaay easier to choose what i wanted. Everyone just recommended kayfun...so i got one...and i liked it for the most part. But i did find it too fiddly to get right and i doubt i ever got it to its full potential. every time i would use some crapy evod i swear it would taste better, but have way less vapor than the kayfun lite. So now i would really like something thats has better flavour than the kfl but that is also simple and reliable. wether thats a tank or rta that has a fool proof setup. I also need one thats good for the mouth to lung hits. BUT THERE'S SO MANY CHOICES THESE DAYS WITH NO CLEAR WINNERS, that i can see...so is there a consenses on whats best?

Ill be using a istick 50w, upgraded from my 18350 mech.

TL;DR - Whats the best tank or rta for flavour, m2l, and is simple and reliable to use??

thanks guys, really need your help to narrow it down  

Umm, My Battery Started Smoking?? (istick 30w)

Well this sucks, I have an iStick 30w and toptank mini, I ran out of pre made coils so I thought i would try the RBA of the toptank. At first it read out as “protection” upon trying to fire it (I think the ohms were too low on the pre made coils included with the RBA at .1), then it said low battery (it was almost fully charged) so i plugged it in and tried to fire it once more and the thing started smoking (no protection message this time, just a little puff of smoke within the LED window). I only fired the button for a split second and it still seems to be functioning. Not sure what I should do lol or just ditch out on it? It appears to be working yet but stinks like an electrical fire now. I’m kinda reluctant to use it (I still have an old coil but it was starting to taste funky). Any advice or idea what might’ve happened?  

Vape Advice For Flavour/taste And Maybe Some Good Cloud?


I have been recommended elsewhere that since I want good flavor, but also would see good cloud as a benefit, that I should get a regulated Mod that can do 200W, and a Mesh Pro 2 Tank.

Would this be sound advice? What else should I look at, any other recommendations? I'm trying not to go too expensive, I'd say trying for $150 Canadian after taxes, for both mod and tank.

Also, I just found out that there are different flavor percentages, since I don't use nicotine, what percentage should I use? Anything else important to know about e-liquids?  

Burning, Almost Coppery Taste After Vaping - Not Coil

Hi, sorry if there is a similar thread I am relatively new here,
I have always had issues with burning e liquid over various devices and brands,
I currently have a istick 30w with a kanger subtank, only bought the tank yesterday and battery last week, however it was fine yesterday, was vaping at an average of 17w, however i did go up to 30w depending on stress levels (And i'd gone from 20mg to 6 mg given i was now subbing) - However since today i have noticed a burning, almost coppery, metally (Apologies for my brilliant description) accross the range of vaping, used to get it with my old i stick but only when i was vaping at higher levels, however now it is happening all accross the range, obviously a lot worse and completely metally at higher wattage, any advice? - Swapped out the coil to the 1.2 and it was still doing it, with a fresh refill of liquid, was adding the coil properly and everything. just thought i'd solved this issue. many thanks for any advice, this is a £80+ setup so i want to get anything returned if there is anything wrong with tank etc/

EDIT: When I was in the shop they mentioned it could be the pg/vg of the liquid, however it was doing it at 70/30 and now 50/50, any advice?