Throw Up Feeling

Does anyone else get this weird throw up feeling after a session of vaping when you get up? I do sometimes and i don't know why. Its happened quite a few times now, the last time it happened I went to have a vape before my Karate training (I was ready and everything) then i felt like I was going to throw up and if i move too fast i probably would have.

Any ideas?  

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Other times, I can barely see
Lately, it occurs to me
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Peace and Love To You All  

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Feeling Lazy And Buzzed


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Any clues ? I'm hoping it will to away. .

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Weird E-liquid / Juice Issue

Hey guys,

So I ordered some 0mg bottles of eliquid 60ml online (full bottles not short fills) in a flavor that I have been vaping for awhile.

I took them to my local Vape shop and asked my usual guy to add nicotine to them. I normally smoke 6MG on my sub-ohm set up @ 0.2 ohms and 70w. So he added 6MG like he usually does.

When I got home it tasted weird. I would t say it was harsh, but it definitely had more of a throat hit / kick to it.

Normally @ 6MG I can pull / suck until I run out of breath and it comes out smooth. However this time I would hit it for 2-3 seconds and had to stop as it felt over powering.

As mentioned it wasn’t too harsh, and didn’t make me cough or anything. It just felt stronger and after a few puffs I felt a weird peppery feeling in my throat. Like I had just ate a spicy meal or food with a lot of pepper.

What could have gone wrong? I’m guessing 1 of the following things:

- He put in too much nicotine by mistake and more than 6MG? I called him after the fact, and he swears he put 6MG using the same calculations as always.

- He used the wrong type of nicotine? I normally always use 6MG freebase. Maybe he put in salts?

- Normally I give him 60ml short fills, this time I gave him full 60ml bottles. So maybe that screwed up his calculations of how much nicotine to add?

- His nicotine has gone bad / oxidized? Although the color of the juice looks normal and isn’t overly dark or red.

- Maybe I just need to let the juice sit for a few days for the nicotine to absorb into the liquid better? (Although this has never been an issue in the past)

Luckily I also asked him to add 3mg and 4.5mg to a few bottles (for my wife who prefers 3-4.5mg). I tested the 3mg and it tastes fine and smokes smooth. Although it does feel like the nicotine is a little too low for me. I then added some 4.5mg to my tank (which was half full of 3mg) and it seemed to be perfect. Like the 6MG I was used to in the past.

As this point I’m thinking to just get some 120ml chubby gorilla bottles and mix 60ml @ 3mg w/ 60ml @ 6mg and hopefully that will do the trick.

If anyone has any thoughts or ideas on what went wrong please let me know.
