Hcigar Clones No Longer Branding Logos?

Stopped into my local B&M a couple months back and noticed they had some Hcigar RDA clones, namely the Plume Veil. Thought that was cool and figured I would pick one up sooner or later. Today was that day so I stopped by to buy one. To my surprise, most of the Hcigar stuff no longer have etched logos, including the Plume Veil. Bought one anyways for the functionality.

I have other stuff such as the Hcigar Nemesis and Hammer. Part of their intrigue comes from the etched design artwork... I was kind of bummed.

On a side note, it's my first RDA. Wound a .8 ohm coil on my first attempt with a screwdriver. Not bad for a newbie, right?  

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Hana Modz Dna 50 Clone Voltage?

For all you brainiacs and problem solvers out there. I've just recieved my Hcigar DNA 50 Hana Modz Clone from our friends at Fasttech. Overall it seems like a niece piece for the price. I've only really one issues with it which is as follows. The voltage read out is fairly accurate up to 40w but can't seem to go higher than 6.4v all the way up to 50w. 50w should read at 7.07v given the below build.

I'm currently using purple efest 3100mah batts with a 1ohm dual coil on a plume veil.

Is it that the display is faulty, (doubt this), I need higher drain batts (probably not as not pushing the amp limit here), or simply just that it's a clone and the chip isn't all the way up to the job?

I'm leaning towards the last one but can't complain, as an (essentially) 40w mod for the price is pretty flippin good!

Any ideas or suggestions would be great.

Cheers folks!  

Plume Veil V1.5 Or V2?!

So I can't figure out were to order an authentic plume veil, or what a good website to order one from, but Iv been hearing things were the machining on them has been very poor and that's not good, but if you guys have an opinion on the best clone they have that would be great too, but I do like authentics thanks guys!  

Ohm Meter Not Working

sorry for newbie question I tonight dove into the RDA world and bought a derringer some wire and a smok ohm meter, I have a hcigar hb 50 and my dual coil build on the HB shows .05, when I try to check it on the ohm meter all I see is 3 dashes no reading at all what am I doing wrong with the ohm meter.  

Melted Insulator Cap On Plume Veil?

So no mine didn't melt haha but I was wondering what the best build would be for a plume so I could prevent this? I normally go with a .3 ohm build 24 gauge 7 wrap so yeah thanks guys!  

Low Budget Shinyitis

"Cheap is small and not to steep, but best of all, cheap is cheap...
I'm on a low budget!
I'm on a low budget!
I'm not cheap, you'll understand;
I'm just a cut-price person in low-budget land"
--Ray Davies, "Low Budget"--

A few months ago, I got back into vaping after a two year absence. I figured that I wouldn't really need to buy much more gear than what I already had from 2014-2017.

Well, a lot that old gear still works and I use much of it frequently. I was using it, doing just fine, when I decided to get a new high power mod to replace the ailing eVic-VT, whose built-in battery is dying a slow and agonizing death. Can't run subohm coils on a Provari.

So I decided to buy a mod...

I'm good at finding closeouts, liquidations, etc. It's one of the ways I keep costs low for my guitar business. Much of which comes from China. With vaping, we have a whole industry located almost entirely in China. Most of the major manufacturers seem to introduce new gear and discontinue "old" gear on an almost weekly basis.

"Who still wants that old piece of junk mod we were making last month with a measly 95 watt output. Now, for just $5 more, you can have the new totally badass mod that looks almost the same as the old one, but in new colors and...get this...105 watt output!"

So for low power me, there was all kinds of cool stuff. I don't care about TC, 'cause I vape too cool for it to work. Just give me variable wattage or even VV. Last month's model is OK.

So I'm finding all sorts of cool stuff, and started seeing a lot of good stuff for under $50. A lot of good stuff under $35. Some really cool stuff for under $25...so of course I can buy that mod. Doesn't cost half as much as that carton of cigarettes that I didn't buy this week.

So here's a cool starter kit (mod with tank) for under $25. About half of the list price that nobody paid in the first place:

The Sigelei Sobra is a cool looking, long lasting, 200W monster. I love the Moonshot tank it came with. I added the heat sink all by myself. But it has a fatal flaw for tootle-puffing me. Minimum output is 10W! I frequently vape at 7W, so this setup just won't work for me all of the time.

So I really needed to get another mod, this time a high ouput device with a minimum output of no more than 5W...

I can't deny it--I quickly developed a bad case of low budget shinyitis. Not too hard to click on "Buy" when it's so cheap--such a good deal--and what's another $25, anyway? If it's less than $15, I swear, sometimes the "Add To Cart" button clicks itself.

Here's a bunch of low budget gear that looks cool, works well, and none of it cost more than $35. I also bought all of it in the last 3 months:
Low budget shinyitis is a common affliction. Some folks collect different pod systems in all of the available colors. Some folks just can't resist a good $20 RTA. Some people start collecting mech clones...
HCigar "Turtle Ship" clone with a custom built Subtank. Good quality, really. The only thing that gives it away as a clone is the engraving, which was left rough. Of course, I sanded and polished it, and now it's much smoother.

So low budget shinyitis is real, it's dangerous (to your wallet), and is perhaps a far more widespread affliction than previously thought. Now somebody please show off your low budget (under $50) shinies, so I know I'm not alone!  

Having A Hard Time Adjusting.

I’ve been away from vaping for about 7 yrs. I don’t have any of my old equipment, which now I miss very much. I’ve been trying to get back to vaping for health reasons, and having to learn all over again. Everything is dual coil. I NEVER used dual coil, but I’m trying to learn. I got a Vaporesso PM40, a Drag S a hcigar vt inbox and a POS squonker that I’m using for a dripper (reviews said they leak and short out causing me to fire by their self. I joy cappo squonk box).
Do I figure dual coil watts and amps like I did my single coil builds. I never got into the low sub-ohm thing. Maybe 0.9-1 ohm.
It’s good to be back in ECF again.  

Ohm Meter Accuracy

Hi all,

I have a quick question - I have been getting some inaccurate readings on my coils and I'm trying to figure out which is the closest to the real reading. I have an ohm reader I purchased at Mad Vapes that reads my coil at 1.93. I bought a new ohm meter from USA Ohm Meter (?) that reads it at 2.05. The Cloupor Mini reads it at 1.81 and the HCigar Heart beat reads at 1.83. Provari reads at 1.9. It is 8 wraps of 30 gauge Kanthal. Do any of these numbers even sound accurate?  

Xpro M80

So here's my question. First I'll start with some background to hopefully avoid questions in the future. I've been vaping for about 3 months. I have a eleaf 30w, that I usually use a nautilus/ atlantis tank on. I also have a sigelei 150w, that I use a plume veil and dark horse on. So my question is that I really like the cool vape that I get with the eleaf on my tanks. I have been tinkering with the the 150 w/ the dark horse and I finally think I found a build that gives me that same feeling. I would like to know thoughts on if the M80 would assist me in accomplishing this further on my builds with the TC.  

2nd Build

Okay so not sure if this is the right section or not but its the only relevant place I could find. .

My first build was okay coils turned out fine but the wicking and position of the coils where terrible. So I decided to have another go.

Opinions appreciated.

Using smok xpro m80
Plume veil v1.5 clone
26gauge kanthal
Wrapped around a 2mil precision screwdriver.
8 or 9 wraps can't remember.
And reading at .46 ohms

P.s don't know why the coils look like there glowing purple but I promise their not haha.

Looking To Get A New Box Mod In The Future.

Right now I have a cloupor mini and a magma and a subtank. But I'm ready to upgrade. I want to push the ohms lower and the watts up. My mini only goes to 30w but I'm looking to vape maybe 50 watts plus. So I'm thinking around a 70 or 75 watt mod and idk about a new topper. I'm thinking maybe a lemo and some kind of a new dripper. Maybe a plume veil or mutation x. Anyone have any recommendations. Btw I am on a budget.