Tinidazole Antibiotic And Propylene Glycol

I have just had a root canal on a tooth and was prescribed Tinidazole Antibiotic tablets.
Being the paranoid person I am with any drug I did a search for known side effects.
Alcohol is the big no no for the first 72 hours after finishing taking the course the other being Propylene glycol

I just thought I would post it just in case anyone else is prescribed these tablets and vapes juice containing Propylene glycol. I did vape and had no issues other than my awful tooth pain but I have posted the link below for anyone interested. Well slightly.

Tinidazole (Oral Route) Precautions - Mayo Clinic  

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Propylene Glycol-the New Villain Of The Day-

Posted again due to my mouth-breather mistake (I just call it PG)-

I just saw a shill doc on a shill news station slamming vaping with bogus claims that went unquestioned by the IQ deprived talking head. The "doc" was naming propylene glycol as though it were a health hazard, probably because the name scares people.

I'm telling everyone I know that this hit on vaping is exactly that- an orchestrated Hit. This PG thing's going to come up sooner or later. I'm wondering if any here have more info on what PG is and if there's ANY health hazard to it. I want to have all the facts I can ready.


Pg Free/100% Vg Disposable?

Hey everyone,
I am very new to vaping since I just quit smoking cigarettes. I have been buying disposable vapes and have one refillable pod system that I haven't been using much. But I recently came to the conclusion that I have a sensitivity to propylene glycol, which is in every disposable vape I have found so far. It has made my lymph nodes very swollen and sometimes I feel like there's a lump in my throat that won't go away except on days I don't vape as much. Before realizing it was the PG, I had a doctor's appointment to examine me to see if it was cancer or something serious, and I even had a dentist appointment to rule out tooth abscess/infection too just to be sure.
Long story short, I was wondering if anyone knew of a disposable vape brand that does not have any PG in it. I don't even care about the flavor at this point.
If these don't exist, does anyone have a recommendation for a good PG free vape juice?
Thanks in advanced!  

Many People Said Like This,

if there is no nicotine, is ecig harmless! right?

but actually that's a definitely wrong info and concept.

e-liquid made by Vegetable glycerin , Propylene glycol , flavor , (nicotine)

so it's not vapor!

you should remind this and also one of ecig's prorperty is absorbing water in your throat thus

u need to drink sufficient water to protect throat.

then if you vape around people, the e-cig smoke can harm other people.

so vapers need to beware these fact well.  

Epilepsy And Vaping?

Hello good folks of ECF, I'm having a bit of an issue finding out Epilepsy and Vaping.

What I'm trying to find out is if anyone has any experience with at all?

As I'm finding some information that Propylene Glycol can aggravate Epilepsy and increase fits, so I just need to find out more information from the community.

As at worst I'm thinking that 100% VG liquids and flavourings would have to be used?

And thank you folks in advance, as this is an unusual question. But a very valid one.

Hopefully folks will be able to give some insight into this and help create a useful thread.  

Characterizing Flavorings Used In Tobacco Cigarettes Not Including Menthol

Brand Compounds | R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company

Cigarettes contain characterizing flavors certainly designed to appeal to children. Time to remove them.
For instance, Camel Filters soft pack
Tobacco Water Glycerol Brown Sugar Propylene Glycol High Fructose Corn Syrup Sucrose Cellulose Fiber Cocoa Licorice Diammonium Phosphate Ammonium Hydroxide Natural & Artificial Flavors  

Which Proylene Glycol Is Best

I bought 2 bottles of PG and both have a bitter - sour taste. They are clear and odorless but When I put a drop on my tongue I must say it tasted very bad.
Which PG is best to buy without such a bad taste ?
I bought my bottles from Amazon.
I am tempted to buy a bottle of PG from essential Depot - Has someone tried this brand ?

Aren't We All A Bit Obsessed About Vaping?

(I know this doesn't apply to all of us, but for me it sure does.)

I mean.. look at us. Spending so much time here on the forum reading about tips and tricks, what's your vape? what is the juice you vape? etc etc. I haven't joined a forum for 15 years or so. The last time i was on a forum i was a 16 year old boy, trying to figure out life and the best way i knew how was being anonymous on the internet asking and pondering life's questions.. like "*** am i supposed to do here on planet earth?"

Nowadays i watch daily video's about vaping. From health concerns to indoor smokers, from conspiracy theories (tobacco companies) to Rip Trippers. Outside the digital life whenever i'm home i either vape, try new juices, building another coil, wicking and make my girlfriend try a new taste oh.. almost forgot the most expensive part, checking out webstores for... whatever i think might be missing from my collection

Don't get me wrong though, i love it. It's fun, it's interesting, it's a bit of a nerd thing i guess. Trying to find the perfect vape. It's like a drug (and i know drugs, i like them.. from time to time with moderation offcourse
nicotine is a drug, caffeine is a psycho active drug, alcohol and offcourse all the illegal ones. From xtc to heroine, one worse then the other)

But i find it very interesting that since i started vaping that i somehow had this need to find fellow vapers and talk about it. Haven't had that feeling for years, to be part of something.

I also never ever attended a demonstration for anything in my life, but today in a couple of hours from now i'll be in Utrecht vaping with other vapers against the ****ty little regulations the EU forces on us vapers. I do this for multiple reasons;

1) i truly hate that whoever says i cannot do/buy/use something *as long i'm not hurting or bother someone else with it*
2) it pisses me off that the elite, may it be a person or the bigger companies use unfair tactics to get whatever they want
3) to meet fellow vapers and talk about... vaping..

Anyway yesterday night in bed i thought this and was wondering how you guys/girls feel about it  

I Need To Rant.

So I just watched a video that Dash Vapes posted yesterday where they played a commercial or something about the dangers of vaping for teens/kids. They basically portrayed vaping as if it was a hard drug or something.

I understand vaping should not be available for them but, how is this okay? How is it okay to run such a campaign against vaping, but yet actual hard drugs, alcohol and cigarettes are completely okay?

Also, why are they blaming how kids behave on vaping? Perhaps they should promote better parenting. Just saying.

Okay, I’m mad. Sorry.


Where Are All These Links To Reports On Negative Side Effects That The Low-information Public Is Talking About Tonight?

I'm looking at all the news reports just running and jumping with joy about the study that came out about teen vaping use today. I believe this was a catalyst that is going to get the general, non-informed "I'll do whatever you say and where do I check the voting ballot again??" public, right behind strict regulations and/or banning. My, how powerful manipulation is with what was once the minority, but what I'm afraid is now the majority in this country.

What is getting me is that almost ALL the commenters are stating that these are bad, very very bad and just look at "all the reports that are coming out about negative side effects." Where are they seeing reports about scientific study results regarding negative side effects and a link to cancer? Or is this just another case of "those people" that want to tell us all how to live imagining all these studies (one even quoted they cause cancer according to recent studies) in their little pea-sized non-independent thinking brains? I am just amazed at how the mind works with some people. How they can just "want something to be" and so, in their little minds, they have fabricated all these studies showing negative side effects and direct causes to cancer. Really?

I'm sorry if I sound ticked off. I'm just so sick and tired of watching a vast majority of Americans lose their ability to think for themselves and that are so content to be LAZY and just believe whatever it is they hear from the media. You know, you just can't fight stupid.  

Feeling Lazy And Buzzed


So I have been trying to switch to vaping and have had bad luck with side effects. Ear pains, chest pains and other. I tried a bunch of different juices and they all give me side effects. Until now it's been 3 days I have been off cigarettes and using Stigs I bought at a gas station. Kills the craving for a e ci . I love the taste.

First 2 days I had a bad case of acid reflex and heart burn , but when I switched from mango to mint it went away.

I'm feeling great, I feel my lunge are already better, but for some reason I feel lazy as f***...I feel buzzed, like I took narcotics. Is this normal ? Will it go away?

I try to drink a lot of water and juices and they help a bit.
I'm not in physical pain or anything, just I feel weird and slow. I dont want to stand and I wanna sit all the time.

Any clues ? I'm hoping it will to away. .

When I used free base nicotine and a mod I didnt have this feeling. I actually felt more energized like I took a stimulant. But free base and mods give me ear pains. ..