Desert Island Vape

Imagine you are shipwrecked on a desert island. A single create is washed up with you, and it's full of vape supplies. Hurrah!

The catch is it only holds one model of mod, one model of vaporiser (whether a tank, or RBD, etc..), and only one juice!

Temporarily suspend your disbelief, and you have power to charge the unit, infinate spare atty's, coils, wire, cotton, etc.. and 10 gallons of the single juice.

So what's your desert island vape?  

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Got A New Tank..

So I decided to get another clearomizer and the Donner by Amigo Itsuwa is what I got to replace my Aspire Atlantis.....
So here are my thoughts on it and it's just My Opinion:

Holds 4mls of juice - holds more juice so I'm not refilling my tank 2-3 times a day
.50hm Coil head is cotton & Kanthal wire & a wire mesh around the opening for better wicking ( You can use Atlantis coil in this thing and it's better in this tank then it is in the Atlantis) It comes with 2.
There's no notches or trying to center the coil head. It sits in the Clearo and just sucks juice lol
Great Flavor sub-ohm - The flavor you get from this is amazing, I was a little taken back bc I chose a sour raspberry and it really was more sour tasting then in any of the other tanks I had the same juice in
I personally like the drip tip but it's not for everybody
Adjustable air flow control is a wide slot - It's a slide around, but the draw from almost closed to full open is nice any way you wanna vape.
Vape production is great I use 10/90vg - 20/80vg

There are some things I don't like about this tank...
Priming the coil is a process - on a fresh coil the directions state to drop a few drops onto the coil, then once tank is filled let sit for 1-2 minutes prior to use. On your second fill of the clearo you have to let the coil sit for 2 minutes b4 use....I kinda wanna fill and vape, not fill and wait
Holding 4mls of juice is great, but if you can't vape 1ml of juice at the bottom of your tank it sucks. You can't vape the last ml of juice because the coil head sits to high so it can't wick the remaining juice.
I did find that when I put the Atlantis coil head in that the wicking was alot better then the coils that it came with, now this could be bc I am using a high vg juice.

So let's talk price....I bought this at a B&M so I paid A LOT more then what I've found online.
My price was $45.00
I have found these online for as little as $23.00
and for this price I would probably buy it again, not for $45.00
Iv'e been vaping on this for about a week now, I've gone through 2 coil heads in 4 days & now put the Atlantis coil head in it and am having better luck with it.
So there's my thoughts on my new clearomizer.  

Why Do Cotton Based Coils Hate Me?

I can only get about a 1-2 day life span out of coils that are organic cotton based. After 1-2 days, they start seeping a dark colored liquid into my tank and ruining the juice. This has happened in my Atlantis tank running Melo coils vaping at 32 watts and my Herakles tank running 55 watts. Keep in mind I vape about 7-10ml a day. Juices are 70VG/30PG or 80VG/20PG all at 3mg nic.

On the flip side, if I vape old school Atlantis coils at 32 watts on the same juices, I get a full week before this happens.

Any ideas on how to make cotton coils last longer?! For this reason, I can't wait to get my Lemo 2 in. I'll be able to rewick daily and not worry about cost.

The way things are going, I am losing so much money on coils it's nuts. See picture to see whats happening.

Oh yeah, this is happening on all kinds of juices I vape. Mt Baker Vapor, Vista Vapors, 4 Pillars, The Milk Man. Some are budget juices - others are premium. No matter what juice I use, it happens.

The BIGGEST killer is Zeus Juice with 80%PG, 20%VG. This juice kills a coil in one tank full. I'm guessing the sweeteners in that juice do it.

It's frustrating because I LOVE my Herakles tank running at 55W but if I have to replace the coil every 1-2 days, that's SO expensive.  

How Many Watts Do You Vape At And What Is Your Build?

Many people may find this funny, but I vape at 5 watts, and I build my coils with a single 28mm wire, 1.5mm ID, and 5 wraps.

I only vape MTL and use kayfun's.

A single 2ml tank will last me most of the day, and batteries close to 2 days.

I just want a cigarette "like' experience to keep me from smoking (have not smoked a cigarette in well over 3 years now), and see no reason why I need anything more out of a vape.

So tell me about you...  

Question From A Newbie To All Vape Veterans

My English not good but hope u guys understand....

I have question...I am gonna talk about rtas....soooo we got the air flow part of the tank when is the coil and that we suck air through it...and there is the juice part where holds the juice....and thing that seal the 2 spaces is the cotton....the juice reaches to the coil throught this capillary action I guess...I was thinking tho while we suck don't we create also vacuum and draw more juice if the airflow can't keep up with our draw?? And if that's correct then...this space that holds the juice should be sealed good so that it can't draw air lets say for example from the top fill cap and then push more juice into the coil cause it will have the atmospheric pressure?? Or maybe it's the opposite and the vacuum we create while we puff should get lose over time while we don't vape??? I am trying to get more understanding about how stuff works hope makes sense and someone can correct my mistakes and make things clear for me  

I Love The Joyetech Egrip

Some of you may be familiar with the problems I've encountered the past couple of months trying to find a vaping unit that works well for me. I think my problems are solved. I've been using a Joyetech Egrip for two days and I'm thrilled and delighted. No tanks to fool with, it's built in. It gives a wonderful smooth hit. It's 20 watts and you can actually vape at full 20 without worrying if your coil is going to fry. You have to use the replacement coils, 1.5, designed by Joyetech, can't use generics. It holds almost 4 ml of juice so you can fill er up and you're good for the day. I could go on and on, but suffice to say this little unit is AWESOME. If you're into simplicity, not into building your own and fooling with a lot of different tanks etc then you should check it out.

Its $69.99 everywhere except I found one place selling it for $49.99, Vape NW. I just ordered a second color. They also sent me a 17 ml bottle of juice (I asked if they could send me a "sample" of one of the juices they carry.)  

Still Going Strong. Can I See Your Vape Collection?

It's me again Margaret!

I've been gone for awhile due to a new job and new hours, not enough free time but i'm back.

I started on an Ego-T, and a tank you couldn't tilt over without spilling juice.
Since November, I have dove head first into the deepest realms of vaping.

Now I vape using a Sigelei 150w set on 80w usually on .4-.6 builds, dual, single, quad, parallel, twisted, ranging on a few different RDA's, (Authentic Pollux, Dark Horse, Little Boy, Magma, Doge, and Enigma).

If I get 10 replies, with pictures of your vape box or vape collection, I will post mine!

I want this to catch on!



How Much Stuff Do You Carry?

Just curious if I am in the minority here. I hope this doesn't come off as condescending - different strokes, and I am truly curious.

I usually just carry a mod and tank with me when I leave the house. Generally I don't travel a lot, mainly my commute to work, or out running errands or shopping with my wife. I don't really venture far from the house, typically. I don't go to bars, and eat out a few times per week. Visit friends on occasion. Pretty boring right?

I see people posting their vape kits here, and really wonder if all that is necessary. Certainly not for me, as I don't want to lug all that stuff around. Like today - I grabbed my iStick30 with Subtank Mini, fully charged and full tank, and went to work which is a 25 minute drive. The iStick/Kanger combo is tiny and fits well in my pocket. It's perfect for traveling. Once at work I have that plus an MVP2 with a IBTanked carto tank and a spare bottle of juice on my desk though it is rarely used since my employer outlawed indoor vaping.

If I am going shopping or to dinner I usually carry the same, or something similar - nothing bigger than a single 18650 regulated box with a tank or maybe my Reo Grand. I've never had the need to carry any more than that, so I'm wondering why folks carry wick, wire juice, batteries, tools etc...and curious how many do. I'm not knocking it, just don't get it. I can see if I was traveling away from home for days, as in vacation, but otherwise...

I prefer to pack light, and already have enough junk in my pockets, especially if I'm also CCW. I don't want to carry a man-bag or briefcase full of vape gear. Even a small box or pouch is an encumbrance to me. Never carried a smoking kit either.

So, where do I fall in the vape gear spectrum?...what do you carry?  

My Complete Setup (mod, Rda, And Juice)

Hey everyone, I just wanted to post my setup here, nothing to fancy so just take a quick look and feel free to leave a comment or reply.

To kick things off I've got a Seeker Mech Mod by EHPRO. It's a sleek design, all copper, and easy to press button. Little short and thick for those of us who like our setups to look beefy.

Atty- The Tobh Atty. It is a pain in the butt to take apart from the get go but once you get a bit of juice on all the O rings it comes apart fairly easy. Good deck to build on all pre-drilled holes on the three posts 1(+) and 2(-) (Obviously). Deep basin to hold plenty of juice for our drip and drivers safety. My current build is a dual single coil coming in at 0.28 ohms. Using a regular cotton wick.

Juice- "Bliss" made by The Artisan Vapor 100%VG This juice is an explosive flavor of fruits, and for being 100%VG it has a heavy flavor. 39ml bottle runs at 20$ not to bad for a good juice. When I drip with a full basin it lasts roughly an hour, and I heavily use my vape.

Battery- This thing is one of the best right now but I'm still limited on what builds I can do. My 0.28 is safe, however my 0.22 is unsafe (Go figure) ANYWAYS! (Specs) MNKE IMR-26650 3.7(low) 4.2(High) 3500mAh.

So I think that's all. Thanks for reading guess, and questions or comments just drop it down below. Goodbye and VAPE ON!

Looking For A New Vape - Suggestions?

I have been out of the game for a while and have just been using old mods/RTA's.

I am looking for suggestions on some of the best up to date mods as well as some of the best RTA that go with the mods.

Here is a little info...I usually vape at around 30-35 watts...

For the mod, I am looking for one that takes a single 1865 battery, is small in size, and is lightweight.

For the RTA, I am looking for a single coil DL that can hold at least 5ml of juice, can go with the mod suggested, and provides great flavor.

Can you guys please give me some suggestions? Thanks a lot  

New Setup

okay so don't laugh but this is really an amazing vaping experience/setup for me! I have two batteries and a dual 18650 charger, so I never have to charge onboard nor do I find myself with no power since I always have at least one charging. I love the simplicity of the cloupor mini 30w. Between the magnetic battery door, simplistic screen/button setup, and the overall minuscule appearance of it, I think she's beautiful! The arctic tank however, I've had a could problems, but not too bad (Yes, I did allow my atomizer head to soak for a full 24 hours in juice.) Before I get into that tanks problems though, I'd like to also include that I've been getting into dripping aswell. I bought a plume veil clone a while ago for around 30$, and i was dumb enough to think that there was no need for a VV mod over $15... therefore I bought an X6 battery (cringe, I know..) and long story short I had a terrible experience. the wire that came with the rda was iffy, and it also came with silica wick; which I hate. I ended up building some kinda ****ed up maelstrom of a build. I used the cotton ends of ear cleaners, the questionable wire that came with the atty, and I ran it all at a mind melting 4.4v. Best part of it is that I had no way to check how many ohms I was pushin out. Anyways, I digress. First problem with the Arctic sub ohm tank was the "Check atomizer" deal on my cloupor. The problem was that the connector pin for the mini 30w isn't spring loaded, so I had to whip out the mini screw driver and adjust it. Once that was fixed, the atty was working perfectly!! Except, I was getting a little burnt taste. That's when I've learned that with this tank you have to start at a low wattage and work up to 30 when you're starting vaping for that session. The airflow is good, but I hate airflow; so it's even more splendid that the lowest airflow setting is barely any air at all. Really. It feels like sucking through a brick, and I like it. A ton of flavor, I vape eucalyptus mint flavored juice right now, and I'm loving it. I can't even express to you guys how much I'm loving this thing! Thanks for the advice in telling me to get it!