Is The Istick The New Provari?

Back in the day it was always just, "get a Provari". Nowadays, it's, "just get an istick50w". This whole forum is full of istick this, istick that.

I don't give a stick.  

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Provari, The Ax Has Come For You

At 250 for a kit, are we seeing the end of provari? That name has been on this forum day and night for years, but really, custom box mods and high end mechanicals coming in at half the price, OR LESS? Do I hear a death rattle from the provari giant? Any long term member here has seen "get a provari" a thousand times, but those posts are fading into the locked section at a fast rate. Is anyone even considering one anymore? I'm not, and I used to want one more than any vape on the market.  

Fake/phoney Vs. Authentic/legit Apvs - Really?

i always see people bringing it up, "make sure it comes with a security check code" for alot of apvs out.

in all of the time ive ben vaping - i have NEVER seen a fake mvp, istick, or anything else of that nature, besides an ego battery or evod battery/tank cloned.

since those are more of a "style" type thing, i understand them being copied - but name brand devices like MVP, istick, sieglie and the rest, i have never seen a "copy" that used THEIR brand name.

never seen one for the mvp, but i know the istick has a few "sisters" out - with different brand names - obviously not trying to copy/infringe.

has any one ever seen any fake avps? and i mean FAKE.  

Quick Question But Not Sure If Anyone Can Help Me

So I had an OG iStick with an ehpro kayfun v2...good set up worked well. Now the kayfun is stuck on the mod and I can't get it off. It turns slightly and makes a "click" sound then nothing. Anybody ever have this happen and fix it? I'm assuming maybe I had the airflow screw too far out and it could've dropped into the airflow grooves on top of the istick? Or maybe the threads finally just locked it up on me? I bought an new 50w istick, but I want my kayfun on it. Prob gonna just go buy a Lemo, but if I could manage to get my kayfun back I'd still like to use it in my rotation. Any thoughts?  

1.2 Ohm/3.2v Battery .... Recommended Settings?

Sorry for not doing the research, but tomorrow I am leaving for a trip and appreciate any quick advice.

Yesterday, after purchasing a much-needed new tank, I finally realized that I had to semi-retire my Provari's. Evidently all is about wattage these days and not voltage.

At a local B&M, I grabbed a new iStick 30W and a Kangertech Subtank Nano, found a few Ohm's Law calculator sites, but I am still skeptical about the different setting recommendations I am getting.

Obviously, I do not want the iStick to blow up, but I am not getting the same vaping pleasure I did with the old-style provari and older tanks. Same eliquid, but zero throat hit and little vapor.

Can somebody please just provide me with the settings I need to use for this week?

I PROMISE to come back and contribute more again to this great community.

Tobacco-free since March 2012 -- ONLY because of electronic cigarettes and the great ECF forum

Thanks much,

Eleaf Istick 20w For Noob..

Hey guys, so I'm new into Vaping =D, well anyways lol .

Is it a good ideia to buy a 20W Eleaf istick MOD (2200mAh . 3.0V - 5.5V . 2,0W - 20W) with a ProTank II BCC (Bottom Coil Changeable, 1,5 ohm's) ?
I will only have to change the Coil Unit.

I want a pretty good vape from it, is it going to produce a "cloud" or not ?

Thanks !  

Wally World Wall Warts - Usb Cable - Istick

I researched my ProVari to death before buying it two years ago. When I saw the iStick 50W I jumped on it. I read somewhere that a 2 amp wall wart with any basic USB to micro USB cable would be optimal.
I'm not technical so dumb it down please. The deeper discussions are lost on me.
If you have something that works and is safe I would love to know what you use.

Thanks in advance for any guidance on this topic.  

Back Up Mod

My wife has got the istick 30 with a nutilus mini, and it's working great for her. I wanted to get a back up mod, in case something goes wrong with the istick.
I can just get another istick, and be done with it, but I thought she might like one of those round mods, kinda like a Spinner2 or something, for when your out and about, and it's a little more portable.
Any thoughts?- suggestions?  

Neeeeed Something New.

Ok, so I don't "need", but all +6 month vapers reading a vape post on a vape forum know the deal. I want!! Istick 30w with aspire nautilus - pub covered. Same istick with Kanger nano - on the go cloud blast covered. 2Xrda and mech mod - flavour and sofa clouds sorted.
The question: To all you mod and tank collectors, what next? I'm thinking a +50w pv with an rba. Eg. Smok m80 pro plus and Lemo drip. looking for lung hits only and both mod and tank for sub £100. Or should I wait for temperature control to be perfected. Or should I just buy a Cherry Bomber and another cool mech + batts and stay old school. Ahhhhhhh.  

Dropped My Itaste Mvp 3.0. Something Weird Happening

So I dropped by brand new MVP. I had the Eleaf Melo tank installed when it hit the ground. Didn't see how it landed or anything. But when I picked it up and tried to vape the resistance reads "-.-". The device seemed to be fine, so I thought maybe the coil or tank fell out of wack and tried it on my iStick 50w. It worked fine!

So obviously it must be the MVP then?? I installed another Melo that I bought and it works fine on the MVP. But after disassembling the older Melo (that was originally on the MVP) and putting back together it still will not fire on the MVP, just the iStick. I tried playing with the center pin on the Melo but have had no luck.

So what the heck is going on?  

Istick 30w - Not Charging To Full

I just got an istick 30w the other day from a local tobacco store. I bought an istick 30w for $45 which isn't too bad, I'm having problems with it not charging to full. I am using a 1a rated charger and it is supposed to charge to full in exactly 2.5 hours with a dead battery. I cannot get it to charge above about 75-80%, no matter what I do. As of now it's been on the charger for 2 hours and 38 minutes and is at about 80%, and is showing no sign of continuing to charge.

When I leave the device on overnight, I will wake up and it will be at around 65%, and it would have just stopped charging. I don't understand.