How To Clean?

Just picked up a couple of used Aspire CF VVs from someone in my local FB vape group. I got them on the cheap as backup devices should something I have fail, but I noticed that the connection pins on them are pretty darn dirty. Is there any way I can clean them off? I don't want to try submerging them in anything, or really using any kind of liquid, because I'm afraid of ruining them. Any advice?  

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Nothing To Do At Work? Clean Mod!

Sundays at work are slow, we rarely see customers, so we mainly focus on store tech work and upkeep. My coworker and I finished all the back orders about 3 hours into an 8 hour shift. My Nemesis mod was getting pretty dirty and I haven't had a chance to clean the metal up in a few days, I also noticed the finish was getting very dull, nothing a bit of sand paper wont fix!

unfortunately I forgot to take a before picture, so sorry for lack of reference.

I started by using some 800 grit sand paper to remove the finish, then polished the mod with some 1200 grit for a smooth finish. the threads got cleaned, and every bit of oxidization was cleared off. going to finish it off with some 200 grit tomorrow and then give it a clear epoxy coat, but for now she is shiny and chuckin the vapes in style.


Cotton Under Electron Microscope

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First picture - organic cotton ball. We can see cotton is rather clean, but not 100% clean.

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And the last picture - the same Koh-Gen-Doh pad, just higher magnification.

These pictures - just for fun. No scientific discoveries for today.  

Weird Green Stuff?

So I always like to keep my stuff nice and shiny but when I clean the devices I sometimes notice some green stuff around the thread connections on both my vaporizer and the tank. I would take pictures but I just cleaned them off and thought to post a question AFTER (yeah I'm a smart one). It's easy to clean, just a qtip or paper towel, both dry, and it comes right off. Is this normal?  

Increasing Ohm's On Coils

Hello everyone!

I did this pretty interesting experiment on using a set of coils for years.
I own a Digiflavor DROP RDA, on which I installed dual "Flat Alien Clapton" coils, each running 0.45ohm's on paper, and when measured, it was 0.21~ ohm's together.

Almost everyone says, when a coil turns black, trash it. But you can also burn the excess gunk, wash them, and reuse them a couple of times!
But what if I were to clean them all the time and vape further?

Well, after around 2 to 3 years of vaping, cleaning, and reusing the same coils, I can finally answer.

The coils are always on some kind of a flavour, even if you didn't drip a flavoured e-liquid. I ran through 20ml of pure sweetener mix juice, you still get a previous flavour, in my case which was chocolate.
The Ohm's over these years increased from 0.21~ to 0.24~ (Measured today).
The coils are always black or dark brown. Never to be cleaned like new. Each drip is full of taste, even after cleaning/burning excess off.

If you have any questions, be sure to ask!

That's all for today!  

Vape Device Number 21 Not Working.

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Best Cleaner For Getting Vape Off Car Windows

Hey all, I know we were having a discussion once upon a time in a thread I don't remember about having to clean our car windows often because of the vape residue that gets on them. I just want to know, what do you all think the best cleaner is for that?

Windex is working for me but not well, I have to do the windshield 2-3 times to get it looking close to clean. Looking for something better than can hopefully cut through the residue.  

Cheap Tanks

A lot of people are always looking for cheap tanks i was just on vapor beast deal of the day they have aspire vivi nova tanks for $1.97 dont know if there any good but they are cheap enough i might pick up a couple.[h=1][/h]  

Nautilus Aspire Vs. Kanger Aerotank

Curious if any of you have gone to the Kanger Aerotank from the Nautilus Aspire tank? I have two Nautilus tanks and I have to say it is real hit and miss when I change the coils out. Sometimes I will have a clean hit and no burnt taste and other times it is burnt tasting for the life of the coil. A local vape shop told me to switch to the Kanger Aerotank. They did not have it in stock so I ordered it to try. Yes I am doing the whole prep scenario with the drops and hitting it 4 to 5 times before hitting the button. He told me it is common with the Nautilus, but not with the Kanger Aerotank. Any feedback?  

E Cig Works Fine For About 5 Minutes Then Goes Burnt

I'm having trouble with my Jem Pen E cig - hopefully someone can help me.

I take the coil out clean the tank and battery area, put it back in with liquid + prime the coil. for about 5 minutes it tastes fine and is vaping as normal. then a really horrible burnt taste comes in which is unbearable to smoke and making my throat hurt.

I take the coil out and clean again, put more liquid. the same thing happens! it tastes absolutely fine again and then gets burnt.
any idea why this is happening ? the device gets quite hot too...
i don't think the coil is the issue because why does it taste fine for a few mins?
I've ordered new coils so going to try that but worried its the device. i've only had it for 2 weeks and changed the coil about 5 days ago.  

The Opposite Of Shinyitis

Cleaning some old drip tips today and I feel sick. More reason to keep everything clean.
Luckily it’s an atty just lying about with (two specifically, but these aren’t even chimneys and decks, just two old drip tips)

I checked my current straight after and it’s crystal clean.
I’ll make sure it always remains that way. How often do you guys clean your attys?