Interesting Phenomenon

So I'm noticing that my drippers and tips are getting hot. Like HOT.

It's a recurring problem, and one that I am making much worse on accident, and didn't notice how or why until tonight.

If you over drip, filling the juice well, super saturating your wicks, and generally get too much liquid in an RDA so that it really wants to leak, well, all that juice gets hot and transfers heat to the rest of the atty pretty darn quick!

Also - if it should happen to drip, it can burn you. I currently have a second degree (blistering up) juice burn on my thumb.

Time to get a little more patient with more frequent dripping.  

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Drip Tips Burning My Lips

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What do you guys do? Do you have this problem?  

Increasing Ohm's On Coils

Hello everyone!

I did this pretty interesting experiment on using a set of coils for years.
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Almost everyone says, when a coil turns black, trash it. But you can also burn the excess gunk, wash them, and reuse them a couple of times!
But what if I were to clean them all the time and vape further?

Well, after around 2 to 3 years of vaping, cleaning, and reusing the same coils, I can finally answer.

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The Ohm's over these years increased from 0.21~ to 0.24~ (Measured today).
The coils are always black or dark brown. Never to be cleaned like new. Each drip is full of taste, even after cleaning/burning excess off.

If you have any questions, be sure to ask!

That's all for today!  

Okay So

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My Complete Setup (mod, Rda, And Juice)

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So I think that's all. Thanks for reading guess, and questions or comments just drop it down below. Goodbye and VAPE ON!

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Any setups for "Drip"

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