What Would You Say?

You have your local radio or TV personality thrusting a microphone in your face asking you why you're a vaper, or why you might defend vaping.
You'll get 3 to 5 seconds to make your point. If it takes longer than that you won't get airtime. Trust me.

What would you say in that 3 to 5 seconds?  

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How Long Do You Inhale For?

Hi all

Just curious to know how long everyone inhales for? I don't mean how long you hold it in for before you exhale, but how long you suck in through your device for?

I ask because people say you need to suck in for at least 8 seconds because the first initial seconds are wasted on the coil being primed. I also see a lot of vapers on youtube who inhale for about 7-8 seconds, but I can only manage 5 seconds on 25VW before it starts to feel too harsh. I can do 8 seconds on 15VW but feel I'm missing out and don't know whether it's do with my lung capcity or whether I have to just tough it out and allow my lungs to adapt?

Sorry to go on, but also say you suck in for 5 seconds at 25VW but can manage to suck in for longer at 15VW say for 8 seconds, are you getting as an effective vape as the 5 second 25VW vape?  

How Much Nicotine Am I Getting Per Vape Hit?

Okay, so I Vape in very “precise” ways but I cannot figure out how to calculate (do the proper math) on how much I nicotine I am consuming. Can someone help? I have been vaping the exact same way daily for a long time, but still don’t know how much nicotine I get (just an estimate) per session because I suck at math...

1.) I vape 3mg (3mg of nicotine, per ml of juice) of nicotine using a “Smok Nfix” that holds a 3ml pod of nicotine juice. So that’s 9mg of nicotine, per pod.

2.) I set the wattage to exactly 22W on the vape, always, and it is a MTL pod device.

3.) I take EXACTLY 5 puffs over a period of 5-10 mins. Every puff is EXACTLY 5 seconds. Sometimes only 4 seconds, but just say 5 to make it easier. I use my watch or phone’s timer to make certain the timing is exact. I inhale the same way every time. So 5 puffs X 5 seconds, per puff, equals 25 seconds total for each vape session. After those 5 puffs, I don’t vape again (at all) for 1-3 hours, just depending.

....But how do I figure out how much nicotine I am getting in those 5 puffs? I know that in my Nfix pod there is 9mg of nicotine, in each pod.

I also believe 1 full pod (3ML) gives approximately 325 seconds worth of puffs, with each puff being only 1 SECOND. I only tested this one time so I am not certain, but it’s an estimate.

Can anyone help me do the right math here?
I also still smoke ultra light Marlboro cigarettes (from what I read on multiple sources you only absorb about 0.5mg to 0.7mg of nicotine per cig on the ultra lights) but only 1-3 cigarettes per day.
But I am wondering if my 5 puffs on the vape (5 puffs @ 5 second each) is even remotely close to being equal to an ultra light cigarette that has about 0.5mg nicotine per cig?
Thanks, I suck at math so if anyone can help lol  

Iclear 30s Problems?

so i got this used iclear 30s from a friend for like 5 bucks he didnt want it anymore, and i filled it up and let it sit to soak the coils and now that i tarted using it, its barely giving any vapor, takes like 3 seconds to even heat up, and heres the weird part, i am vaping it at 20 watts with no burnt taste ... im not very knowledgable about tanks but im pretty sure at 20 watts that .... should be burning the hell out of my throat? How come it takes so long to heat up, gives no vapor, and im able to vape a t 20 watts??? is their any way to do something to fix it without buying a new coil?  

There Is Nothing Wrong With Your Television. Do Not Attempt To Adjust The Picture.

Imagine your self filling an RTA with fresh juice, only to have the worst vape you can endure as you cough up a lung. No its not a dry hit. Do you blame the juice or a clogged up coil? In this episode, I will take a short journey and explore to a better vape.

After a week of chain vaping, over 50ml of juice, a mix of 3mg and 6mg Nic, the rayon wick has finally given up and no longer produced a clean vape. After visual inspection, the coil and the wick has indeed had a significant build up from juice. To the point that I could no longer see wick material between a spaced coil.

After discarding old wicking material and cleaning the coil, i wicked an RTA with fresh Rayon and filled it with juice. My favorite tobacco juice has come a live, i can now take long and deep direct lung hits with enjoyment. My taste buds are intoxicated, as my lungs fill up with smooth and silky vapor with every inhale.

Keep an eye on your coil by visually inspecting it on daily basis. Trust your body and your taste buds when a juice no longer tastes as it should. Re-wicking your RTA/RDA on regular basis or every few days, will help you eliminate many concerns and issues that you might be having with juice flavor or vaping experience.

It only takes ten minutes to rewick, and in return you will continue to enjoy many hours and days of pleasurable vaping experience.

Good Night.  

Vaping Non Flavored Juice

Posting here because that's normally where I have. I was at a point where I was going to dive into DIY. I don't vape the sweet stuff but was ready to make the plunge into mixing. But I've seen posts from members here who said they vape unflavored juice so I thought I might give it a shot...thank you sooo much! This is it for me! Sorry but I can't remember who you are however I'm grateful for the info provided. It was as one poster mentioned...a true cig feel..for me also.
I'm gonna hunt for a local vaper who might need some flavors...donated . My flavors aren't extensive as many since I was a tobacco flavored vaper. I must mention as a never before mixer I did order flavors that were probably way outside my preferred tobacco flavors..area code 70726.  

Wicking For Stickier Juice

So I'm using a juice that is pretty sticky. So sticky that when I squeeze the dropper to create suction I have to actually wait like 3 seconds before the air escapes the tube and longer for it to fill with juice.

So when I'm vaping this, the vape seems to be a bit on the weak side and I think its because of the wicking. could anyone advise me on how to wick my coils? (ex. more/less constricted inside, more/less in juice well)

The setup inside my RDA is dual 24g coils with an internal diameter of ~2mm with resistance ~0.2 ohms. Wicked very lightly constricted and just long enough to make a full contact with the juice well on both sides.  

What Is This All About?

First Juul is running radio ads. Now Blu is running radio ads. If vaping is so dangerous, how is it that BT can advertise these products on FM radio? Havent been any commercial advertising for tobacco products in many years now. Something is fishy here . And now im confused (NOT).  

Subohming Vs Low Wattage, Got Me Thinking. What Would You Reccomend To A Newbie?

I remember when I started vaping 3 years ago, the transition was hard and I had many relapses. I started with stick style batteries which were far and different than smoking a cigarette. It was like sucking through a straw for 7+ seconds, with little vapor and throat hit/satisfaction at the end. It worked for a while then I relapsed back to cigarettes. I tried Ego-Batteries with 1.0-1.5ohm cartos/tanks, it came close but so many dry hits, and it still wasnt much like a cigarette so I relapsed again, then towards the end of last year, I picked up a vaporshark and started vaping <1.0ohm coils in tanks/RDA's and it got me hooked, it was very much like smoking a cigarette. 2-4second drags, throat hit, and nicotine delivery.

which comes to my second question, I know there is this whole thing of 'cloud chasers' and 'tootle puffers', but what kept you on vaping and didnt make you relapse? For the cloud chasers, was it the visual aspect? The hobby of vaping, the want to get more and bigger visuals out of clouds, or more throat hit and similarity to smoking with clouds just as a side effect? And for the tootle puffers, did you just get used to taking longer drags compared to smoking, have you tried subohming at high wattage and just found longer less direct throathit was more satisfying to you when compared to smoking?

it makes me wonder how people come to their desired vaping setups, if they came by them by trying to find something similar to smoking, or just fell into something completely new that they enjoy even more.

when I think of how I ended up at subohming on mechs, from starting on egos/30-40w devices. I believe it has to do with me chasing that way i used to smoke, 2-4second drags on newports. For those of you that subohm or low watt vape, what type of cigarettes did you use to smoke before you switched? this could be helpful information for people reccomending setups to those who want to make the switch to vaping.  

Completely Disgusted By A Vapor Review Video I Just Saw (your Thoughts)

I was researching some things on the computer and came across a box mod called the Moxie by Avail Vapor. Avail is a local shop near where I live. I found this video that came up and behold it is a review. It isn't a review by Twisted, Rip or anybody else you wanna add. The video is done by what appears to be a 12 to 13 year old kid. I didn't even find this video cute. What is a 13 year old kid doing with a troll rda and a box mod? I mean come on vaping is supposed to be for 18 and older. People like this are giving vaping a bad reputation. I posted a link to the video. If you get a chance watch a few minutes or seconds and tell me what your thoughts are


Musing-my Thoughts On What's To Come-or Not

I do realize that when the hammer comes down it isn't going to come down from a federal level because of the few that choose to make a game of vaping. I realize that it is all about the money they are losing because we have found a way to put the smokes behind us and hopefully a way to keep anyone else from EVER picking up the habit of smoking. Their ONLY concern is lost revenue.

The taxes and/or restrictions are coming, Of that, I have no doubt. We have to do whatever we can to keep them from taxing/restricting us into oblivion.

When the smoking restrictions started it didn't start from the federal level. It started very small and grew into what we have today. It started in small towns, grew to counties and then to states and finally to just about everywhere.

Businesses were no longer allowed to choose how they would handle smoking/no smoking. It became law and they were forced to abide by that law or close their doors.

It happened so slowly that most of us didn't see it coming. We were the frog in the pot of water slowly being brought to a boil. Hopefully we are more aware this time.

Those that make a game of it will have an impact on how vaping is viewed by those that don't understand or even care what vaping is all about. I don't like it but there it is.

I am talking about at a local level. A local busybody, someone that has nothing better to do at the moment, sees something she/he doesn't understand so doesn't approve of. I'm not saying it is right but, let's face it, it happens way to often in every small town in America and sadly, around the world.

Ever hear the term, squeaky wheel gets the grease. Well, that busybody is the squeaky wheel. Every town has at least one and that person has the ear of the "powers that be" in that small town. That person manages to get the "powers that be" to force businesses in that small town to put up signs "No Vaping Allowed" just to appease that busy body. It is not right but it happens every day.

This scenario is being played out in hundreds of thousands of small towns all over the world.

When I joined this forum it was all about helping your fellow vaper. I still see some of that but sadly, I also see so much infighting. We have to work together if we are going to preserve this healthier alternative to smoking for not only ourselves but also for future generations.

The bottom line is. We have to find a way to stand together or we will end up regulated into oblivion. Please think before bashing those that see the writing on the wall. One of the best things one can do is join CASAA so that you may keep up with what is actually happening and then answer those calls to action. If we don't stand up for our rights we WILL lose them.

Please don't let that local busybody win in the end. Thank you for reading my thoughts.