What Are You Looking Forward Too

With all the new sub ohm tanks, RDA's, and Mods coming out what are you most looking forward too??

I'm going to get a chance to see a few NEW products that have come out tonight:

DEADHEAD RDA - w/led lights, glass RDA
Unicorn Mod - 120w/20amp suggested maxium, handles down to .12ohm builds, stainless steel button is Water & Dust proof
Cabron RDA
Cabron Box - Wood box mod
Diablo RDA

Going to get a chance to sample some E-juice from the following vendors:
Parrot Vapes


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What's In Your Juice

A while back Nicoticket did a lab test on all their juices and released the results publicly.

Nicoticket Testing Results | E-Cigarette Forum

This was a bold move on their part which has earned my outmost respect for coming forward and setting new standards.
My question is why we as a community have been so ignorant about knowing and demanding to know what's in our juice from our vendors?
If you know of any other vendors that have done lab tests (with publicly posted results) please let us know.
I think it's about time to send this message to our vendors that we do care to know what's in our juice. If more vendors come forward, other vendors would be more pressured to follow suit.  

Steel (opaque) Tank Tips For Gauging E-liquid Levels?

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Do You See Mods Moving Away From 510 Connections Anytime Soon?

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A couple days ago I met a guy at a party, and everytime he would take a hit of his mod it would make this whirring sound. Turns out he just picked up the new Turbo RDA by Tobeco which was designed by their USA Team "Ohm Nation". I have to say it is very innovative. I have never seen anything like it so of course I asked him the name and where he purchased it from. I finally got my hands on one and its a great RDA with the proper build. The whole design of it is a B+ the reason for that is...the airflow control (which is the upper piece and where the fan is mounted) is made out of plastic which is a big downside because once you get your coils fired up, the plastic SLOWLY begins to met and in my case, melted in peices of the wick. Other than that, the post are wide so it can accommodate lower gauge wires. The posts are also milled into the deck to prevent the posts from spinning and they also give you a super wide bore glass drip tip. Its also constructed out of 304 stainless steel. Overall, i am pretty happy with it and one of the builds that i believe best suits this is 20g Nichrome 5 Wraps. Its super hot, the fan definitely gets put to work and you're getting a lot vapor production.

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I know the topic of how to get VG film off glass surfaces has been well explored in past threads. But I just "discovered " by rinsing my reading glasses off in plain tap water and a good wipe dry with a paper towel that water will clean it. I'm gonna do that to my car if I ever get out of the house long enough to do something useful. I've tried various glass cleaners and they never seem to get it all. But water did on my glasses so...just a thought..  

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