How Long Do You Inhale For?

Hi all

Just curious to know how long everyone inhales for? I don't mean how long you hold it in for before you exhale, but how long you suck in through your device for?

I ask because people say you need to suck in for at least 8 seconds because the first initial seconds are wasted on the coil being primed. I also see a lot of vapers on youtube who inhale for about 7-8 seconds, but I can only manage 5 seconds on 25VW before it starts to feel too harsh. I can do 8 seconds on 15VW but feel I'm missing out and don't know whether it's do with my lung capcity or whether I have to just tough it out and allow my lungs to adapt?

Sorry to go on, but also say you suck in for 5 seconds at 25VW but can manage to suck in for longer at 15VW say for 8 seconds, are you getting as an effective vape as the 5 second 25VW vape?  

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How Much Nicotine Am I Getting Per Vape Hit?

Okay, so I Vape in very “precise” ways but I cannot figure out how to calculate (do the proper math) on how much I nicotine I am consuming. Can someone help? I have been vaping the exact same way daily for a long time, but still don’t know how much nicotine I get (just an estimate) per session because I suck at math...

1.) I vape 3mg (3mg of nicotine, per ml of juice) of nicotine using a “Smok Nfix” that holds a 3ml pod of nicotine juice. So that’s 9mg of nicotine, per pod.

2.) I set the wattage to exactly 22W on the vape, always, and it is a MTL pod device.

3.) I take EXACTLY 5 puffs over a period of 5-10 mins. Every puff is EXACTLY 5 seconds. Sometimes only 4 seconds, but just say 5 to make it easier. I use my watch or phone’s timer to make certain the timing is exact. I inhale the same way every time. So 5 puffs X 5 seconds, per puff, equals 25 seconds total for each vape session. After those 5 puffs, I don’t vape again (at all) for 1-3 hours, just depending.

....But how do I figure out how much nicotine I am getting in those 5 puffs? I know that in my Nfix pod there is 9mg of nicotine, in each pod.

I also believe 1 full pod (3ML) gives approximately 325 seconds worth of puffs, with each puff being only 1 SECOND. I only tested this one time so I am not certain, but it’s an estimate.

Can anyone help me do the right math here?
I also still smoke ultra light Marlboro cigarettes (from what I read on multiple sources you only absorb about 0.5mg to 0.7mg of nicotine per cig on the ultra lights) but only 1-3 cigarettes per day.
But I am wondering if my 5 puffs on the vape (5 puffs @ 5 second each) is even remotely close to being equal to an ultra light cigarette that has about 0.5mg nicotine per cig?
Thanks, I suck at math so if anyone can help lol  

What Would You Say?

You have your local radio or TV personality thrusting a microphone in your face asking you why you're a vaper, or why you might defend vaping.
You'll get 3 to 5 seconds to make your point. If it takes longer than that you won't get airtime. Trust me.

What would you say in that 3 to 5 seconds?  

Eleaf Istick Power

I accidentally locked the up and down buttons by pressing both of them simultaneously for 2 seconds, I have tried unlocking them by doing the same thing like the instruction manual calls for. It doesn’t work, no “unlock” pops up or anything. You can hold them as long as you like and...nothing.

I have since figured something might be wrong with it as I am almost positive I’m doing it correctly. Now I have tried getting the reset button to work in hopes of the up and down buttons being unlocked upon reset. I hold the reset button for 5 seconds and I’ve tried the method of the combo with the fire button and reset as well as the up arrow and reset and the screen goes blank and turns back on but never says reset and the settings are still the same as before.

My next idea is plugging it into my computer in hopes of an update fixing this but other than that I am out of ideas. The device is stuck on 20 watts which is too high for the cartridge I’ve got on it. Does anybody have any ideas, please help me out.  

Inhale And Exhale Method

I recently tried some dl vaping (restricted) and I noticed the flavour was much more detailed or pronounced....on both inhale and exhale...than mtl
Then I realised it was cause when I dl I tend to inhale deeply while when I mtl I usually dont.....I just mtl like a cigarette fast puffs or slow puffs but not deep inhales...once I changed that and inhale deeper the flavour was much better in my also...also I like to exhale trying only from mouth but of I can't and some goes through nose also and that helps with flavours....but I don't like exhale from nose only cause I feel like my nose is running ewwwwww I hate that feeling....
You guys? Do u like exhale from nose only sometimes??  

Can I Get Some Help Getting Setup Please?

Haven't vaped in like 8 years? So most of everything is new to me now..
But I did a little reading and I figured out a few things I need in a vape, but really there is so much, it's kinda hard to know what is good and what is not for brands and styles, so I'm hoping I can get some help by experienced vapers here.

I'm looking to quit smoking and here's what I'm looking for in a vape setup.

MTL Mouth to Lung setup so I can draw in and then inhale like a cigarette, but I would like a decent cloud. Not looking for huge, just good and maybe be able to slightly adjust what gets produced with using only 50/50 juice blends.

RTA setup? I need a rebuildable coil tank system.
I need to keep my maintenance cost low, so I need to be able to rebuild new coils.

No leak tank is a must. Needs to lay down on side on table and keep in pocket.

1 battery or 2. Doesn't matter much.

Would like a smaller mouthpiece compared to the larger style so I can get a good MTL draw.

Not sure what my options are for tanks and box mods or pen style? I think I need some kind of box mod? So i can slightly fine tune watts, volts to my coils if it just doesn't feel right and needs minor adjustments? Also like the option showing how many seconds used or draws.

There's so many tanks out there, but it's hard to tell what is really good.
The battery side, I really have no idea what I would need... watts, ohms, voltage.. with all the combinations, I can figure out what I really need..

Not looking to just be easy simple. I want good quality and I can only buy once.. I can't really afford it as it is, but I need to stop smoking..
But I want to buy once and be good for long time and not wish I bought something else. I just don't have the money to play around like that..

So I hope I can get some help here or suggestions to get me looking in the right direction for tank and battery side system.

Quality brands?
Brands to pass on because there is better options?  

Iclear 30s Problems?

so i got this used iclear 30s from a friend for like 5 bucks he didnt want it anymore, and i filled it up and let it sit to soak the coils and now that i tarted using it, its barely giving any vapor, takes like 3 seconds to even heat up, and heres the weird part, i am vaping it at 20 watts with no burnt taste ... im not very knowledgable about tanks but im pretty sure at 20 watts that .... should be burning the hell out of my throat? How come it takes so long to heat up, gives no vapor, and im able to vape a t 20 watts??? is their any way to do something to fix it without buying a new coil?  

Wicking For Stickier Juice

So I'm using a juice that is pretty sticky. So sticky that when I squeeze the dropper to create suction I have to actually wait like 3 seconds before the air escapes the tube and longer for it to fill with juice.

So when I'm vaping this, the vape seems to be a bit on the weak side and I think its because of the wicking. could anyone advise me on how to wick my coils? (ex. more/less constricted inside, more/less in juice well)

The setup inside my RDA is dual 24g coils with an internal diameter of ~2mm with resistance ~0.2 ohms. Wicked very lightly constricted and just long enough to make a full contact with the juice well on both sides.  

Weird E-liquid / Juice Issue

Hey guys,

So I ordered some 0mg bottles of eliquid 60ml online (full bottles not short fills) in a flavor that I have been vaping for awhile.

I took them to my local Vape shop and asked my usual guy to add nicotine to them. I normally smoke 6MG on my sub-ohm set up @ 0.2 ohms and 70w. So he added 6MG like he usually does.

When I got home it tasted weird. I would t say it was harsh, but it definitely had more of a throat hit / kick to it.

Normally @ 6MG I can pull / suck until I run out of breath and it comes out smooth. However this time I would hit it for 2-3 seconds and had to stop as it felt over powering.

As mentioned it wasn’t too harsh, and didn’t make me cough or anything. It just felt stronger and after a few puffs I felt a weird peppery feeling in my throat. Like I had just ate a spicy meal or food with a lot of pepper.

What could have gone wrong? I’m guessing 1 of the following things:

- He put in too much nicotine by mistake and more than 6MG? I called him after the fact, and he swears he put 6MG using the same calculations as always.

- He used the wrong type of nicotine? I normally always use 6MG freebase. Maybe he put in salts?

- Normally I give him 60ml short fills, this time I gave him full 60ml bottles. So maybe that screwed up his calculations of how much nicotine to add?

- His nicotine has gone bad / oxidized? Although the color of the juice looks normal and isn’t overly dark or red.

- Maybe I just need to let the juice sit for a few days for the nicotine to absorb into the liquid better? (Although this has never been an issue in the past)

Luckily I also asked him to add 3mg and 4.5mg to a few bottles (for my wife who prefers 3-4.5mg). I tested the 3mg and it tastes fine and smokes smooth. Although it does feel like the nicotine is a little too low for me. I then added some 4.5mg to my tank (which was half full of 3mg) and it seemed to be perfect. Like the 6MG I was used to in the past.

As this point I’m thinking to just get some 120ml chubby gorilla bottles and mix 60ml @ 3mg w/ 60ml @ 6mg and hopefully that will do the trick.

If anyone has any thoughts or ideas on what went wrong please let me know.


Help! My Mech Mod Won't Work!

I have a hades 26650 mechanical mod and I was running a tobh atty v2 dual vertical coil build. It was working perfect but I was getting tired of dripping. I bought an aspire Atlantis, and it won't fire. I feel as though it's my mod, because I was fumbling with some adjustments on it, and it fired for about seconds. I was very happy with the production and flavor. But, now no matter what I adjust or anything, it won't fire anymore. I cleaned the connections and everything. Please help!  

Question From A Newbie To All Vape Veterans

My English not good but hope u guys understand....

I have question...I am gonna talk about rtas....soooo we got the air flow part of the tank when is the coil and that we suck air through it...and there is the juice part where holds the juice....and thing that seal the 2 spaces is the cotton....the juice reaches to the coil throught this capillary action I guess...I was thinking tho while we suck don't we create also vacuum and draw more juice if the airflow can't keep up with our draw?? And if that's correct then...this space that holds the juice should be sealed good so that it can't draw air lets say for example from the top fill cap and then push more juice into the coil cause it will have the atmospheric pressure?? Or maybe it's the opposite and the vacuum we create while we puff should get lose over time while we don't vape??? I am trying to get more understanding about how stuff works hope makes sense and someone can correct my mistakes and make things clear for me