So Kst Mini And Istick50... Questions..

I've just ordered these items from MVS. And from all different kinds of stories I hear from all kinds of YTers.

If i straight burn the coils on my KST mni on 30w it says I'm going to burn it?

What are some tips before using my new set?  

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Dry Burn Question?

We all know of the junk science studies where they misused devices and overheated them to get them to give off some bad stuff.
wouldnt dry burning coils also create these same conditions by overheating the coil and burning off the remaining gunk and juice.
i always dry burn outside and avoid the burn off.

Silica Wick?

I'm posting because I just encountered some silica wick on ebay while looking for pre-built coils and different kinds of pre-built wire.
I've only used cotton so far- gonna get some rayon eventually but I think I'll order some from USA, people here in UK buy the rayon in bulk from US and resell it by meter for ridiculous price. And whatever material Smok supplies with their RBA heads for TFV12 tank (I must say this material was pretty good, used it both in smok tfv12 rta and berserker mini rta, wicked well, tasted fine and lasted slightly longer than my normal muji cotton. It's gone now so I can't post a picture.).

Anyway- I tried to research here about silica wick but the latest posts were from 2013. Same on youtube- bunch of old videos. Found a thread with a few posts on reddit from like 3 years ago with some folks saying they still use silica wick, claiming the taste is cleaner, you can't physically burn it, you can dry burn it, lasts longer etc.
Why is it not popular anymore, why has it disappeared? Is it worth giving a shot? What are the disadvantages, as clearly there were some advantages I found, but there must have been a reason for folks to abandon this material (other than the one mention below)?

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Uforce N1 Coils

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Old Coils = Bad Taste?

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I typically burn off the gunk on the coils and put it through a good rinse then change my wick every few days. This was especially true when I'm using standard kanthal on the Protank.

I recently switched to a Solomon 3 using claptons. I find that there is very little gunk on the coils, I still burn off what I can before replacing the wick. I usually change the coil every week and one wick in between. On this one however, I'm 2 weeks on on the same coil and had only replace my wick once using the same liquids that I normally use on the Protank.

What I notice is the vape isn't as smooth as if I were to put in a fresh coil. I think I just answered my own question but what do you guys have to say about it?  

Tips On Wicking / Re-wicking

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I've re-wicked 5-6 times this week to experiment. With the Muji sheets, I cut about 5-6mm strip, remove 1/2 the thickness, then after threading through the coil, I will cut about 4mm from the end and stuff it back in the OCC head.

What are your tips and preferred materials?  

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Heat Not Burn On Amazon?!?

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So I'm noticing that my drippers and tips are getting hot. Like HOT.

It's a recurring problem, and one that I am making much worse on accident, and didn't notice how or why until tonight.

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Also - if it should happen to drip, it can burn you. I currently have a second degree (blistering up) juice burn on my thumb.

Time to get a little more patient with more frequent dripping.  

Could The Way You Wick Change Flavor?

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Zenith Coils

I would like to ask if anyone had problems with 1,2 zenith coils? Do they last? Or they burn very quickly?
Every opinion will be really appreciated
Thank you