It's These Kind Of People That Are Going To Ruin It For All Of Us...

Tonight I took my Mom grocery shopping, and as we were walking down the cereal aisle of Meijer (large chain supermarket in michigan, a little more upscale that walmart) this guy, probably late 20's early 30's comes around the corner with his girlfriend/wife, holding a box mod of some sort in one hand and a bottle of juice in the other, then proceeds to take a huge hit and blow a huge cloud, fogging out part of the aisle for a few seconds. There were a couple other shoppers in the area and I didn't see their reaction, but I was a little disgusted- not at the vapor, which smelled like vanilla or something as we walked through it, but that he didn't even try to hide it. I mentioned to my Mom a few minutes later that "those" kind of people are going to ruin it for everybody. Not an appropriate place for blowing clouds- not that there are any rules against it, but still, have some courtesy for others. Not everyone likes walking through clouds while shopping. I didn't object, however I had left mine at home after taking a few hits, and was fine until we got back- about an hour and a half. If I had gone by myself, I would have vaped in the car, but left it above the sun visor in the locked car while I shopped. No need to take it inside, even though mine isn't capable of producing thick clouds. The whole time we were in the store he carried it around in plain sight, even when he wasn't hitting it. Just an observation. No, there is no secondhand smoke, no horrid smell, and no messy ash, but it looks like smoke. That's all it takes for some people to complain.  

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Rude And Obnoxious Cloud Chasers In Public Places

Just a quick heads up. I took my wife and son out to eat at Longhorn Steakhouse to celebrate Mothers Day today. We had a wonderful meal and some good laughs. We were there for about an hour and 20 minutes. During that time, there were no rude or obnoxious hipsters blowing clouds on anyone in the restaurant.

We left and went to Brusters for dessert. We sat outside at the tables and had Ice Cream. Only Ice 2nd hand vapor from some rude, selfish idiots blowing clouds and ruining vaping for everybody. I looked everywhere....they were obviously hiding or taking a break from disturbing little old ladies or making kids cry. But, I know they were there....somewhere.

We got home and I packed a bag to head out of town for a few days of building destroying. I hit the road for a 4.5 hour road trip. I stopped at a Home Depot for a couple things I needed for this job. No Cloud Chasers stinking up the place. I thought to myself "how do they stay a step ahead of me?".

Stopped at a gas station...nothing.

I actually did stop at a Walmart. Walmart is apparently a target rich environment for catching the worst of the worst who blast Serial Killa in yo face. I knew this was going to be it. My heart was racing, I tell ya!
And then it happened...

I was hit from behind by a lady in a little electric shopping hotrod. She apologized profusely....I accepted.

Yet, no Cloud Chasers ruining my shopping experience.

So, as of the moment I type this, it seems like all of our fellow vapers are actually being courteous, respectable and they're using common sense. At least the ones in my path, anyway.

Thank you and keep up the good work!  

4 Vape Shops Within Walking Distance Of Me

I live on the East Coast USA.

Walking down the street, it's hard to notice that vaping is taking off in any meaningful way, because most people that I see still smoke analogs, that includes both young people and older people too. I'm not going to judge them, because it wasn't that long ago that I was still puffing on an analog, and I had failed to see the awesomeness of vaping.

Besides myself, I don't really see too many people vaping outside on sidewalks. I vape outside in the same way that I'd smoke analogs before, so that means practically all of the time, and especially when I'm walking outside. I'm using a thin e-cig, so I don't usually get too many strange looks. I can imagine what kind of looks somebody walking down the sidewalk must get if they're using one of those big, fancy and shiny looking mods to vape with.

Just 6 months ago, there were no vape shops at all in the immediate local area where I live, and now there are 4 that have opened up, all within a very short walking distance of me (10 minutes or less). I'm pretty sure that a lot of non vapers who live here are walking past those stores every day and wondering, what the hell kind of store is that and why are so many of them opening up in this neighborhood?

One of those four stores will probably fail though, because their sign says tobacco/vape store, while the other 3 are dedicated to vaping only. A store can't be both in my opinion. That's a bit of a contradiction and a stupid combination to put it bluntly.

I've been to a couple of the vape stores so far, and in the short time that I was in those stores there were always new customers there who were smokers who were looking to start vaping.

So while I might not notice how popular vaping is by walking on the sidewalks, I think that it's safe to say that vaping is taking off big time with so many small vape shops opening up, and the amount of people vaping will only increase, because there's still a lot of smelly smokers out there who haven't yet given up on their cancer sticks.

And if this is happening where I live, then I bet that similar things are happening all across the country. Every small town should have at least one dedicated vape shop! I like the quick and easy access to all sorts of liquids and brands.

Just today, I was reading online about some premium liquids, and instead of ordering it online (I didn't want to wait), I had acquired a bottle of that exact liquid five minutes later, after sampling it quickly, and I was already at home and vaping it 10 minutes later.  

Vaping In A Retail Store (plus, Input From Management!)

Let me start off, I've seen numerous threads about vaping in public, mainly where smoking isn't allowed. This isn't really the topic about this thread, but a topic about the input of store management and their opinions on it!

So let's start off. To begin, I'll go ahead and let the cat out of the bag: the store managers input will be mine, the store I manage (a big box retailer, which I WON'T release the name of), and 2 others from my two good friends who also are on management teams.

So let's begin, shall we?

I'm very lenient on vaping in my store, obviously! I do it myself. I can understand why you would do it. I'll reveal one part of my job, and that's a pharmacy (doesn't really narrow anything down, most stores do!). We have a ton of older folks coming through and getting medicines and prescriptions, and other various groceries and items. Believe it or not, older folks are the majority of the vapers I see coming through!

But they are also ones more likely to complain, since a lot of them aren't aware of what it is.

So lets say you are walking around, shopping and checking items out. You're more than likely gonna be confronted by me for 2 reasons.

1. You are blowing decent sized clouds, not trying to be stealthy. A customer has seen this, and has complained.


2. I happen to notice you doing it.

Now, both of these scenarios are gonna play out the same. I'll walk up to you, make sure your shopping experience is top notch, and then I'll ask you about your vape. I love seeing vapers in the wild! I'll ask about juice, your mod, ect. I may even mention this site but after we exchange friendlies, I'll let you know that you need to be stealthy to avoid bad attention. I'll pull out my gear, and show you I'm not your enemy, but in case you get enough complaints, I'll unfortunately have to ask you to stop completely. I've had some bad experiences with this, I'll tell later on.

So that person will be completely (hopefully) comfortable using their vape more discreetly. This is 99% of my encounters. However, there are some bad ones.

But as you can see, I'm not out to get anyone. And I've talked to a lot of other managers at my meetings from other stores, and they are the same way. They'd much more like if you asked a member of management before you start, but more than likely it won't be a problem. There are a few uptight managers, so watch out for those.

Now I mentioned my friends who are also managers. They work the same way as me! We are all different ages (22-38) and as long as you are nice, and respectable, they won't have a problem either.

So let's talk about my bad experience. This guy was definitely a rotten apple. He was chucking huge clouds straight up, and you can definitely see them over the isles. I had (I counted) 4 different complaints from different people. So I went over to him and gave him the usual talk, but he was negative about it completely. He told me he wasn't smoking, he was vaping, before I could even reveal I was one of him! He shrugged me off and walked away. I told him if I get enough complaints I'll have to ask him to leave. What did he do?

He walked back to be about 2 feet away, took a toot on his rda, (it looked like a doge, can't be sure!) and blew it straight into my face. It tasted like gummy bears.

This particularly irritated me, so I told him one last time to be more discreet, but before I could finish he cussed me out, and threw up some gestures that left a taste in my mouth worse than his gummy bears.

I told him if he doesn't leave, I'll call the police to escort him out. He basically shrugged it off, and continued shopping. So I called the police. Within a few minutes they were there, taking him out to write up an official banning from the property. I went out there to sign papers and he told the officer I kept telling him he was "smoking" and he had to stop.

Wwwwweeellll I pulled out my gear and basically started vaping quietly as I signed papers. I asked him if that's sure what I said, and help up my mod.

I'm hoping to share my experiences and my opinions with you guys and gals from a vaper, and retail manager. As well from some of my friends opinions, and they don't even vape! Most store workers (through these store chains) don't even mind as long as you aren't getting a ton of attention from other customers.  

Anyone Try Vaping At A Concert?

So DMB was in raleigh recently and I got tix at the last minute. Didn't really have time to prepare my vape setup, or think about it. So I just filled my ADV setup (kanger subtank and black K-Box) with higher nic juices. Higher nic because this is the first concert I've been to as a Vaper and I tend to want to smoke when I drink. But I digress, I really didn't know what to expect from the staff or the other attendees.
Well, I arrived at the show right as Dave was taking the stage. There were still a good number of people lined up to get in. I hopped in line and pulled everything outta my pockets. Walked up to security afraid I was going to be turned away with the device. Nope. Guy looked at me, all the stuff in my hands and my pockets. "You're good man". I was kinda surprised he didn't look my mod over at all.
I was in and vaping away. People were kinda staring at me but all was good. I did not see one other Vaper for like two hours in. There was a stand with a bunch of scantily clad girls letting people try juice in a conventional ecig. I stood by there and blew clouds for a lil bit. I didn't catch the name of the juice co. But it looked like a BT stand you normally see giving away cigs.
The first and only real mod I saw was this guy standing right outside of the VIP seats tugging on a copper vanilla mod with tugboat rda. Asked him what he was vaping on but it was so loud I couldn't hear a thing. Just cool to see another Vaper!
At one point a cop followed me around but trailed off after a little bit. Probably cuz he didn't smell burned buds. If I were putting that much smoke off from a different type of vaporizer, or an apple, I would smell strongly of the devils lettuce. Instead He would have smelled something Limey citrus. Had the gimlet by trinity vapor lounge and bloodbath by MBV mixed.
I was not hassled in any way during my trip to walnut creek amphitheater here in Raleightown. I was asked for a lighter and a cigarette, each of which I had for backup in case my mod wasn't accepted. And gladly gave them away I tried to explain what I was using instead of a cig. I called it a vaporizer and she looked at me like I was on drugs. Tried to ease her mind by calling it an advanced ecig. She liked that idea better and just shrugged. Never heard of a mod or APV. Kind fascinated by the device but super uninterested in learning what is was.
It is funny the stigma on vaping devices and concerts. Most if the night I felt as though everyone was watching me vape and assuming it was the wacky tobacky
Has anyone had a similar experience at a concert? Was it Worse or were there many vapers?  

Just Set Off The Smoke Alarms In The House With My Sigelei

So last night my GF was saying I was going to set off the smoke alarms because I was blowing some huge clouds and I told her that it doesn't work like that because I read it on the interwebz.

Lo and behold I'm rocking some clouds laying in bed with her tonight and she is telling me to stop and I say, "but babe. the internetz, remember???"

2 seconds later the entire house is filled with that dreadful ear shattering beeping and everyone is getting out of bed (it was 11 PM) yelling and there was a big commotion with everyone freaking out and I'm in here opening windows and fanning the air with pillows so no one would know it was because of me vaping because I would constantly get crap about vaping inside for the rest of eternity.

So yea.. all you vapers out there.. don't fish bowl your rooms with vape. Guess we aren't immune to smoke detectors.  

Awesome Experience At Vape Shop.

I was out of town visiting a friend who, like me, owns the provari P3. We were talking about the update they recently came out with for the P3 and was discussing perhaps sending them back to Provape for it.

He had a local shop nearby that was listed as a provari dealer. We gave them a call asking if they could download the update for us. They told us the guy who could do it would be in later the very same day.

We decided to go over and check them out, all the while keeping our expectations low.

We're two older guys, a little rough around the edges, weather beaten if you will. We walked into a store that was packed with vapers of various ages, and I do mean packed to the hilt.

I figured this will be a long wait if we get helped at all. They had a small group of people playing a video game on a large screen TV, vape was heavy in the air.... but I felt at home.

Within seconds of walking in the door we had an associate come to us. We told him what we were there for and he directed us to a guy in the back, who was talking with other customers. As soon as we approached he stopped talking and asked us if we needed help. We asked about the update, and he apologized saying he left the software at home, however, if we didn't mind waiting he could download it to his laptop within 10 minutes.

No prob.

Less than 20 minutes later we had our mods back in our hands with latest bells and whistles. We asked the guy how much, and he shook our hand and said, "have a nice day!".

I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried. So my friend and I bought $75 worth or juice instead.

My only issue with the place is I wish they were closer.


Non-smokers Starting Vaping - Disturbing To Me

I've been away from ECF for awhile but due to the influx of new devices, I recently returned (and got a bunch of new vape gear, but that's another story ).

Was just browsing the New Members forum and I am very disturbed by the amount of posts being made by people who have never smoked asking for advice on how to "blow clouds", "get into vaping" or even "get a better buzz" from vaping.

Of course, the vast majority of replies in these threads are from knowledgeable and helpful ECF'ers telling these poor, ignorant folks that it's probably a bad idea to start vaping 36mg juice in a sub-ohm device if you've never smoked...and that is great!

I just can't help to think that all these young (I'm assuming) non-smokers taking up vaping and "blowing clouds" can't be good for our cause and I find it quite disturbing.

FULL DISCLOSU I currently vape on an SX Mini / Goliath @ .4 ohms and can blow some pretty good clouds, but that's not what it's all about for's about staying off the ciggies.  

At The Grocery Store.

this morning i made a run to the grocery store to pick up a few things.
i brought with me my kr808d1 x large with a kanger t3 clearomiser.
the dark blue of the battery contrasts well with the clearomizer with
black drip tip. looks exactly like i am holding a pen in my hand.
i preceded to find my things and generally browse the aisles for about
20 to 25 minutes discreetly vaping all the my dismay no one
noticed. this left me a little confused.
what i need to know is if no one noticed me vaping did i really vape?
or,should i say i didn't do it,no one seen me do it,they can't prove a thing?


Found A Great B&m Near Me

So today I decided to go check out a B&M that is near me, but further away from the other B&M's closer to me. The place is called The Vapor Lounge and it is located in Warwick NY. If anyone ever finds themselves in the Hudson Valley, I highly recommend checking this place out. Went there to check out some different brands and flavors of juice, ended up leaving there with some new juice, a new mod, and a new RDA (and my first one at that).

The Vapor Lounge Warwick NY

Spent quite a bit of time talking with the owner, Zack, sharing stories on how and why we got into vaping. All his prices either matches, or is slightly better than prices you can find online. Ended up buying a SX Mini M Class ($200), Freakshow Mini ($25), a couple of JMK WD Pico+ drip tips ($20 each), and a couple of other delrin drip tips with a stainless steel cover ($5 each and shown in the picture). I also picked up two bottle of Voltage by the Juice Guys in 3 mg and a bottle of Dragonaire by Tasty Cloud in 6 mg.

Zack recommended the Freakshow Mini as a good starter RDA that gives great flavor. He spent over a half hour walking me through and showing me how to build a nickel coil for it and wicking it with cotton as he built me a coil for the Freakshow Mini, and he didn't charge me for the coil building. He then walked me through all of the options in the menu of the SX Mini. They do have a rewards program where you earn $1 for every $10 you spend on hardware, so I've accumulated enough points on this one purchase for a bottle of juice. As I left, he said to come back whenever I have any questions or issues, even if it is with stuff that I did not purchase from him.

He has definitely earned a lifetime customer.  

32 Days And No Traditional Cigs--not Seeing People Smoke Might Be Helping

hey All,

I joined here several months ago. Posted that I had done e-cigs for march to about June and then switched back to traditional and came back here for support and knowledge which I have received in spades here.thanks.

32 days ago I came down with low grade fever, 100.5 at most slights aches and fatigue..nothing major but certainly not ordinary. At the time I was back to 10-15 traditional cigs per day. But with the fever and fatigue I immediately stopped tradtional cigs--as I thought it could be Covid and honestly had no desire.

Turns out it was NOT Covid and in the 32 days I have had a total of 3 puffs from an e-cig in my desk drawer. I'm otherwise back to normal and only slightly crave a hit of e-cig and I know can use it I need it but the cravings only are short.

I think one part of this is with Covid and being in NYC--I'm not on the streets as much and I never see hardly anyone smoke or even vape. I do go to an office 4 days a week and the walk to the office is 12 minutes. And like a normal city--pre covid you'd always see people outside having a smoke or a vape and enjoying themselves and for me that's what kind of drove the cravings and addiction. now when I come home from work, I don't have a craving need.

After 32 days without a traditional cig and only 3 puffs of an e-cig --does that happen to people? In my head I have committed that I will be a non traditional cig smoker and if I need the e-cigs I'm fine with that. There is a slight concern that if we ever get back to normal and I " see" people smoke that might bring it back..who knows? Hopefully I am far along enough now that it wont' effect me. In fact I saw a bke messenger smoking at a stop light yesterday and just looking at the traditional cig kind of grossed me out. so maybe that's a good sign?

The benefits so far a my apartment and clothes smell normal. I have more energy and can breath better.

Maybe for me (and others) the visual appeal or or just seeing others enjoy a cigarette was part of the addiction?