Nager Dual Atty Question?

ok someone i know asked me about the markings on dual coil kanger attys below the ohm rating he says if they say 5L he gets a week out of them and if they say 4K they last 2 days i have seen the 2 codes but what they mean i dont know i just wonderd if anyone out there knows the answer  

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Coil Builds

I'm about to venture into doing my own builds and I had a silly question. I have watched dozens of videos on how to do builds and have even done a couple builds on some of my friends attys. I have one friend who on all his dual builds he uses two coils with different wraps. For example one coil with 7 wraps and one with 5. Does anyone else build this way? I have never asked him why he does this and in all the videos I've watched I've never seen anyone else do it. Is there a specific reason? Just curious  

Triton Mod

Hey everyone. I got my triton today. Going to load up 2 geysers on it, as it is a dual atty, parallel battery mod. My question is this, does this setup draw individual powers from a dedicated battery to the atty atop it, or is the parallel power running both attys, in which case what should I know about building my rdas for this setup? Can I have 2 different resistences, 1 for each rda? I did see this in a video and thought why would anyone do that? Also, does this change the allowable resistence? I'm using 35A batteries (mxjo) so the math suggests .12 as the lowest safest res single battery. (I rarely dip below .3). And no i don't want to start a discussion on whether or not those are actually LG's lol. I'm aware of all that hubub. Thanks!

Sent from a cool but overpriced phone on TapaCrack at yo mama's house.  

Why Do Sub Ohm Take So Much Voltage?

Hello vapers! first! I'm a noob at this stuff because I just buy my tank and use it with the coils it comes with and second, my english isnt that good but I can understand it perfectly fine.

Anyway, Ive been searching everywhere but I couldnt find a solid answer to my question.
Im using an Aerotank Giant right now with a 1.8 ohm coil, if I put a 1.2 ohm I would have to use less voltage because I get a burnt taste and the coil burns pretty quick, Im about to order a Sub ohm tank soon and I'll use the stock coils, the one im getting is the Kangertech SubOhm tank.
Why do subohm coils use more voltage when normal coils use less?

I mean, Ive seen people do things like 0.2 ohm coil @ 100W + If I did anything over 3.5V on my 1.2 ohm coil itd burn instantly... SubOhm takes more voltage the lower you go and normal dual coils take less voltage the lower you go!

1.9 Ohm Dual coil = 3.7-3.8V for me
0.5 ohm OOC subtank sub ohm coil = 12-30W?!

Thanks in advance for taking the time to reply to this post and your patience!


Edit: by the way, Im planning to use my subtank with a 50/50 PG/VG 16mg nicotine, Is that ok?  

Atomizer Gets Hot

Hi guys,

Is it really normal for an atomizer to get hot especially when using dual coils?
I just created a dual coil a couple of minutes ago using 24 gauge kanthal wire, 10 wraps each on a 2.4mm precision screw driver. My meter shows that the resistance is at 0.4 ohms, being curious and all since this is the first time that I made a dual coil, i decided to test it out.
Got some good flavor and vapor, though the vapor is warmer than I would want it to be ( I prefer cold vapor)

After taking a couple of 5 secs drag, I notice that my atomizer became hot, not warm, but hot. Is this something that I should be concerned about? I am doing something wrong or have I done something wrong when creating my coils?
Please help.

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Joytech Ego One To Kanger Sub Box Mini Worth It?..

Hello all!
My question is this. I have upgraded every step of the way. Started with a cigalike, moved to a kanger evod, to a vision spinner 2 with dual coils, and now I am at the joy tech ego one.
I really love the ego one and thought that would be it for me. Done.( Lol.
I have said this for each one of the above steps.)
I see so many people with box mods now. I don't mean to be offensive but, I simply am not crazy about the way they look. I have been certain… That I will not move up to that. Especially with size being such a big issue for me.
But ..
I see this new Kanger sub box mini as it looks really neat. I love the look, but even more.. the size.
So going from My ego one… to a box mod. ..
Yes.. I am aware that I will be able to do variable voltage. Different tank, etc.
I don't sub ohm. Don't like it. Tried the .5 coil on the Joytech and its not for me.
So would I really get a much better experience with my favorite juices with the kanger sub box mini than from my Joytech ego one?..
Many thx  

Having A Hard Time Adjusting.

I’ve been away from vaping for about 7 yrs. I don’t have any of my old equipment, which now I miss very much. I’ve been trying to get back to vaping for health reasons, and having to learn all over again. Everything is dual coil. I NEVER used dual coil, but I’m trying to learn. I got a Vaporesso PM40, a Drag S a hcigar vt inbox and a POS squonker that I’m using for a dripper (reviews said they leak and short out causing me to fire by their self. I joy cappo squonk box).
Do I figure dual coil watts and amps like I did my single coil builds. I never got into the low sub-ohm thing. Maybe 0.9-1 ohm.
It’s good to be back in ECF again.  

Safe Vaping Range For A Dual Coil Clearo

I have tried this a couple of different ways in other threads, without really getting edumucated completely.

One more try. I generally consult that Power Chart 2.0 to identify safe vape ranges for different resistances.
Some say that those charts do not apply when there are two coils in parallel. I don't understand how. At the end of the day, the resistance is the resistance.

Anyway, is there a chart anywhere that can identify Safe vape ranges for different resistances - when the coil design is not single but dual, in parallel.

My clearo, by the way, is a dual coil Eleaf GS Air. I love what it does in the safe range, but when I occasionally cheat and push it up a bit, I Do get more vapor and flavor. But, I don't want to be doing it if it isn't safe. [aka firing hot enough to generate formaldehyde, etc.]
Eleaf says it is designed for 3.5v to 5.5v. But then again, any company citing specs is focused on selling, not necessarily my safety/health.

Anyone have a genuine factual answer?  

Coil Color

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Vaping Question

Hello ecf, i recently bought a sigelei 150w and an atlantis v2 subtank (amazing btw). I was outside vaping and a very kind gentlemen came up to me and asked me some questions about vaping. He told me he wants to quit cigs. We were both waiting for the bus so i thought yeah i dont mind. He starts asking me pretty common questions; is vaping safe, do i actually save money, etc. He then asked me a question i havent heard before. He asked me if its worse than cigarettes or if i get more nicotine because of the amount of vapor i was blowing out. (.3 at 85watts pretty big clouds) I've never heard this question before and was wondering if anyone has, or if they know the answer. TIA  

Most Likely A Loaded Question From The Ill-informed

I tend to rant and go off-topic so I'll try to make this question as simple as possible to answer.

I've been using the the Kanger Subtank Mini on the iPV Mini II for about three months now and overall I love it. When I first got my eGo starter kit years ago I didn't care about cloud production and was only concerned about the throat hit being similar to the strength of a Camel filter so the transition would be easier. Now that I've been using this tank I have to admit the clouds have grown on me and it wouldn't be the same if they were taken away. My only problem is that I'm using the 1.2 ohm coil and I'm running through these things, on average, every 4-5 days and I'm starting to wonder (and hope) if there are cheaper options I should look into, but I don't even know where to start. I'm assuming the answer I'm going to get is RBA's and if that's the case can anyone point me in the right direction for a dummy guide? Any and all advice is much appreciated!