
So we have all heard it, at least in small fragments. The Head of the witch hunt herself has stepped down from office. The grandfather date to the regulations has been moved to 2015, and it supposedly comes in effect in either June or July, either way the upcoming date is seriously gunna screw us. But what if perhaps this new head of the Fda isn't so bad? Perhaps the grandfather date will be put back in the terrible spit of 07, or the vaping witch hunt will soon begin again. Either way, we won't know until everything goes public, but what do you think will happen?  

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Your Interactions With The Opposition, Online Or In Person.

Here's mine today. I was watching a reaction video to Rush's song "Witch Hunt". As I started to write my comment, I couldn't help but think that the current "witch" right now is vaping. Here's how that went.


Fda Grandfather Date 4/14

So hypothetically if the bill Casaa is asking us to support is passed to keep all things on the market created prior to April 2014, what devices will be available? I started vaping this year, does anyone recall the "must have" devices back then?  

New Here,...again,.....

Hey everyone! I took a substantial trip down cigarette lane and I want to find my way back home. I’ve not been keeping up to date with the new tech out there but I’m really wanting to get back off cigarettes. I’m going to be lurking around to try to relearn everything so I can get an up to date picture on which mod I should be getting. My biggest concern is falling off the wagon again, and having the same problems as before which made me leave. Mainly leaky tanks and bad atomizers. I’m hoping the quality control has gotten significantly better.

Anyway, I’m super excited to be back with you guys! Say hi if you see me around!  

Ebay Preventing Vaping Sales

I very recently had up for auction on eBay a group of my old Kanger products for sale. Imagine my surprise, as I just received a notice from eBay stating they had just cancelled my auction, explaining that my items "violated eBay's policy towards e-cigarettes". I had no idea eBay was so opposed to the sale of vaping products, so I called customer service. The lady explained that, as of March 30th 2015, eBay would begin to systematically remove any and all listings related to e-cigarette commerce, since the position of the Federal Government was still unclear with regards to e-cigarettes.

Yet another witch hunt from ignorant fools.

I told the lady that, while I understood eBay's position in light of the gray areas, and that I certainly was not upset at her personally, I was still extremely disappointed in their decision. I asked that my opinions become part of the record that might find their way up to the powers that be at eBay. I told her that the vaping community is an ever-growing one, and eBay's decision to disallow vaping supplies will have a significant impact on them.

I was neither abusive, nor belligerent, nor profane in my discussion with her. I was polite and calm. And yet, she was in an obviously uncomfortable hurry to get me off the phone, leading me to believe that I had struck a nerve.

I have purchased from eBay Kanthal wire, Japanese cotton, ceramic tweezers, a butane torch, replacement glass tanks, and other various accessories over the past two years. This latest decision by eBay just reinforces my opinion that, despite the fact we are in the 21st century, we continue to live in the Dark Ages.  

A Tribute To Those Who Care

I want to say thank you to some of the ECF members that work to help keep the rest of us vapers here up to date on what is happening in the vaping world.

Thank you for what you do, it means alot. Whether you post studies, articles in the news, or videos, the information you provide has helped to educate and keep me up to date on the state of vaping. I think I'm not the only one that feels this way.

So here's to you, vape on, and thanks for what you do people.

@Puff2K @Baditude @iVapeDIY @zoiDman @bombastinator @Vapntime @classwife

If anyone has more people they would like to link to that would be great, I know I'm forgetting a bunch  

Subtank With No Spit Back

Hey guys,

I'm looking for a tank and battery combo that subohm at . 5 but the tank has absolutely no juice spit back. I do know my atlantis and atlantis v2 have tiny droplets of juice that hit the tounge. So small that I don't notice it until I had someone point it out to me. I run 70pg, 30vg juice.

I'm looking for a setup for a friend with a tank that is small like the atlantis v1 or subtank mini with a small frame mod.

They currently have a I stick 30 so ideally I'd like a tank that works with that.

I will say thru personal testing the atlantis v2 will give me absolutely no spit back at 50 watts, but the I stick 30 cannot get to 50 watts.

If a new mod is needed, they will go with the new Kanger 50 box but my big concern is spit back. I'm talking I need a tank that has no spit back.

I'm looking at doing this in the smallest package I can. Ml capacity isn't a issue. Size and weight is the issue here too.

Rba tanks are out of question. Need something with replacement wicks.

Any ideas?

Sent from my LGMS395 using Tapatalk  

Is March 28th The Cutoff Date For Vape Products?

MisterE sent out emails saying,"
On March 28, 2021, we will no longer be able to send vapor products to our US customers."

Is that the legal date the ban starts?  

Mvp 3.0 Pro?

Does anyone know anything about this? I heard it's going to 60 watts. I was wondering when the release date and battery life is.  

32 Days And No Traditional Cigs--not Seeing People Smoke Might Be Helping

hey All,

I joined here several months ago. Posted that I had done e-cigs for march to about June and then switched back to traditional and came back here for support and knowledge which I have received in spades here.thanks.

32 days ago I came down with low grade fever, 100.5 at most slights aches and fatigue..nothing major but certainly not ordinary. At the time I was back to 10-15 traditional cigs per day. But with the fever and fatigue I immediately stopped tradtional cigs--as I thought it could be Covid and honestly had no desire.

Turns out it was NOT Covid and in the 32 days I have had a total of 3 puffs from an e-cig in my desk drawer. I'm otherwise back to normal and only slightly crave a hit of e-cig and I know can use it I need it but the cravings only are short.

I think one part of this is with Covid and being in NYC--I'm not on the streets as much and I never see hardly anyone smoke or even vape. I do go to an office 4 days a week and the walk to the office is 12 minutes. And like a normal city--pre covid you'd always see people outside having a smoke or a vape and enjoying themselves and for me that's what kind of drove the cravings and addiction. now when I come home from work, I don't have a craving need.

After 32 days without a traditional cig and only 3 puffs of an e-cig --does that happen to people? In my head I have committed that I will be a non traditional cig smoker and if I need the e-cigs I'm fine with that. There is a slight concern that if we ever get back to normal and I " see" people smoke that might bring it back..who knows? Hopefully I am far along enough now that it wont' effect me. In fact I saw a bke messenger smoking at a stop light yesterday and just looking at the traditional cig kind of grossed me out. so maybe that's a good sign?

The benefits so far a my apartment and clothes smell normal. I have more energy and can breath better.

Maybe for me (and others) the visual appeal or or just seeing others enjoy a cigarette was part of the addiction?  

Indiana Hb 1432 Signed Into Law And Takes Effect July 1st, 2015

Indiana Governor Pence has signed HB 1432 regulating e-liquid and takes effect July 1st, 2015. We Hoosiers are screwed.