Been Away From Vaping For A Couple Years. Need A New Mechanical Mod

i've been a away from vaping for a while and i'm sure stuff has changed. i recently dug out my joye 510 stuff and have really liked it again over analogs. either way looking for a new mechanical mod around 50-60 bucks preferably with a 510 connector and can accommodate a vision mini nova. also one that will take a 18650 batt. doesn't have to but since i still have a few 18350 batts laying around i wouln't mind something that also will take the shorter batts as well.  

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I Slipped And Went Backwards In Vaping.

After six or seven years I am back where I started. Back to my mechanical mods, Rocket and Kayfun rebuildables (have about 12 of each) with the only changes being changed over to nic salts in them. Wife vaping eco's and Vision spinners now when we go out. Have coils coming out my ying yang that I rebuilt years ago. Used to love my mechanical with kayfun in my tool bag with a 4 inch curved drip tip. Would have it sitting by a furnace or fireplace and customers would always ask me what the torch is for. LOL We will see all this old school leads to this time. CHEERS!  

I Would Like To Try More Batteries. Help Me!

Hi guys,
I would like to try more models of batteries, 18350 - 18500 - 18650.
Beyond AW, that I use usually, what other batteries can I try?
I use only mechanical mods, resistances from 0.8 to 1.5 ohm.
Thanks for the help!  

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Will a 21700 wrap fully shrink on a 20700?  

Back Again

I have been on and off for a few years, mostly off because hubby says the smell of some of my favorite juices is annoying. Well a short stay of me in the hospital changed his mind and he does not seem to mind the vaping as much out of me.

I feel like I looked down for a second and when I looked back up there is all kind of new stuff out there, the aspire esp, eleaf, etc. I switched from the store bought auto to the ego style battery (I always go passthrough) and had gotten up to Kanger t2 and protank for various types of juice. I am a basic person, I might be interested in getting into some of those higher powered mods later (the vapor production looks insane) but I basically want to just throw the tank on a battery and go. I like replacing the atomizers and am not sure I would want to build my own and such. Of the new stuff that has come out since the protank hit (was it a year or so ago?) what would you recommend to a basic vaper? I noticed ALL the ego batteries were out of stock at gotvapes so that got me thinking maybe the ego style battery may be on its way out. I was browsing some other equipment and I was looking at the Kanger IPOW 2 but like I said, I would rather not fiddle and I do want something that is a passthrough as well.

I do realize there is a lot of variability, and the reason the more customization and adjustable stuff has come out is because everyone has different tastes, but I really would like to hear what everyone thinks for getting back into vaping.  

Stupid Question: Is A Mechanical Mod One That Has No Soldered Wires ?.....

Like the subject states is that correct ? And a wooden box mod that does have soldered wires and only uses let's say an 18650 battery to fire roughly 3.7 volts would not be a mechanical mod right ?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk  

10 Amp Battery Life

I am running about 0.55-0.6 ohms on almost everything I build these days. I stay satisfied with my batts down to about 3.5V when measured by themselves (not under load). Between 3.6-3.5 ish volts, I will start to notice the performance decrease, and by 3.4 I'm feeling the need for a new batt.

Since VTC5 just isn't available, and I have little to no interest in a new device (thus nixing 26650 or dual batt configs) I'm looking for the best capacity between 4.2-3.5, with discharge rates of 5 and 10 amps being relevant.

I have the field narrowed down to 18650PF from Panasonic, or the 25R from Samsung.

I know that the labeled capacity for the Panasonic is higher, at 2900 mAh, but that label doesn't directly translate to my application.

Thus, I am wondering if anyone has direct experience with both of these, and if so, is there a notable difference in capacity. My current stable of batteries is starting to show their age, and I want to make the right replacement decision.  

3rd Month Analog Free, Struggling And Need Help.

Hey guys!

Couple different issues here. I bought an e-cig on a whim, and a couple days later was analog free. That was going on three months ago. First week was tough, after that was easy. The pride of being an ex-smoker was enough motivation to stick with the vapes. Of course, I upgraded in equipment quickly and primarily vape RDA's through a sigeili 150 that I usually use between 50-70 watts with the rda, less with an atlantis or subtank mini.

The issues began a few weeks ago. Out of nowhere, my taste buds changed. My "set" flavors all of a sudden started becoming very harsh and awful. Changing to a different flavor from a different vendor (also went from 3mg to 6) seemed to help a little. After getting used to the new stuff, the old stuff I had tasted a little better too....though I cut one flavor down about 50/50 with straight VG (I typically use a max vg or 70vg 30pg mix). I vape 10-15ml per day.

The second issue is, even with all of this equipment producing massive vapor, it still doesn't seem to scratch the itch. I've been depressed lately, a lot. I crave analogs like there's no tomorrow. I feel like I no longer have any pride or motivation to be a non-smoker. I was actually getting up to go get a pack yesterday since in my mind I couldn't come up with a good reason not to......until I thought of my 2.5 year old son and decided not to for him.

So my questions a
-Did my taste buds literally change overnight like that????? Different flavors, different tanks, different RDA's, different batteries....they all tasted bad.
-Why the hell would the demons of addiction decide to start attacking in the third month when the previous urges were quickly passing?


What Should I Upgrade To?

I'm currently using a Vision Spinner battery with a few ProTank mini 3's (Which look quite nice together infact - so long as the battery matches the tank). I'm wondering what I should upgrade too.. I'm not really looking to get into mechanical modding yet as I'm not made of money. I'm more or less looking for a better battery with a better lifespan, I'm having loads of problems with my vision spinner and I'm looking for something that could replace that.. Anyone have any good suggestions? Thanks!

Edit; I found this: Aspire Premium Starter Kit [VE754-B1] - £49.95 : Vape Escape and was wondering what your guys opinions are on it  

18350 Mech Mod Vs Vision Spinner And Aerotank Upgrades?

Just two questions.

Ive been using a Vision spinner 2 1100Mah for a long while now with a Kanger Aerotank V2 which has been very good and reliable.
I recently got a Kamry E pipe as a gift. The Kamry takes a 18350 battery.

Problem is there isnt a lot of difference in vaping between the two, this is with the same tank with the same coils on both. Is this normal? If anything the pipe loses vape sooner due to battery drain than the Vision Spinner 2. Is there anything i can do to beef up the E Pipe for a better throat hit and more vapour?

Which brings me to question 2.
Is there a good upgrade to the Kanger Aerotank? I want a new tank anyway to replace the stock Kamry one which is top fed and tastes burnt quickly, and i dont want to keep changing out tanks between the Kamry and the Spinner hence i need a good, ego threaded tank for the mech pipe. (Kamry k1000 is 510 threaded but i have a 510 to ego adaptor too)
Thanks in advance  

Mechanical Mods???

So me and my frwinds usually end up getting the same build, not because we're trying to fit in but because we are all trying to get something better. Unfortunately I'm sort of bored with that whole gig and my newest eye candy has become mechanical mods, however I don't know that much about them nor what the best one on the market is, at least below $100 that is. Any ideas/tips??