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Please delete somehow I posted this here by accident.  

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Petition To Stop Flavor Ban.

We the People: Your Voice in Our Government

If this has been previously posted, please delete.  

So Apparently E-cigs Have 10x More Cancer Causing Ingrediants Than Cigaretts Lol

One of my facebook friends posted an e-cig article and the title of it was "e-cigs have 10x more cancer causing ingredients than cigarettes" . I would like to be there when they "test" these things so I could see how their testing them and what brand of e-cig their testing.  

(another) Fraud Alert

And we just went through this with MyFreedomSmokes a couple of months ago.

This morning, I got an alert that someone in Singapore tried to charge $1 on PayPal. Since the MFS hack, I've only used my card at four online stores:


If anybody else gets a credit card block, it may be a good idea to share so we can narrow it down. If this is [edited] again, they may as well lock their (virtual) doors  



What Kinda Coil

How do I delete this??  

Got A Freemax Tank

I had thought Segelei was one of the better tanks out there but seems that coils burn out easily. Been using below stated wattage for the most part. Recently got a freemax tank and the difference is night and day. I have a fuceli mod. 2 batteries 20 amp (25r or similar... All are either sony.,samsung or another recommend brand) and have no issue using at 80watts. The coil is not having issues tank is easier to filll(though my dumba** figured out that top slides by accident). I dont know the max that the battery can go to but if i believe with info i got here before with 2 batteries i should be good  

Mvp3 Pro Vs Eleaf Istick 50w

As the title says. I can get either for a marginal difference in price, both with a Subtank G.
Which should i go for? Which should last longer?

Interesting Phenomenon

So I'm noticing that my drippers and tips are getting hot. Like HOT.

It's a recurring problem, and one that I am making much worse on accident, and didn't notice how or why until tonight.

If you over drip, filling the juice well, super saturating your wicks, and generally get too much liquid in an RDA so that it really wants to leak, well, all that juice gets hot and transfers heat to the rest of the atty pretty darn quick!

Also - if it should happen to drip, it can burn you. I currently have a second degree (blistering up) juice burn on my thumb.

Time to get a little more patient with more frequent dripping.  

Confused About "general Vaping Discussion"

I've observed various threads being moved here and there shortly after being posted. I've posted stuff in specific locations and waited for ever for an answer, if at all. Kinda afraid to post anything without looking for a specific section. So,my question is: What is considered General Vaping Discussion. Not trying to make wise, but if you have a question you need answered ASAP, I would think that more exposure would render more responses. I gotta wonder how many folks really monitor the more remote categories.

Don't get me wrong...I love ECF, and in my early days, pulled me through a couple of tough spots.  

Is This The Worst Letter Ever?

Well, as the title says, is it?

I thought it was so bad, I was compelled to write exactly why. They've all gone mad.

Here's the letter and here's the article.