Vaping On A Cruise Questions.

I've never been on one before. I think it's Carnival. Can I expect to find USB ports located throughout the ship? Anything I need to know? Smoking areas? Vaping paranoia?

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Travel Cases For Cruise

Hi all. I am going on a cruise next month and am looking for recommendations for a good travel case for my vape stuff. Also I haven't been on a cruise since I started vaping, so wondering does anyone know if I will be relegated to the regular smoking section of the ship?  

Vaping On A Cruise

I'm going on a cruise soon and I'm wondering if I'm going to have a problem getting on the boat and Vaping on it I have a mech mod and a a box mod and I use rdas so do you think I'll have a problem getting on with my juice battery and mods  

Vaping Orlando

Well, I just got back from a week in Orlando (Kids, theme parks) and I wanted to share what I saw.

Disney: What a pita! Vaping is restricted to smoking areas, and these are extremely rare and far out.
Universal: Awesome. Even though I (mostly) vaped in the smoking areas, they were all over the place, easily accessible.

I also have to say that we (both myself and the kids) were really disappointed in the Disney parks (Magic Kingdom and Hollywood Studios). Old, stale, lame. Universal was awesome (We went to the Islands of adventure park; wish I had done 2 days of universal and one of Disney, rather than the other way around!)

But that actually isn't the reason for my post. What impressed me is the number of vapers I ran into (in the smoking areas). And I didn't see a single cigalike! Several big-ego batts (usually with EVOD heads) but also some great gear! There was a guy blowing such beautiful vape that I had to go ask - he was using a Herkales (don't remember what his box mod was) and uses an Arctic for backup. And never heard of ECF! (Hopefully he's joined!)

But what stunned me was that:
a) Every smoking area I went to, 25 percent of the people there were vaping, not smoking.
b) Everyone I talked to (was only about 4 people) had just started within the last few months
c) Nobody was using crap gear, or gas-station cigalikes.

Icing on the cake: While I was on vacation, a tree fell on my house. Met the adjuster today, and guess what? While we were walking around the outside of the house, he pulled out his vape! (And he also started just 2 months ago!)

Maybe I don't get out enough, but I was amazed, and encouraged. I think, when the end-of-year numbers come out on vaping some politicians are going to be unpleasantly shocked.  

We Need Nation-wide Protests Against The Flavor Ban!!!

The news of a looming flavor ban is sickening! As an adult former smoker who used ecigs to liberate myself from cigarettes, I am appalled!

It is not my fault that kids are vaping flavors and nicotine intended for adults.
It is not my fault that people are vaping dangerous chemicals in THC mixes.
It is not my fault that people who lack knowledge about vaping consider it on par with smoking.

Parents need to own up to monitoring their own kids! These teens would be smoking cigarettes if they weren't vaping- just as they were doing before vaping came along. Teen smoking numbers are down because of vaping. It is this teenage generation's alternative to cigarettes. This should be part of our national conjecture on the topic!!!

We (legitimate adult users of vaping supplies) need to stand up for ourselves!!! There are millions of us.

Let us be heard!

We need to stand together and protest around our country on the same days/times to have our voices heard.

I say we all go to our local city halls and/or right outside of our workplaces near smoking areas on the same day/time with signs of protest to demand that our opinions be heard.

I also say that we compile lists of pro-vaping and anti-vaping elected representatives so that we may be able to vote our haters out of office!!!  

Safe Vaping Charts

Looking at the charts, I would like to keep what I do in the green zone. What I cannot find is a chart that goes low enough in ohms to tell whether or not what I am doing is okay. My latest atomizer build is a .4 ohm on a Plume Veil. I use it with max airflow, side windows open full and top cap open allowing air. Excellent vapor production (for me anyway), at 7 watt - 1.7V (IPV2X mod reading). So where do you think that type of build would land in the charts. Safe to say I am in the green zone? I guess maybe I have developed some paranoia with this formaldehyde thing that has been floating around the internet. Does anyone know where to find a chart or calculator that goes from .1 ohm on up and indicating the safe areas?


Vaping Questions, Mouth Problems

Hello, I have been vaping for years, at 1.8 nic strength. I have some questions.

First of all I think I've made a problem by vaping on (all kangertech devices and coils), at .5 ohms, but I only vape at 20-24 watts. Is this wrong? Anything higher is way too hot, and I just don't enjoy it. I've bought a smok mag and other devices that wont fire under anything 50 watts and it was way too strong so I never use it.

Also, over the past 6 months I've developed some mouth sores I'm pretty sure it is
Tobacco Stomatitis
I know this is from vaping or smoking, the heat I guess is causing this. I've told my dr. about this he never really looked (I was in for something different than this), he replied try to vape point it downwards towards my tongue and I have been doing this for months, but to no avail with the mouth sores going away.

I can't quick vaping. I tried for a few days and I smoked more cigarettes than I ever did. It was actually hotter I noticed. I still smoke cigarettes when I drive, just a weird habit and at work on breaks. I vape all day at work when my boss isn't around.

I'm going to stick to just the unflavored e juice from now on. I'm also cutting the strength back. I also tried cutting it before with 0% percent e juice and to no avail my mouth sores are still there.

Sorry for the diatribe but I just have a few questions.

Does smoking at 22 watts and sometimes below with sub ohm coils, is this bad? I've been doing it for years now. The problem is I bought a ton and I find it hard to find coils now over 1 ohm. It seems all they sell not days is .5 coils. And I've tried nickel and and they just burn in a day, even with the settings they are supposed to be at, so I'm really at a loss as to what to do.

Also has anyone else experienced the tobacco stomatitis as I have?  

Indoor Vaping, Mould, Condensation, Etc.

I did find a post about this from way back one somewhere online, but it was mostly speculative. wondering what the people who have lived with it for a while think:

since the vape don't set the fire alarm on fire (does it?); i've been indoor vaping, and really enjoying it. my apartment contract clearly states no smoking indoors and no putting up the laundry in the apartment (there's a designated washroom).

landlord's clear motivation for the is taking care of the wood and wallpaper etc. the discolouration from cigs that modern paranoia about the house catching fire and the more understandable mould/condenation problem with laundry. They're nice people and it's a nice old house they've inherited and want to take care of.

i've figured even the DL 60watt cloud is nothing compared to cooking, but figured i'd ask: how bad is the vapour for a building, its condensation etc.? like boiling water for tea? anyone had more mould problems after vaping indoors for a while?  

I Am Moving Towards Ecig

I have had problem like breaking the rule of vaping indoor,need to lurk around here to start vaping outdoor with support.Anyway I enjoy vaping more then smoking.Vaping or smoking helps lift my depression.I was on cigarette for 6 month at a late age before transiting to ecig  

Why Do I Cough When Vaping? Please Help!

I have been vaping for a month with a pod kit (voopoo argus air) using pnp coil .8 ohm for MTL. I was smoking for more than 10 years and I want to quit but everytime I vape I feel a tightness on my chest and it induces me to cough. When I am smoking an analog it is so smooth I don't even cough. I really want to quit smoking but with this unpleasant experience on vaping it is hard to leave smoking. My juice is a salt nic with 24mg/ml nicotine strength.  

What Is The 5% Bad In Vaping If It's 95% Safer Than Smoking?

I think we are all here because we are addicted to nicotine in one way or another and found that vaping helped us quit smoking. So in many ways we are trying to be healthy. Vaping should be no different.