Plumeveil 1.5 Rda Airflow

So I just bought a Plumeveil 1.5 clone and love it so far. The only thing I can't figure out is how to adjust the airflow where drip tip is. Is there anyway to open it up without damaging it?  

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Major Airflow

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New Style Of Hybrid Pod, Billet, Aio? Got No Idea What It Is.

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The MechLyfe Ratel 80W (8.5V). It uses an external 18650 battery and it uses an RTA build deck. I’m not sure if you can use pre-made coils for it though. You can use it in both DTL and MTL but with MTL it’s loose draw. You can’t adjust the airflow on the fly, you have to take the panels off to make the airflow adjustments.

The build deck looks nice and simple to build on. You might get away with fitting in an alien coil.

New Setup

okay so don't laugh but this is really an amazing vaping experience/setup for me! I have two batteries and a dual 18650 charger, so I never have to charge onboard nor do I find myself with no power since I always have at least one charging. I love the simplicity of the cloupor mini 30w. Between the magnetic battery door, simplistic screen/button setup, and the overall minuscule appearance of it, I think she's beautiful! The arctic tank however, I've had a could problems, but not too bad (Yes, I did allow my atomizer head to soak for a full 24 hours in juice.) Before I get into that tanks problems though, I'd like to also include that I've been getting into dripping aswell. I bought a plume veil clone a while ago for around 30$, and i was dumb enough to think that there was no need for a VV mod over $15... therefore I bought an X6 battery (cringe, I know..) and long story short I had a terrible experience. the wire that came with the rda was iffy, and it also came with silica wick; which I hate. I ended up building some kinda ****ed up maelstrom of a build. I used the cotton ends of ear cleaners, the questionable wire that came with the atty, and I ran it all at a mind melting 4.4v. Best part of it is that I had no way to check how many ohms I was pushin out. Anyways, I digress. First problem with the Arctic sub ohm tank was the "Check atomizer" deal on my cloupor. The problem was that the connector pin for the mini 30w isn't spring loaded, so I had to whip out the mini screw driver and adjust it. Once that was fixed, the atty was working perfectly!! Except, I was getting a little burnt taste. That's when I've learned that with this tank you have to start at a low wattage and work up to 30 when you're starting vaping for that session. The airflow is good, but I hate airflow; so it's even more splendid that the lowest airflow setting is barely any air at all. Really. It feels like sucking through a brick, and I like it. A ton of flavor, I vape eucalyptus mint flavored juice right now, and I'm loving it. I can't even express to you guys how much I'm loving this thing! Thanks for the advice in telling me to get it!  

Help Please: Got New E Cig & Had To Replace The Liquid 3 Times In 6 Hours.

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My issue though is that within 6 hours I have replaced the liquid 3 times. It just goes down ridiculously quick, and I'm not really chainsmoking it.

Basically, how do I make the liquid last longer before replacing it, avoiding the obvious answer of "Don't vape it as much" haha. I'm not really familiar how airflow holes and wattage works, so perhaps I'm doing something wrong with that part of the E Cig. I've got my airflow fully open at the moment though, could that be why the liquid is going down so fast? Does more airflow cause more liquid to be used?

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Thanks guys.  

Clone Or Lemo?

I recently bought a Squape R clone from Fasttech,its ok but not what i was expecting, so i'm looking now to kinda move up in the RTA world, I can't afford an original svoemesto, erlkonigen or taifun, but is it worth getting a clone of one of these? my clone experience so far hasn't really been amazing, obviously its hard to differentiate between it being the fact its a clone or that, heaven forfend, i just don't like the squape style.

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I'm not certain of what i really want to be honest whether its dual coil i need for the flavour and clouds i'm not getting from my squape r or if its down to the build deck/airflow/chimney/whatever but the hit from the squape only satisfies if i pre-heat it for a second and only take a quick puff then. otherwise its low flavour dry throat hit.  

Max Flavor Out Of Mtl Rta?

First off, I would like to say that I’m very new to vaping. I started off with a JUUL, then a Smok Novo 2, and eventually got sick of buying pods.

Now I have a Hellvape MD, and an Ares 2 - the first provides better flavor, but it’s still not comparable to what I was getting in my pod systems. I just recently purchased a BP Mods Pioneer, and I’m hoping that gives me better results. I’m using an Aegis Mini for a mod.

I’m trying to figure out what I’m doing wrong, because it’s really frustrating to spend all this money for worse flavor, when I was hoping it would let me save money.

I have about 40 bottles of salt nic flavors that are 50 or 35 mg, and a couple 3mg freebase I bought (120ml for $7 seemed like a steal). I would really like to get away from the salt nic, but I seem to get even worse flavor from the 3mg.

I’m using 2.5ID 28ga SS316L round wire from Master Wire Supply (I have a spool) with Puffs Organic Cotton. My coils are usually .7ohms, but I’ve tried up to 1ohm. I’ve also tried 1 ohm Vandy Vape Superfine MTL fused claptons, and experienced similar results.

I’m using the MD with the most restrictive airflow settings (3 small hole airflow disk), low (2-3) adjustable AFC setting. I have my coil as low as possible to the airflow, and I have thinned / fluffed my wicks.

I haven’t tried adjusting the airflow below the coil on the Ares 2, because the video instructions say wide open airflow below the coil is the best for flavor (I have found the opposite to be true for the MD).

Can someone provide me more insight?

Will 2mm ID coils with the same amount of wraps taste better than 2.5? Do coil ohms do anything for flavor, or does it only change how fast it heats up? Will I lose flavor if my coils hang outside the diameter of the airflow disk?
Is there a certain type of coil that would give me better flavor than regular round wire?

I use TC at 420F 20 watts

Any kind of feedback is appreciated and if I left anything out or you have questions about my set up that could help me out please ask! I’m at a loss on what to do, and it seems like no amount of research is helping  

Kayfun L + Drip Tip Getting Hot

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How To Get Better Flavor Out Of My Rda?

I just picked up a Dark Horse Clone by Tobeco yesterday. I washed all the machine oil out, set it all up using kanthal and organic cotton, and it vapes great. The only problem is I literally get zero flavor AT ALL using it. Could it be that I am using to little cotton? I used to put a crap ton into my IGO-W (drilled airholes for more airflow). The same juices that used to taste so wonderful taste like nothing at all.

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Quick Question But Not Sure If Anyone Can Help Me

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