Rust On My Rda Turning My Entire Cotton Red (see Pic )


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Rust In Center Post

i found rust in center post of one of my attys, is it dangerous???
can be it used again?  

Changing Coil Vs. Changing Cotton

I can't find the post, but someone recently posted a helpful YouTube video on how to change cotton in a Kanger Subtank coil. I had no idea it was so easy, and I'm going to try it on my old coils. I've saved the video for future reference. My question is: how do you know when you need to change the cotton vs. when you need to change the entire coil? I don't think I'm up to doing my own coils yet. Is changing cotton just a way to prolong their life a little longer, and do you get to a point when you have to redo the whole shebang? Also, does any cotton from a vape store work, or do you need a specific kind depending on what kind of coil you have?  

Attention Lemo 2 Users...

Just a little warning to all who have purchased the Lemo 2- Do not use the wire included in the box.
I was a little worried when i was using the stock coil and noticed it had been turning a green color after a few days of use, not sure if this is the case with all Lemo 2's, but if you notice your wire is turning greenish, just throw it out and replace it. I don't believe this is kanthal, it could possibly be nichrome, but it's properties are not matching up with those of kanthal. My worries were confirmed when I decided to put a parallel 5 wrap coil on my rda with that wire because of my lack of other 24 gauge... Well today when I took out my cotton and dry burned the coil a little to rid it of excess juice, the coil actually deformed and somewhat melted on my rda . I don't know what kind of metal this is, but I'm positive it is not kanthal, this has never happened to me with kanthal, and this wire seems to be of a lower resistance than kanthal. Anyway, just wanted to let ya'll know to be careful with that wire, or just throw it out altogether. Otherwise, the Lemo 2 is a fantastic tank  

Spider Web Cotton

Ok the title was weird to draw attention

Have u guys ever open your rta and see the cotton changed it's shape??? Its not it was caught on the bell threads while I tighten it cause the way it was disformed (if there is such a word) don't show it was that the case....just was fluffier and a part of it was pulled close to the air holes under the coil....I noticed something was off when I was puffing and opened and saw that....I just fixed the shape of cotton with a screwdriver and keep vaping it but was curious if anyone have seen their cotton change a cotton candy  

Bug Bits Abound ( In The Cotton )

ok ... so there was a thread that showed insect droppings in some cotton someone got with a RBA ... but I can't seem to find it.

So I thought I'd have a look at the cotton sample in my Kanger Subtank Mini & .. sure enough ... bug bits & little black "dots" (bug poop I assume). Okay ... fine ... I've not used it & will not use it. I have enough cotton (bacon) to keep me going for years, and I'm happily puffing away on the .50ohm OCC premade coil supplied by ........

........and then it dawned on me that it was supplied by the same folks that put a wad of bug-gunk-ridden cotton in the box with my ST mini ... Kanger.

So ... the question is if anyone has taken apart the OCC coils & found little black specks in the cotton, or other foreign "pieces" ?? I'm wondering if the cotton Kanger uses for the OCC coils is the same cotton they give you in the box to wick the RBA deck with.  

Cotton Under Electron Microscope

There was a thread yesterday about possibility of getting sick from cotton dust. So I decided to make a few pictures.

First picture - organic cotton ball. We can see cotton is rather clean, but not 100% clean.

Next picture - cotton fibers from the middle of Koh-Gen-Doh pads, it is also pretty clean.

And the last picture - the same Koh-Gen-Doh pad, just higher magnification.

These pictures - just for fun. No scientific discoveries for today.  

Subtank Sizzle....

I just got some japanese cotton pads and I have been building my rba section in subtank for a little while with organic cotton balls and have noticed that after I take a puff off of it I get this sizzling after I let go of the button I've read it could be to much cotton but I tried a very little amount of cotton and still get sizzling.. I'm using twisted 30 awg. Reading at .4 any idea?  

Coil Turning Brown/black 1 Day Old

I've been vaping out of my new coil today and I noticed my coil is turning brown in 1 day! The flavor is tasting metallic and I make sure everything is full and don't chain vape is it possible to get a faulty coil? (pre-built coil) I also did prime it and even left it for 10 mins to fully soak.
Any help much appreciated hope everyone has a good weekend  

Could The Way You Wick Change Flavor?

I just re wicked my coils and now the flavor seems muted. I used more cotton this time but not sure if it's that or the cotton itself. I usually dry burn and re wick about 2 to 3 times before replacing the coils and this would be the first time I've re wicked these coils. I use Japanese cotton I ordered from fasttech. Has anyone had issues with their cotton? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.  

At My Wicks End!

I'm at my wicks end with this whole rebuilding thing!

Having given up anologs with my Nautilus Mini, I thought I'd treat myself to an authentic Kayfun v4.

My first rebuildable. It vapes great, lots of dense smooth vapour, but the cotton tastes awful!!

Tried cheap cotton from the chemist. Tried Koh Gen Do. The best so far has been Klaud cotton, but there's no denying it. While the vapour is superior to my Nautilus the taste is no where near as good.

Everything in my Kv4 tastes of cotton with a hint of the juice flavour.

I've watched all the videos on you tube, it's wicking fine, but cotton just tastes bad!

7wraps, 3mm ID, 28g Kantal, 1.4 Ohms.

Promised myself a Vapor Flask DNA40 for the Kv4. But if I can't get it tasting better
then this the Kayfun can go in the bin, I'll stick with the Nautilus Mini's on iStick 20w's.