Istick 30w And Eleaf Gs Air

Hi everyone I just got my eleaf gs air in the mail today. It came with a 1.5 coil and when I attached it to my istick 30w it is showing 1.6 ohm? I checked the coil and it says 1.5 anyone had this happen?  

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Is it a good ideia to buy a 20W Eleaf istick MOD (2200mAh . 3.0V - 5.5V . 2,0W - 20W) with a ProTank II BCC (Bottom Coil Changeable, 1,5 ohm's) ?
I will only have to change the Coil Unit.

I want a pretty good vape from it, is it going to produce a "cloud" or not ?

Thanks !  

Kangertech Subtank On Eleaf Istick


I recently purchased the eleaf istick which I use with the kangertech subtank.

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Friday it will be eight weeks since I've had a cigarette and I am rewarding myself with a new setup. After careful consideration, I've decided on the Eleaf IStick 30w with a Kanger Subtank Nano. The ELeaf has all of the features I'm looking for and the kit comes in at under 40 bucks. Not retiring my Ego C Twist just yet though. It's been a workhorse. It got me through some tough has everyone here on the forum. Thanks.  

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I Think We Need To Stop Recommending A Istick 50

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Eleaf Istick Secturity Code Not Working

So I ordered an Eleaf Istick 50watt from and when it came I tried to verify it's authenticity.
It looks legit, the only thing I noticed that's different from most I've seen is the Istick logo on the top next to the connector. I paid 44$ for it so I'm not upset it works like a beast I just wanna make 100% sure that its real just in case I need parts or such.

The code is in a format like so

0000 1111
2222 3333

I can't figure out how to enter the code, I've tried from left to right top to bottom and from top to bottom and left to right.

It does have the torque screws though which most if not all clones lack.  

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Eleaf iStick 50W with Kanger Subtank Mini

Eleaf iStick 30W with Kanger Subtank Nano