On My Drive Home

So I'm on my drive home the other day, minding my own business vaping out of my smok m80 mod with a freemax starre 0.25 ohm on it. About 20 mins into my drive I start to feel a hole burning into the side of my head as if I'm getting the death glare from my wife so I turn to look and theres this lady in another car just staring at me. I give a little wave and continue driving assuming shes just confused by the amount of smoke I'm producing. Nope. She drives along side of me for a few blocks and flags me to open my window, so as to not be too rude, I opened my window. She stares at me and asks me what I'm doing .. obviously driving home from work. "No not that, why are you doing drugs on the road?" Hah .. drugs .. kids and their crazy-- wait what? So I try to explain to her that it's vaping. Its not smoking, I'm not doing drugs .. I'm vaping. "Well whatever it is, I'm sure you cant be doing this vaping drug. Just a courtesy warning to you, I've phoned the police and given them your license plate no. and the road we're on."

Really ...? Did you really just phone the police? Yep, she did. 2 blocks from my home and I get pulled over. Cop comes up to my window and looks at me and says "Son, have you been doing anything I should know about?" So I show him my mod, looks at it and laughs. "You know the Arctic tank is better right?" Man .. I just started laughing as he pulled out his Sigelei. I've never laughed that hard over vaping to this day.

Just thought I'd share my story. Not everyone with the law is against vaping.  

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My Parents Don't Like Me Vaping

So I'm a 19 year old guy, started smoking when I was 14 and finally quit cigarettes 3 months ago. My parents like that I quit smoking but they think vaping some sort of gateway drug that will make me want to, and I quote, "smoke {OTHER STUFF}". What I don't understand is that both of my parents both smoke a pack a day. I even tried to convince them to switch to vaping but they said they don't want to smoke that "{OTHER STUFF} device". Even when I vape in my room, they come in and get pissed off because they're tired of smelling my "fruity {MODERATED}". How can I convince them to get a better understanding of vaping and potentially start them on it too?  

It's Called "social Engineering"

I'm not proud of this, but I broke down and had a cig this morning (been months since I quit, but still "slip" once in a while)
The next door neighbor came by (she knows I vape) and there I am smoking. She said " just don't vape... it's very dangerous!" It almost killed me... and she didn't seen concerned at all that I was smoking (I think her husband used to smoke and had heart issues... he passed away) I made one of my "bad jokes"... said "it will drive you to smoking again" She didn't even get it. It's called "social engineering" and is very powerful (at least to the "sheeple") We have all discussed this. Your average person doesn't read or listen to the whole story, just knows "vaping is dangerous!" I give up... just can't get through to some people  

A Thanksgiving Miracle

We are having a very small Thanksgiving at home. Myself, my mother, my two nephews and the lady next door (the same lady that saw me vaping on the back porch and yelled "OMG you have to stop vaping... it's going to kill you!") I rolled my eyes and thought "oh no... here we go again". My nephew is an ER doctor. Both the lady and my nephew saw that I was going out back to vape and asked about "the lung disease thing" I would have never brought it up but they asked so I explained. Both were very interested in what I said and totally trusted in what I said. It was so cool. Maybe not an actual "miracle" but such a good experience for me Happy Thanksgiving everyone... Peace out, vape on!  

Rude And Obnoxious Cloud Chasers In Public Places

Just a quick heads up. I took my wife and son out to eat at Longhorn Steakhouse to celebrate Mothers Day today. We had a wonderful meal and some good laughs. We were there for about an hour and 20 minutes. During that time, there were no rude or obnoxious hipsters blowing clouds on anyone in the restaurant.

We left and went to Brusters for dessert. We sat outside at the tables and had Ice Cream. Only Ice Cream...no 2nd hand vapor from some rude, selfish idiots blowing clouds and ruining vaping for everybody. I looked everywhere....they were obviously hiding or taking a break from disturbing little old ladies or making kids cry. But, I know they were there....somewhere.

We got home and I packed a bag to head out of town for a few days of building destroying. I hit the road for a 4.5 hour road trip. I stopped at a Home Depot for a couple things I needed for this job. No Cloud Chasers stinking up the place. I thought to myself "how do they stay a step ahead of me?".

Stopped at a gas station...nothing.

I actually did stop at a Walmart. Walmart is apparently a target rich environment for catching the worst of the worst who blast Serial Killa in yo face. I knew this was going to be it. My heart was racing, I tell ya!
And then it happened...

I was hit from behind by a lady in a little electric shopping hotrod. She apologized profusely....I accepted.

Yet, no Cloud Chasers ruining my shopping experience.

So, as of the moment I type this, it seems like all of our fellow vapers are actually being courteous, respectable and they're using common sense. At least the ones in my path, anyway.

Thank you and keep up the good work!  

Someone Called The Cops Because Of My Obnoxious Clouds

So I thought I'd share this....

Everyday on my lunch break (really a breakfast break since my shift starts at 5am and break around 10am) I enjoy a nice bowl of oatmeal and an apple. After eating I like to go out to my truck to have a vape while checking emails, FB, IG, forums, ect.
I had a particularly proper build running today and was giving the chevy a nice fogging. windows were up because it was a little chilly and after about 5-10 minutes I honestly couldnt see the steering wheel while sitting in the driver seat

I hopped out and went back to work for about an hour or so. While I was taking my morning inventory I felt a tap on my shoulder and heard a stern voice anounce my full name... a police officer to my suprise!
"Do you mind if I have a talk with you outside sir?" he asked.
"Not a problem officer," I replied a bit worried as I thought perhaps someone had hit my car in the parking lot or maybe someone I knew had gotten hurt or in trouble... Not the case however.
"Is that your truck sir?" he questioned, pointing to my truck with what looked to be a cumulonimbus still lingering on the the interior.
"Yes it is"
"You got anything in there?"
Puzzled I replied "Anything as in...?"
He raised his eyebrow and gave me a stern look. "Anything I should know about?"
I understood. "Oh you mean, like...?"
He stopped me. "well sir we had gotten a phone call earlier from a woman saying that someone might have been sitting in there smoking ....."
I loled as I handed him my work setup. (an IPV3 and the Hobo v2.1)
"Its a personal vaporizer sir." I stated still laughing quite uncontrollably.
"And what kind is this? What do you put in here?" still implying that it was drug related and possibly a '.... vaporizer'
"Its a box mod, Its for nicotine." I pulled my juice from my pocket and held it up for him to see.
He was so confused. Baffled really. Just then a second officer walked up looking even more stern.
"you know we have a k9 here. You're sure you dont have anything you;re not supposed to? you weren't smoking any .....?"
"Not at all sir. Like I have just explained and showed you, it's a vaporizer. I use it for nicotine. Haven't smoked a cigarette in a year..."
"Oh like a vape pen!?" exclaimed the second officer.
"Yes like a vape pen..."
They apologized for the mistake and walked away.
And Im just standing there, in 2015, wondering why they know what a ..... vaporizer is but not an actual PV?

Has anyone had any similar experiences with law enforcement and vaping?  

Great Grimmgreen Moment

I was watching a GrimmGreen video and he started talking about the "vaping community" and how we tend to help each other (especially to quit smoking) I recently "re-quit" smoking after slipping for a couple months (but never stopped vaping) and this just hit home for me...please take a few minutes and watch this (skip to 20:00... 20 minutes in) Enjoy.

Smoking Is Allowed...but Vaping Isn't [college Campus]

So this campus has basically shut me down vaping in any way.

Outside of the commons, there is a smoking area. First day I moved in I started vaping away, listening to music. Then a random guy tapped on my shoulder and told me "They don't like you doing that here." And I was like, uhm thanks for the warning. Did it a few more days without incident, and I had a RA approach me and tell me that "We don't allow that here." I asked why, and she just said that's what I've been told. Was vaping again, because I figured if I did get in trouble it'd be a chance to explain how ridiculous it is to not allow vaping in a smoking area. Head of student housing sees me, and says that I have to stop doing that or he'll write me up. I try to ask why and he simply says "We have no idea what could be in there" and walks away. ????

So I figured I'm not going to risk it, I'll just stealth vape on a little vv mod in my room while I work. My room mate is cool with it, obviously vapor doesn't damage the room in any way, no obvious smell. Its 2am, and of course after only about 5-10 hits a deafening BEEP BEEP BEEP and strobe lights. Apparently I somehow set off the fire alarm. So I quickly think to throw popcorn in the microwave, and as I'm doing it the sound stops. At this point I'm shaking because I could forfeit my security deposit, get everyone evacuated, and have the fire department come out. I wait for a couple hours, but nothing comes of it. No one has to leave the building or anything. I was never confronted about it.

At this point I'm really paranoid, so I pull my car into the far parking lot. Close the windows, and vape there. Listening to the radio, put my seat back and was enjoying myself. This is an area that technically isn't the property of the college so I think I'll be fine. NOPE, I hear sirens... Cop jumps out of his car, loudly knocks on my windows. I roll it down a bit and vapor starts billowing out. After a little bit of back and forth he explains that someone called him out for a "car fire" and that he was doing a wellness check. At this point I'm thinking I really just can't catch a break. He's nice enough about it and even laughs before leaving.

Now I'm way too paranoid to vape on campus at all. I was used to chain vaping at my desk, but now every time I have to drive out and spend an hour sitting in my car :/  

I Need To Rant.

So I just watched a video that Dash Vapes posted yesterday where they played a commercial or something about the dangers of vaping for teens/kids. They basically portrayed vaping as if it was a hard drug or something.

I understand vaping should not be available for them but, how is this okay? How is it okay to run such a campaign against vaping, but yet actual hard drugs, alcohol and cigarettes are completely okay?

Also, why are they blaming how kids behave on vaping? Perhaps they should promote better parenting. Just saying.

Okay, I’m mad. Sorry.


Vaping, Teens & Parents

So a few days back in another thread a member said "why not allow teens to buy zero nic pods or whatever" This is going to be a long post, so be forwarned lol

I get a little triggered on anyone using vaping for anything other than a cessation tool, let alone a teen. I proposed the following scenario, to which I'll also say - If we could go on-line and figure out how to refill/rewick cartos 8-10 years ago, what makes us think that in todays world every one else including underage, unscrupulous and greedy people aren't doing it also?

Let's say you come home from work, you run into your neighbor who says, "hey I saw your (underage) kid buying a e-cig at the corner gas station"

Would you say to your neighbor;
1.) thanks for the heads up, we're going to have a talk tonight
2.) I'm sure it was peer pressure, they'll be fine (assuming your neighbor had any knowledge and was positive it was zero nic)

Then would you;
1.) Think to yourself - wow, good for them, and ask them to show you what they bought?
2.) Think to yourself - wow, kid never smoked before, wth and then confront them & have a serious discussion on why it isn't ok.

If you assumed it was peer pressure and they'd be fine, then the school calls you and says your kid has been rushed to the hospital, they and a friend were using a vape pen that had xyz in it.

If you didn't assume it was ok and had a serious conversation with them and never got that call that they were rushed to the hospital.

We know that the device itself isn't the problem, it's what's in them. Some may be doing exactly what they say their doing, but if a friend says "hey I got this stuff to put in there" would they go for it, or say no? I would rather sit down & discuss, then turn a blind eye..and say oh, they'd never do that, but they're kids.

While it caused a stir with the OP, and little did I know here is how this has played out in real life this week:

The parent who questioned his kid about finding their vape dragged their little butt into the police department and was able to provide them with enough information to nail the kids (brothers) whose parents are the ones saying I don't know why they're saying these things about my kid

I might also add that while I would have credited the ones who were charged were very much entrepreneurs at a young age, it apparently turned to greed from the article/videos below. There set up had believable packaging, all of the findings by police resemble some other type of mfg including the guns, money, counting equipment.

If any indications point to them in the deaths of any of the vapers who have passed recently could they possibly be brought up on manslaughter?

'Courageous' parents are credited with leading to a drug bust police believe is the biggest to date involving counterfeit vaping cartridges

‘High-tech operation:’ Kenosha County brothers accused of making illegal vaping cartridges  

Non-smokers Starting Vaping - Disturbing To Me

I've been away from ECF for awhile but due to the influx of new devices, I recently returned (and got a bunch of new vape gear, but that's another story ).

Was just browsing the New Members forum and I am very disturbed by the amount of posts being made by people who have never smoked asking for advice on how to "blow clouds", "get into vaping" or even "get a better buzz" from vaping.

Of course, the vast majority of replies in these threads are from knowledgeable and helpful ECF'ers telling these poor, ignorant folks that it's probably a bad idea to start vaping 36mg juice in a sub-ohm device if you've never smoked...and that is great!

I just can't help to think that all these young (I'm assuming) non-smokers taking up vaping and "blowing clouds" can't be good for our cause and I find it quite disturbing.

FULL DISCLOSU I currently vape on an SX Mini / Goliath @ .4 ohms and can blow some pretty good clouds, but that's not what it's all about for me...it's about staying off the ciggies.