Indiana Hb 1432 Signed Into Law And Takes Effect July 1st, 2015

Indiana Governor Pence has signed HB 1432 regulating e-liquid and takes effect July 1st, 2015. We Hoosiers are screwed.  

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Vaping In Public

Heard yesterday that Indiana has passed a law banning smoking in public parks. That includes vaping under the heading of "all other forms of smoking".

Indiana has some history when it comes to vaping regulation. They passed a very restrictive law concerning juice a few years ago, with bipartisan support. That got nixed for legal reasons but it suggests this latest one is likely to be the first salvo in a new crusade.  


So we have all heard it, at least in small fragments. The Head of the witch hunt herself has stepped down from office. The grandfather date to the regulations has been moved to 2015, and it supposedly comes in effect in either June or July, either way the upcoming date is seriously gunna screw us. But what if perhaps this new head of the Fda isn't so bad? Perhaps the grandfather date will be put back in the terrible spit of 07, or the vaping witch hunt will soon begin again. Either way, we won't know until everything goes public, but what do you think will happen?  

Will Flavours Be Banned In New York In July 2020?

I read e.g. this article:
To Fight Vaping, New York City Bans Nearly All Flavored E-Cigarettes
Now I am a little confused.
I am visiting NYC in July 2020 and now I don't know if I can bring my flavoured e-liquid for personal use (perhaps 50ml with 2mg nic). Will vaping flavours in the streets of NYC be banned in July 2020? Is there already a final decision on this topic? I just want to make sure in advance. I'd take a tabacco flavour or unflavored liquid instead of mango when there will be a flavour ban.
Is here someone who knows more about the flavor ban in NY, perhaps also in Washingtin D.C. and Boston, where plan to travel for a daytrip?  

California Vaping Ban

In surprise move, California governor proposes ban on vaping, similar to Trump's planned policy

The Democratic governor of California launched a plan Monday that is eerily similar to a plan devised one week ago by Republican President Donald Trump. Both plans aim to eradicate widespread usage of flavored e-cigarettes, or vaping, by underage citizens.​

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Pay Pal New Terms Of Service Goes Into Effect July 1st :-(

PayPal responds to Internet fury over its new terms of service

PayPal User Agreement: New TOS lets company call and text you anytime | BGR

Well, if I cannot opt out, I will be closing my account. This will interfere with some transactions for me, such as possible classifieds here. I may just close it even if they do let us opt out. When they tried similar Bill Me Later terms of service conditions, I closed my account, and told them why. Just the fact they think they can get away with this, ticks me off to no end.  

Harsh Vapour? - Any Help?

Heyya friends,

so I am using freemax m1 coils and NEW e-liquid (get brewed) and the vapur is harsh af which is annoying. It takes like at least 5 or 10 mins of using it actively until it becomes smooth vapour? What seems to be the problem? The liquid is from UK and the coill primed properly.



Vape Summit Iii 2015 Las Vegas Thread?

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I was hoping there would be an ECF thread for it!

[closed] Seasonal Supplier Forum: Now Open For Memorial Day 2015 Sales !

The Seasonal Sales Suppliers forum is once again open for our ECF suppliers offering specials over the next week for Memorial Day Sales!

Come on over and get some great deals !
Memorial Day 2015 Sales! | E-Cigarette Forum

Note: This holiday sales Forum will be closed May 28th, 2015
E Cigarette Suppliers Forum | E-Cigarette Forum
Don't forget to visit ECF Suppliers forum for our ECF Suppliers' regular advertising threads and contests!  

State Bans Already In Place

I know that there are threads covering bans in individual states, but I thought it might be a good idea to have a thread which covers all state bans.

So far, I know of the temporary, but complete ban, in Massachusetts, and a flavor ban announced in Michigan, Washington state, and Rhode Island. The New York ban is not in effect yet, but will be on October 4, I believe. Not sure about the other three states.

If there are more states which I'm not aware of, please list them.

New York Bans Sale of Flavored E-cigarettes, the First State in the U.S. to Do So

Rhode Island Governor Bans Sales Of Flavored Vaping Products

Michigan's flavored vaping ban in effect: Here are the new rules  

Guys Whats Your Feedback On This

got sent from a friend, signed up for the free offer. But for us JUUL owners, seems like a game changer.