It's Summer

This is our first summer vaping. We are outdoor partying types - lake this weekend, we have a pool, float trips, etc. So lots of outside around water. I'm just wondering how to handle our equipment, what happens if it gets wet (not submerged), etc. Obviously with an analog, it gets wet, you pitch it and light another. Not looking to throw out our equip. Any experience with this?  

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Vaping In Different Outdoor Temps

Hello atmistssssssssssss
Do u peeps vape different juice in summer or winter like u change the vg percentage?
I use 70vg ATM and it's summer on my zlide tanky  

Spring Into Summer!

I can't be the only newish vaper in these parts.

Temperatures are warming up. Cars are getting hotter. Maybe some of us are cheap on our air conditioning and wear less and sweat more during the summer.

I started vaping in the winter. Who has warm weather tips for the newbies?!?!?!  

Vapor Flask: Question For The Pros

Hey guys,

I've been vaping for about a month now after quitting smoking. My current equipment is a Provari with an Aspire tank.

I won a Vapor Flask (v2) in a poker game on the weekend. From a design end of things its pretty cool and unique but I was looking for your input on how to actually use the device. Do I grab an Atlantis and a .5 ohm coil and throw it on top (though I've tried subbing before and it didn't stick) or do I just keep it and use it with an Nautilus tank? Aside from the greater wattage available is there any significant advantages to the Flask over the Provari?

Thanks in advance for your guidance.


Do You Consider Philip Morris Iqos Smoking Or Vaping?

They mention that the do use tobacco but heated them at a consistent rate of 350 Celsius. Recently I went to the iqos store nearby my house and the staff told me that you do not need iqos if vaping is working for you,I ended up buying one just to experience and it tastes close to cigarette but milder taste and hit.I heard that vaping heat not more then 315 Celsius,and assume it is totally safer then IQOS.

I find that I am more satisfy with vaping,mod ones as I drank more water.Comparing IQOS vs Sub ohm vaping where there is lots of cloud which one is safer to health,and which one to pick if I were to quit nic?


My Njoy Fell In Water..

I’ve had a couple njoy batteries that I’ve replaced when the times come. I just got a brand new one yesterday and it fell in water. I’ve put it in rice and it hits okay but once I hit it the light stays on afterwards for a long time. And the light is faint and flashing when it’s on the charger. Is there anything I can do to fix it?  

Vaper's Revenge

As an ex-smoker, I feel that smokers were discriminated against. My city even had some stupid law about not being allowed to smoke outside in certain areas. This is of course the same city that attempted to ban large sized Coca-Cola and other sodas.

Now, since I'm vaping, I often now vape in places where it would not be possible to smoke an analog cig.

For all of those times when I wanted to light up an analog before, and couldn't, now I can, thanks to vaping.

I find myself sneaking vapes in many different sorts of places now, simply because I feel like it, and because I can!

Does anybody else find themselves sneak vaping in various locations?

Has anybody ever stealth vaped on an airline flight before? I remember when cigarettes were allowed on airline flights. I think that vaping should definitely be allowed on flights, and that airlines should change their current rules.

Basically, I'm not going to stand for vaping to be discriminated against in the same way that cigs and cig smokers have been demonized for ages now, and I believe that vaping should be allowed practically everywhere.  

Has Anyone Quit Vaping And Still Dehydrated/ Cotton Mouth

Vaped for 2 years , had my e cig in my mouth for most of that time . I suffered from pasty mouth all the time only since I started vaping .

I stopped vaping a week ago and have been downing water but it seems like 5 min after drinking I get pasty mouth and can chug so much water again . I don't like this because I often wake up with a really dry mouth and my lips are always chapped.

I have no other underlying issues . I know its only been a week but still !
anyone else with similar experience?


Back Again

I have been on and off for a few years, mostly off because hubby says the smell of some of my favorite juices is annoying. Well a short stay of me in the hospital changed his mind and he does not seem to mind the vaping as much out of me.

I feel like I looked down for a second and when I looked back up there is all kind of new stuff out there, the aspire esp, eleaf, etc. I switched from the store bought auto to the ego style battery (I always go passthrough) and had gotten up to Kanger t2 and protank for various types of juice. I am a basic person, I might be interested in getting into some of those higher powered mods later (the vapor production looks insane) but I basically want to just throw the tank on a battery and go. I like replacing the atomizers and am not sure I would want to build my own and such. Of the new stuff that has come out since the protank hit (was it a year or so ago?) what would you recommend to a basic vaper? I noticed ALL the ego batteries were out of stock at gotvapes so that got me thinking maybe the ego style battery may be on its way out. I was browsing some other equipment and I was looking at the Kanger IPOW 2 but like I said, I would rather not fiddle and I do want something that is a passthrough as well.

I do realize there is a lot of variability, and the reason the more customization and adjustable stuff has come out is because everyone has different tastes, but I really would like to hear what everyone thinks for getting back into vaping.  

Throw Up Feeling

Does anyone else get this weird throw up feeling after a session of vaping when you get up? I do sometimes and i don't know why. Its happened quite a few times now, the last time it happened I went to have a vape before my Karate training (I was ready and everything) then i felt like I was going to throw up and if i move too fast i probably would have.

Any ideas?  

Coincidence? I Think Not!

Today, I attached my first tank of Madtown Vapor's Banana Rama to my mod.

Just as I hit it, Cruel Summer by Bananarama came on the radio.

Coincidence? I think NOT!