Upgrade Suggestions

Hello. I'm currently using an Eleaf iTwist Mega with a Tabac BCC clearomizer and using Kanger T3 2.2 or 2.5 ohms resistances. I used an Evic mod before but it broke.
Basically a lot of times I use this setup I get the gurgling sounds and also the airflow holes must be cleaned often.
I'm thinking of upgrading and here's some of my vaping preferences: main thing - strong TH. I prefer the mouth-to-lung vaping technique. The more vapor the better. Also, prefer using tanks that are not using dripping technique (so I must change the liquid very fast).
I went to a store and the guy there really recommended the Eleaf 50W mod, however, from what I've read from some posts, not a lot of people vape at that high of a power anyways, so there could be the Eleaf 30W or 20W options then(?) - basically if the mod can last a full day I'm good with that.
As for the clearomizer/atomizer I'm not sure which to choose. I see the eLeaf Mega being recommended, the Nautilus as well - but which one can support the best resistances?
Also, not sure about the value of resistances I should use after the upgrade: can the non-drip tanks handle sub-ohm? Is it worth it if they do? Thanks.  

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Video he https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=swQHODWlqMA  

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