Nautilus Mini Spitting?

okay so i hope i'm posting this in the right place, but i have a nautilus mini that i've had since december and i just bought a new coil for it yesterday from my trusted local vape shop and it was working okay at first, but then it started gurgling and spitting juice into my mouth

this isn't the first time it's done this, i actually stopped using it for a while because of this problem (and the coils were old, so i thought that's what was causing it) but i just put a new coil in and it's still happening...

i have scoured the internet for reasons why this might be happening and i've tried every trick in the book and nothing has worked


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Really Frustrated

Sorry don't know if this is in the right forum.

I have had a mini nautilus for about about a week now.

I've been through so many threads on other people's issue with gurgling and can't find a fix.

I don't get spitting it's just the noise. It's really frustrating me.

I checked website for my mini and it is verified genuine.

Anyone with any suggestions?.

Tried everything mentioned else where. Tried new coil and still making noise. My coils are BVC that cake with verfied mini.

On very rare occasion it doesn't happen it seems to be when I'm on my car which is strange.....

It's leading me to believe it is a problem caused by temperature.

If I can't get this fixed then I'm going to just go back to using my profanity 2 which is a shame as the mini provides better flavour.

I don't see how it's got such good reviews..

Please help  

Nautilus Mini Gurgling - Tried Everything I Can Think Of

Starting from a clean - authentic nautilus mini - with a brand new 1.6 (or 1.8 it makes no difference) coil (coils also verified as authentic).

1. Turn tank upside down - with tip removed and fill with juice.
2. Take base unit and set so no air holes are open.
3. Put a tiny bit of juice around the o ring of the base unit (i get the issues if I do this or not)
4. Put 2 small drops of juice into the coil (I get the issues if do this or not)
5. Screw the coil into the base unit (as tight as you can comfortably get it without going past the obvious stop point and damaging something)
6. Screw the coil/base unit into the tank.
7. Turn nautilus mini correct way up.
8. Move air hole to a middle setting.
9. Take some primer puffs with no power.
10. Leave standing for 5-10 mins.
11. Begin vaping gently at 6 watts - moving up slowly to 10.

Ive tried all types of juice - both high VG and high PG and in-between. Invariably at some point i start to get the gurgle. Ive tried the following fixes:

1. Using a paper towel blow gently out of the air hole to get rid of juice - doesn't work - if i kept on blowing id blow the whole tank of juice out.
2. Take the unit apart - most times there will be juice in the base unit underneath where the coil sits - dry this out - dry the coil off and repeat from step 2 above missing out steps 3 and 4. - this sometimes works but its a temporary fix.

There seems to be no pattern to the problem. Sometimes the gurgle starts as soon as ive changed the coil - sometimes its ok for a week. I have 2 units and 2 spare tanks and have rotated them all using the above method - still get the issues.

I have actually never experienced the burnt taste or reduced draw because Ive always got sick and binned the coil before that point.

I am vaping generally at 9.2 watts - but have tried as low as 7 and as high as 13 - it makes no difference.

I don't draw hard - I cannot understand why I keep getting juice in the air chamber - its not a problem with a "dud coil" unless they are all intermittently dud coils - they are all authentic aspire and I've bought them from different places - so its not a dodgy batch issue - the rings are all the correct way up - I have spent hours and hours researching to try to fix these issues - and cannot for the life of me maintain a stable nautilus mini.

Can anyone save me from madness and tell me what Im doing wrong - Im tending towards a conclusion of all nautilus mini components are junk at the moment.

Many thanks in advance  

Can You Use A Bdc Coil In A Aspire Nautilus Mini?

My GF is a chronic smoker (over a pack a day) and Ive been doing a heap of research into vapors in an effort to help her quit, I just bought an Aspire Nautilus Mini for her but upon further research i notice some users were worried about the ceramic fiber in BVC Nautilus Coils.

I know Aspire claims the ceramic filter is ok but there is lots and lots of research to show ceramic fibers cause cancer, so whilst my GF has bigger problems with her excessive smoking i dont want to give her something to compound the chances of cancer.

Question: Can i fit and use a BDC in a Nautilus Mini? the filters are different but i know they are interchangeable, i just dont know if it will work? anyone tried?

The BVC contains the ceramic coil and the BDC doesnt?

Thanks for anyone with a reply, i appreciate your time.  

Kanger Subtank Mini Spitting Juice Please Help

Hi, I have having issues with the kanger subtank mini sucking hot juice into my mouth with the rba deck it doesn't happen with the occ coils please help....  

Gurgling Nautilus

I have my Aspire Nautilus on my iTaste MVP 2.0 at 11 watts, running a 1.6ohm coil. I have also used it on my Nemesis mech mod with either an LG HE2 or a Sony VTC5 (I already know that mech's aren't ideal for tanks, but it was working really great). Everything has been fine, but now I'm noticing a bit of gurgling. Am I just under-powering the coil?  

More Nic Delivery Nautty Mini Vs Kayfun

Just wondering what everyone who has used both tanks think of there effectiveness. A 1.6-1.8 bvc coil nautilus vs a 1.5 micro coil in a kayfun v4 (clone). Would you rate them the same?? I only ask because it seems the nic (6mg) in my nautilus tank at 17 watts has less effect than my kayfun 4 (tobecco clone) at 17 watts, (same juice 50/50 mix) Obviously the kayfun is not a dripper, but does the micro coil have any impact as far as vapor effectiveness??Sometimes I think I get a little nic sick compared to the the nautilus mini. idk maybe I'm just paranoid lol  

Subtank Mini And Coughing

I've searched the forums and really couldn't find anything spot on with the problem I'm having, but if there is something I missed please forgive me. Anyways Ive been vaping for about 2 months now. I've had no problems with coughing and not being able to Vape up to now. I was using an Aspire Nautilis mini, and I decided to get a Kangertech sub tank mini. This is where the problems have begun. I'm coughing like crazy with this thing. I've done mouth to lung hits, let the it sit in my mouth before inhaling and still cough like crazy and it's only with this subtank I'm now using. I was using the 0.5 ohm coil that was on the unit. I switched to the 1.5 to see if that helped and it didn't. I've adjusted air flow, played with wattages and voltages and really no help. Is there a reason this is happening? What would be the cause of me having a coughing fit only when using this subtank? By the way I'm using a 50/59 mix of e juice.  

Premature Coil Replacement, And Care?

Hello knowledgeable guys and gals of ECF!!!

I like to switch flavors a lot, perhaps a little to often. I have read here that flavors can linger within the wicking material for quite some time. So long in fact that my habit of switching flavors doesn't provide enough time to work the old flavor out entirely. I have a bunch of extra coils for my nautilus mini and my Subtank mini. For accurate flavor I will switch out a coil for a flavor change. So I essentially have a coil for each flavor.

So here is my question!

How can I properly care for, or store these coils when they are not in use? Right now I have them sitting in a little dish of water so the juice doesn't dry up and gunk them up. Will this method harm them? Can I leave them in the water for a day or so, perhaps a few days even?

Thanks for taking the time to read this! I hope I'm not damaging my coils!  

Mouth Juice

Yeahh,okay so I ask this seemingly often...but it happens...coil is working fine but I get little bit of juice...I can't figure out y.I'm using my subtank mini with rba nd I take the tank off the base n hit the trigger n try burning off some excess juice n it's still getting juice in mouth...What cud b the reason or reasons nd what r some ways to prevent it or stop it  

Still Cool To Not Sub-ohm?

Whenever i go out for a drink on the town with the lady, I'll see vapsters here and there with their sub-ohm setups. And here i am with my Nautilus Mini and whatever low-wattage mod I decided to pair it with.

Honestly, each day I seem to enjoy using these low wattage devices, such as the VV4 and a Nautilus Mini, more and more as opposed to my sub-ohm gear.

With my Nautilus, the flavor and throat hit is always spot on, and the vapor is nice too for what it is. I seem to be using this setup more and more lately... And when subbing, it's rare for me to get that satisfying hit, i just find myself vaping more and more to feel satisfied thus burn through a ton of juice. With a Nautilus, I get that satisfying hit right away and vape here and there.

With my sub-ohm gear, juices can be a hit or miss at times in terms of flavor and hit. But i can always count on my Nautilus Mini to give me exactly what I want each and every time.

I even bought a MVP20 at a killer price to perfectly compliment the Nautilus Mini. I wouldnt be burning through nearly as much juice, thus saving me money in the long run.

It's nice to blow crazy big clouds in public, but im starting to fall back on mimicking a standard cigarette with vaping rather than chase clouds.

Am i crazy for shying away from sub-ohming? Maybe it will be fun again after i take a break from it?