Recommend To Me A Solid Second Tank With Rba

Been building my vape hardware collection lately and at at the point where I wouldn't mind another good subtank, but it must have an RBA with it. Gotta be able to rebuild it! hah

My current lineup includes a Subtank Mini on the XPro M80 Plus, a 30w iStick, Doge, Dark Horse (by FAR my favorite RDA I've had or tried), and a Hades Mech. All decent stuff but I'd like to have another tank for my collection. What's a good (and decently priced) tank to go with my Subtank? I'll say this, I've tried the Atlantis and didn't care for it so don't suggest that. Any other suggestions?  

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Atlantis V2 Vs. Subtank Mini

Hey guys I'm looking to upgrade from what I have right now which is the atlantis v1. I'm not a huge fan of the atlantis because of the inconsistency with the coils and the loss of flavor after 2 tank full. The atlantis v2 seems nicer with the occ coils and improved airflow, but I'm not sure if its worth the upgrade since I could just get the new 5-pack occ coils for my v1. The subtank mini still has better options with the occ coils and RBA. Also it seems the occ coils for the subtank is easier to rewick which could save me a few dollars.
I'm not sure which one to go with. I'm leaning more toward the subtank, but still not sure. Maybe someone who has either one or knows more about them could help me. I like to have a good amount of clouds while still keeping the flavor.

Or if anyone has a sub-ohm tank they could recommend that they like more than the ones I mentioned that would be good too.

I use an ipv2


Tank Questions

I'm new to vaping and I hope I'm not beating a dead horse but couldn't find it searching. I have a Nautilus on order and a istick 50w. I've thought about trying a subtank mini too. I'm not looking to sub ohm or rebuild, just a good tank with good flavor. How do they compare with the mini using the 1.2 ohm coil.

Thanks for your time!

Vaping - The Obsession Is Real

I am looking back at my spending this month, and I've realized the thing I used to get off tobacco and save money is now my full blown hobby and obsession. Bad? Nah - but it was eye opening and shocking! Recently (past 2-3 months) I've bought (this is just hardware. If I listed juices, this post would just be dumb long)

IPV Mini
IPV Mini V2
iStick 30w
Nitecore I4 charger (I2 became not good enough)
4x efest 18650 batteries (to add to the 4 I already own)
case to carry them all in while on the go
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Delta II RBA
Sense Herakles Tank
10 Herakles Coils
Horizon Arctic Tank
Pre-ordered Lemo II
Melo Tank
22ga, 24ga, 26ga, 28ga kanthal
ceramic tweezers
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wraps to protect/customize all my mods
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Subtank Mini
Subtank mini OCC coils
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Butane for torch

Now I want the High Voltage tank


My favorite so far: IPV Mini II rocking the Herackles tank at 55w - mmmmm


Finally! No More Urges To Buy New Gear!

Finally! I've tried so many sub ohm tanks with a shelf of them to prove it along with box mods and I've found my perfect set up that I'm 100 percent happy with. That urge of "must have more" and "must have the latest and greatest" has finally subsided after 100s of dollars spent. I can finally relax on hardware and focus on enjoying good juices. I still stay up on new tech but I'm finally happy on my go to juice vendor and hardware. Oh what a good feeling!

My goto set up: Atlantis V1 with cotton coils and 5ml upgrade and ipv mini 2 at 32 watts. Any higher then 32 and the vape is too warm to enjoy. To justify this, I personally own the following:

Atlantis V2
Subtank mini using both Occ and rba
Delta I I using both coil and rba
Lemo 2
Arctic tank
Starre tank
Herakles tank
Kay fun v4

Ipv mini 1
Istick 30
Istick 20
M50 with 65w upgrade

My go to juices are all from itcvapes. 20$ for 120ml for the win.

Time to sell off old items or give them to friends to help them quit smoking.

FYI I'm so busy that rebuilding isn't an option for me. It's much Cheaper, and I have a ton of kanthal in different gauges with a big bag of Koh Gen do, but I'd rather pay for convenience of coils.

Wonderful feeling!  

Still Going Strong. Can I See Your Vape Collection?

It's me again Margaret!

I've been gone for awhile due to a new job and new hours, not enough free time but i'm back.

I started on an Ego-T, and a tank you couldn't tilt over without spilling juice.
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Now I vape using a Sigelei 150w set on 80w usually on .4-.6 builds, dual, single, quad, parallel, twisted, ranging on a few different RDA's, (Authentic Pollux, Dark Horse, Little Boy, Magma, Doge, and Enigma).

If I get 10 replies, with pictures of your vape box or vape collection, I will post mine!

I want this to catch on!



Subtank, Good First Rebuildable? (+1 Add'l Hardware Q.)

Is the Kanger Subtank (mini, probably) a good way to get into rebuildables, or would you recommend I start with something else? If so, what? Please be as vague or as specific as you'd like. I'm not super particular about whether it's a dripper or a tank, as long as it's user-friendly and noob-approved.

Also, I'm going to be needing something to fire it, since I presume my little EVOD-twist won't have enough "umph" to get the job done. What I'd really like is to get a VaporShark rDNA-40, but the budget isn't going to allow for that for some time, yet. So, for the moment, I'm looking at the VS DNA-30, or the Eleaf iStick 30w which is like half the price. What would you say are the relative merits and flaws of each? Is there something about the VaporShark that makes it actually worth paying twice as much for, or should I keep the extra cash and just go with the Eleaf? Or, again, is there something else you'd recommend I look into before either one of those? Any input is appreciated, thanks!  

Subtank With No Spit Back

Hey guys,

I'm looking for a tank and battery combo that subohm at . 5 but the tank has absolutely no juice spit back. I do know my atlantis and atlantis v2 have tiny droplets of juice that hit the tounge. So small that I don't notice it until I had someone point it out to me. I run 70pg, 30vg juice.

I'm looking for a setup for a friend with a tank that is small like the atlantis v1 or subtank mini with a small frame mod.

They currently have a I stick 30 so ideally I'd like a tank that works with that.

I will say thru personal testing the atlantis v2 will give me absolutely no spit back at 50 watts, but the I stick 30 cannot get to 50 watts.

If a new mod is needed, they will go with the new Kanger 50 box but my big concern is spit back. I'm talking I need a tank that has no spit back.

I'm looking at doing this in the smallest package I can. Ml capacity isn't a issue. Size and weight is the issue here too.

Rba tanks are out of question. Need something with replacement wicks.

Any ideas?

Sent from my LGMS395 using Tapatalk  

New Tank Time... Your Suggestions?

Howdy do

So, its pay day and its new tank time. what would you guys suggest?

Currently got a Kanger SubTank on an iStick 50w (LOVE IT)

but i want a new toy

any suggestions?​

Closest To Subtank Without Being A Sub Ohm..

Hi all

A friend of mine is after a new tank, he Loves my subtank but doenst have a mod to run it properly.

He DOES NOT want to buy a new mod, but wants something thats similar in airflow and ability.

What would you suggest? Kanger aerotank maybe?


Does anyone know the width of the aerotank series? mini, giant, mega? his mod is 23mm wide strangely and he wants it to look as good as it performance. ​

Someone Help Me.

Hello everyone. I have a problem. I'm gonna need some help to get through this, I may not even make it. Who knows?

I'm addicted. Not the good kind. The kind that costs money... The kind that makes my long hours at work perish with the swipe of my debit card... I'm addicted to.. Upgrading.

So I'm in need some some help from the best of the best with you guys. I'm looking to upgrade! I'm currently looking into going from my istick50w and Subtank Mini, to a mech mod and rda. I'm gonna start my way with single coil builds, and go up to dual. I am thinking I have about $100 I want to work with, so can someone make some recommendations?!

I already have some cotton and kanthal from my rba with the subtank. I'm just looking for a good starter mech and battery set up, with a pretty decent rda. Now, since this is my first, I'm not biased at all against clones. I welcome them! As long as they are decent quality and get the job done, so be it!

But here's one catch: I don't really like shiny stuff, oddly enough. I mean brass, or really shiny silver. I don't like scratches that stuff seem to get in my pocket. I love stuff to look perfect all the time!

So any help or recommendations are greatly appreciated! I have no idea about batteries or their chargers, but I'm more than willing to educate myself.