Thanks For The Advice.....i'm Happy!!!

Hey Guys,
I found this place when looking to upgrade my E-cig.

I had been buying the cheapie EGO's and the batteries always sucked. So.....based on my desires you guys suggested the IStick 30 and the Kanger Tank. I am VERY satisfied. Especially of the battery life

Now, I am on my quest to find some good juice as well as getting through the learning curve regarding the variable's that I now have control of. The experimentation is fun but also a little frustrating. I'm not a patient man

Anyway, thanks again guys  

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Shelf Life

I popped in here a few weeks ago for the first time in months. I was shocked to read about the vape shipping ban that is quickly approaching. And I am in panic mode! I’ve just been happily vaping away for 8 years now and was totally oblivious to all this. (I am already stocked up on nicotine and have a lot of learning to do there with mixing my own juice. But that will be future posts) For this post my question is about stocking the batteries I currently use and the shelf life I should expect.

I have used Halo Triton with clearomizers for most of my years vaping (after moving up from G6) and loved them! When I found out they were no longer being produced, and the stock I had on hand ran out, I switched to Kanger eVod Twist VV and am pretty happy with those.

3 years ago I also had to find something similar to my Tritons, but only in auto battery because I was having surgery on both my thumbs and would be unable to use them to press a button on a manual battery. So I came upon the V4L auto Zeus with smilomizers. And I love those also, and continue to use those along with the Kanger eVod.

I know I’m old school, but I would like to use these 2 setups as long as I can before switching to and learning how to use external battery mods. (I am going to purchase and stock up on those within a week or two but that will be another post too! will need help! )

SO my question is… long of a shelf life would be expected out of a new Kanger eVod twist and new V4L Zeus batteries? I realize I really have no idea when they were actually manufactured, but if they were with in the last say 8-12 months or so, what kind of shelf life would they still have left? I would like to stock up on some to go a little longer before changing over to mods!


Bow 30, Clone Of Istick 30

A week ago I have bought Bou 30W which is a clone of iStick 30.

Bou 30W Style Variable Wattage Box Mod Black

On page of Angelsigs it is written it can go from 2W to 30W, and it is a lie. I hoped it is improved version of iStick, but seems it has the same circuit in. It starts only from 5 W, and quite often I like to vape at lower wattages (you know, to suck on pacifier without really spending any juice). And it is a bit too small to be comfortable. Vamo is still better, and I can just replace batteries instead of charging the whole device (where are phones with replaceable battery?)

Otherwise it feels very sturdy, buttons are solid, battery life is good. I have not used iStick, but think there is practically no difference.  

Any Suggestion For A Simple Tank Upgrade?

Hello everyone!

I have been an happy vaper now for 5 years. Like most of the old beginners I started with cartridges, blue foam, cartomizer and so on. Currently I am using Kanger tanks, T3, Evod 2, MiniProtank and Aspire ET-S BVC, with Vision Spinner VV but I am looking for an upgrade.
I am not looking for an RDA, nor big battery and definitively not sub-ohms. I'm looking more for a glass tank, adjustable airflow, large capacity, and the ability to see the liquid.
Thank you you all so much for any advice, and happy vaping!  

Questions About Sub Ohm Tanks And Vw Batteries

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Was wondering, if I wanted to go a step above, what should I try next, for a new setup? I really enjoy using sub ohm atomizer tanks but I usually use around 1.0 ohm coils, that's just what I prefer. Battery life is extremely important to me. I'd prefer something that is 3000mah or higher. I also don't really like Innokin.

Let me know!  

Help Me Pick A New Atty

Hey guys, need your knowledge and advice here.

I started vaping last year and think its time to upgrade, but last year it was waaay easier to choose what i wanted. Everyone just recommended i got one...and i liked it for the most part. But i did find it too fiddly to get right and i doubt i ever got it to its full potential. every time i would use some crapy evod i swear it would taste better, but have way less vapor than the kayfun lite. So now i would really like something thats has better flavour than the kfl but that is also simple and reliable. wether thats a tank or rta that has a fool proof setup. I also need one thats good for the mouth to lung hits. BUT THERE'S SO MANY CHOICES THESE DAYS WITH NO CLEAR WINNERS, that i can is there a consenses on whats best?

Ill be using a istick 50w, upgraded from my 18350 mech.

TL;DR - Whats the best tank or rta for flavour, m2l, and is simple and reliable to use??

thanks guys, really need your help to narrow it down  

What Should I Upgrade To?

I'm currently using a Vision Spinner battery with a few ProTank mini 3's (Which look quite nice together infact - so long as the battery matches the tank). I'm wondering what I should upgrade too.. I'm not really looking to get into mechanical modding yet as I'm not made of money. I'm more or less looking for a better battery with a better lifespan, I'm having loads of problems with my vision spinner and I'm looking for something that could replace that.. Anyone have any good suggestions? Thanks!

Edit; I found this: Aspire Premium Starter Kit [VE754-B1] - £49.95 : Vape Escape and was wondering what your guys opinions are on it  

Sigelei 50 Watt Vr2 And Subtank Mini Upgrade Opinions Needed

Hey all. Been awhile since I’ve posted but I still snoop daily. Happy to say that this month makes a year off the cigs!!

I’m hoping for some advice on a setup I’m considering upgrading to.

For awhile now, I’ve been rotating a nautilus mini between my provari mini 2.5 and an istick 20w. I find I still get a more consistent flavor and vape on the PV but the istick comes in handy when I’m out and about. Ultimately, I’m looking to enhance my vape experience and hope to get more flavor and more vape production. I typically vape 70VG/30PG 6mg nic juices

I’ve been thinking of moving on up to a kanger subtank mini (found on sale for $30) so I can begin to learn how to build coils, etc. in hopes of saving some extra $$$ on replacement coils down the road. I’m also considering upgrading to a Sigelei 50 Watt VR2 (found them on sale for $50) so I’ll have plenty power for the tank. However, I have no experience with the Sigelei’s, just see that they are a fairly popular box mod with the community and online reviews. Also found the Sigelei 150w on sale for $80 but feel it may be too much for my needs.

So here’s my questions to you fine folks:

- In your opinion, do you think this setup (subtank mini w/ Sigelei 50w VR2) would be a nice upgrade for me based on the price? I’d really like a good setup that I can use to begin learning how to build but also want a mod that is powerful enough so that I won’t feel like upgrading a few months down the road. I also like the fact that I can still use/buy premade coils.

- To build a good sub ohm coil, what supplies are necessary such as what gauge/brand wire, cotton types/brands, tools needed, etc. Keep in mind that I’ve watched a few videos on building coils for this tank but am a complete novice and would need to purchase all the supplies/tools.

- Also, what are the best/safest 18650 batteries to power the sigelei?

I realize that I could probably search for this information individually through this forum and various review videos but am hoping for some additional input/opinions as well. Plus, there's so much information available online it becomes overwhelming and confusing to a noob such as myself.

Thank you in advance.  

I Can't Stop!

This is bad, and what's worse is I know it's bad but I can't seem to stop. I keep buying mods and tanks and juice and accessories. I've been vaping for almost a year now and for the most part I was happy with my setup (once i got past the cheap ego battery setup I had). I was rockin an MVP 2.0 and a nautilus tank. Loved every second of it. But recently the MVP threads got messed up so no tank would connect to it. So I decided to upgrade my setup and get a Sigelei 150w. Now THIS thing is amazing.

You would think since I was happy with my setup that would be enough. NOPE! I ordered an RDA (Mad Hatter) to go with the sigelei because the nautilus just wasn't fully utilizing the mod. I ordered wire, wick, ohm meter, the whole kit and kaboodle. But I also ordered an MVP 3.0 Pro for the times the sigelei batteries were dead or I just needed a smaller device. Got the MVP in today and it's amazing. I definitely love Innokin products.

That's it though, right? NOPE! I haven't even recieved my RDA yet and I was browsing the interwebs looking at forums and reviews and came across the Kanger Subtank Mini. Looks awesome. So I ordered it. But not by itself, oh no no no, I saw a kit with a Kanger Subox Mini and Subtank Mini starter kit. So I ordered it. Oh god will the impulse buying ever stop!?

Let's not get into my juice collection. I have more bottles than I know what to do with. Originally it was a handful of bottles that could sit on my desk, now I've had to rearrange my dresser so the multitude of bottles can sit up there. I have so many flavors that I love that I keep switching them around and it's driving me crazy. And everytime I see one of you post about your new favorite all day vape flavor I look into it, think it sounds amazing, and end up buying more.

Aww screw it, I love vaping. I'm sure i'll buy something else real soon. Speaking of which...I could use a new drip tip to go with my new tanks. Gotta go.

(thanks for reading my rant)  

Average Life Of Kanger Temp Control Coils

Hey all. Just started using the Kanger occ ni200 nickel temp control coils a week ago. Been vaping the first one about 430 f 20-25 joules. Checked it tonight and the coil looks gunked up as well as the flavor lacking a bit. What kind of usage do you guys get out of these? I heard one person say 2 days?? How long do yours last?  

Looking For A Long Lasting Durable Mod!

I just picked up the Arctic tank. I was wondering if the istick 50w would be a good choice for a mod, or do you guys recommend something else?

Right now I have the aspire CF sub for the battery. Its just after noon and the battery is already dead.