Anyone Heard Of Nicobine?

So I just saw a TV ad, national I believe, for Nicobine. Google brought me to a pretty slick website where there are a lot of points to attract buyers for example non GMO, organic, certified facility and a master chef to boot. Point being, I have never heard of them and a search on this site doesn't come up with anything either. I am wondering who this company is? Seems to have cost them a lot of money so far. BTW my Google search kept correcting me to "nicotine" when I keyed in Nicobine, so number 1 with a bullet on Google too. Any thoughts out there?  

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We Vape Consumer Group T Shirt Competition

Hi Vapers,

As some of you know I have started a consumer campaign group called We Vape to spread the word about the importance of vaping in the UK. I am a Vaper and Snus user myself and the aim is to make sure vapers get heard during the upcoming consultation on vaping. It would be great to have your support and i've designed a T Shirt and had them printed. So I am going to give away some to 10 lucky people that sign up to We Vape on the get involved page on the website, which I am not allowed to link to but if you search google for you will find it.

Signing up is really important so I can keep people informed about what is happening and how they can help out by responding to consultations and contacting their MP. It will also give me more impact with the media with more members so I can get our voice heard.

Here is the T shirt:


Vapecrawler Search Engine.

Yesterday, I heard the guy who started this search engine where you enter a product, and right away, you get a list of vendors and prices.

Pretty cool.


E-liquid Nicotine Calculator For Android

Hey folks, I've recently created a website E-Liquid Nicotine Consumption/Absorption Calculator to calculate equivalent of how many analog 'regular' cigarettes (in terms of nicotine) we're inhaling when vaping on e-juice.

I've got some really nice feedback from you, so I've decided to give it a shot and also create a mobile version of the website. For now, it's only available for Android.

Android app is called 'E-Liquid Nicotine Calculator' and it calculates above details, as well as it allows you to estimates monthly savings of switching from regular analog cigarettes to vaping.

Please let me know what you think or how I can make it better.

You can download it from Google Play:
E-Liquid Nicotine Calculator - Android Apps on Google Play
(as long as you have an Android device it should work)

Some Screenshots:

If Money Were No Object...

What would be on your stalkin'-da-mailman wish list?

vapor flask - Google Search

I'd get this. Made in the U.S., and with the V2, the Flask has removable 18650 batteries. I wish they'd throw the whole temperature control trip out the window, and just make a version that's around 30-50 watts! Bring the price down - VapeRev, if you're out there, anywhere....!  

Google Ban Vape Product Search ?

my local shopping portal customer service reply : now need to use PC to browse, put in to cart.

Vaping Question

Hello ecf, i recently bought a sigelei 150w and an atlantis v2 subtank (amazing btw). I was outside vaping and a very kind gentlemen came up to me and asked me some questions about vaping. He told me he wants to quit cigs. We were both waiting for the bus so i thought yeah i dont mind. He starts asking me pretty common questions; is vaping safe, do i actually save money, etc. He then asked me a question i havent heard before. He asked me if its worse than cigarettes or if i get more nicotine because of the amount of vapor i was blowing out. (.3 at 85watts pretty big clouds) I've never heard this question before and was wondering if anyone has, or if they know the answer. TIA  

Disgusted, Wth Is Wrong With Some Suppliers?

So I see Todd do a mod review on a nice little 18350 hybrid, he really likes it, I really like it. I need another mod like I need another hole in my head. But I know this is a small upstart and they have a cool idea, it's half stolen idea and the other half all been done before, but it's a nice combo, I LOVE hybrid mods and I LOVE 18350's, so I decide I'll spend the $200 or whatever it is and get one.

I do some research, CRAP, they only have a Facebook page and some Google list they sell them through. The old Google list from the first batch is now closed and no new list available. When you sold it your first 100 or 1000 or whatever run, wouldn't it make sense to put up another list and take deposits so you could at least gauge the demand for your second production run? Or maybe you could use some of the money you made to get a small one page website... What do I know?

So I Facebook Message them to please let me know when they have them ready for sale I want one, AND post right in the thread on THEIR Facebook page announcing they will soon have a new batch ready for shipment, that I want one. Please let me know when you are ready to sell. In both places someone answers and says they will let me know.

Fast forward 35 days, I've heard nothing from them.

So I message them again and ask any of the new Hybryds available? Someone answers me back yeah we have them, sorry I wasn't able to message you back. NO LINK FOR THE LIST. NO PRICE. NO LINK TO A WEBSITE. NOTHING ELSE. End of message.

I don't know what economy these idiots live in but here in Virginia where I live and ran my own business for 13 years, when someone is slapping me in the face with their hard earned cash I promise you, if I have to work 20 hours a day I'm going to answer every e mail, every Facebook post, every Facebook messenger post, every phone call and every thread here as kindly and as politely as possible and take ALL the money I can get my hands on, till every grubby little mod is sold.

But that's just me.

And before some of you start defending them with this and that excuse....I know EXACTLY what it takes to design, source materials, production cost's, percentage of scrap, pay electric bills, taxes and employee payroll, insurance, shipping costs and get business loans. There is no good excuse except they just dropped the ball.

If you're going to submit your mod to Todd for review AND he raves about it shouldn't you be ramping your production up so you can meet the demand.

Blah, blah, blah......  

Bold Vape Lite Vs Juul Vs Relx

Hi everyone,

I haven't been active for a very long time because i had gone back to my stinky habit again.
Probably because of the place that i am staying doesn't allow the sales of E-ciggy.
Recently, i have noticed that the people around me have started using small little pen device or some called it a Kit & close pod system whatever so. What i seen is just an ordinary device similar to my very first vape pen over a decade ago. Until I managed to get hold of my friend's RELX device and immediately i know what i'm looking for. Everything is so simplified, popped in the juice cartridge and start smoking like a cigarette! And I don't even need to press or hold any switch?! The best part of this device is so small and handy that can easily hidden under the radar of the place I stay but of course the disadvantage is that the cartridges cannot be refill and is costly. Anyway, for someone lazy like me, it should be perfect.

I have googled search a few brands with similar product specification and out of nowhere Bold Vape Lite caught my attention. Have anyone tried and review its product yet? How is the e-juice and build qualities? Because it's only cost $28 for set of kit and 5 cartridges? Dirt cheap compared to my friend's Relx!! Attached is how the package look like. Trust me and google it yourself. Anyway the cost is so low, I think no harm trying and I will update you guys again soon. Meantime, stay safe and healthy everyone


Your Most Useful Vendors ?.

So i continue with updates to my A-Z. One very useful site, which incidentally is in the USA, is "Element Vape". Probably, as far as i can recall, the "most" useful site for searching for vaping hardware i've ever come across. The reason i say this is because no matter what piece of hardware i'm looking at, whilst on the site, if i click on it, i'll enter the page it's on, and scroll down to the "description". Then at the beginning of the description i'll see the brand name. If i click on that i get taken to a page which displays all the hardware that Element Vape has of that brand. It's brilliant !. I'd imagine most sites do have a function in their main menu to search brands, i haven't seen this particular function anywhere else. It's just so useful !. If you land on this site when researching a mod this feature allows you to see everything else too.

So, Element Vape is my go to vendor site at the moment.  

Funniest Way You've Heard Someone Describe Vaping?

What is the funniest expression you've heard in terms of someone describing their hardware, issues they're having, etc.

My personal favorite is a lady walking into the shop I work at saying that her e-cig was "pop-a-lop-a-poppin." She was trying to describe her Kanger Evod tank being flooded with juice.