Freemax Coil Question?

I just got the freemax and have been using the 0.5 coil head well I was wanting to give the .2 a try and didn't know if I should just set the .
0.5 one away...i did that with my subtank coils and it seemed like if I threw it back in it would give me a dry hit bad luck not sure. but didn't want to waste it If it's not necessary so I'm wondering if I'll be okay.  

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Kanger Subtank Question

Does anyone know why with the original Subtank mini the coils that came with it were
a .05 ohm coil and a 1.2 ohm coil i have noticed with the new subtank it comes with a .05 ohm coil and instead of the 1.2 ohm coil it comes with a 1.5 ohm coil
does anyone know the reason for this
thank you  

Got A Freemax Tank

I had thought Segelei was one of the better tanks out there but seems that coils burn out easily. Been using below stated wattage for the most part. Recently got a freemax tank and the difference is night and day. I have a fuceli mod. 2 batteries 20 amp (25r or similar... All are either sony.,samsung or another recommend brand) and have no issue using at 80watts. The coil is not having issues tank is easier to filll(though my dumba** figured out that top slides by accident). I dont know the max that the battery can go to but if i believe with info i got here before with 2 batteries i should be good  

Wire Safe Duration

Hi, despite all the info on the internet these days, I ve been unable to find an answer to what is the life use of a wire on a rta coil (not the cotton or liquids) before it gets exhausted and become a bad element to health, maybe to the point of releasing metal particles that could go into the lungs... I know this is highly relative and depends on what kind of wire, liquids and vaping frecuency, but if I give you a straight case, maybe I ll make a good relation between other materials and their durability. It happened that during 2020, with the pandemic on full first impact, importations were very slow and in some cases, closed for long periods of time, I was trying to get some imported wires but I didn't have enough luck to find those I needed, just very thin wire for mtl equipment, which I didn't have. All was sold out from vaping websites... I ve managed to get a Zeus X rta and with it, the included premade coils (I think these are Nichrome)... Thing is, I used the same (and only) metal coil for almost 6 months, obviously replacing the cotton when needed (I had all the other materials, bags of cotton Bacon, tools, fresh liquids, etc), the liquid I ve been using is Don Juan sweet tobbaco and reserve, from King Crest. In those six moths I didn't vape all days or weeks, since finding or importing liquids were also a problem, so confinement and the lack of products, push me to smoke again, sadly, but I didn't give up and I start to build again the coil meanwhile the purchases arrive from other countries. The metal coil doesn't seems to be exhaust in plain view, it gets datk or black, as normally should be after several days of use and when tasting a bit burnt, but once I clean up with a brush, water and some short dry burning when building again, it gets back its grey metal color, not the same shine as a new one, but close. My vaping frequency was sometimes in chain, due to anxiety, but not all day or days and I was careful to rebuilt often. Mods are one Aegis X and one Smok P3, wattage I use is between 40 and 60 because even if the coils can be auto detected and suggestion is 75w, this is always overrated and burning taste triggers in 3 days. Only thing I did notice was sort of a metal taste for a period of time, that after went away and never got back. If someone wants to drop an answer, be welcome please, thank you all...  

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New Vaping Gear, Pretty Happy

I'm almost two years into vaping and it has been great.

I've been using a VW Ehuge 35 watt 26650 mod with a Kanger Subtank. Its huge and heavy but the battery lasts a long time. Also been using an Innokin Coolfire 2 with a Gladius tank.

Figured it was time to upgrade. Been watching several review videos to see whats out there. A lot of new sub ohm tanks and they all seem pretty good.

I've never had a box mod and figured it was time. Bought a Cloupor T6 recently to put my Subtank on. The T6 is supposed to be a 100 watt device. The Kanger coil only goes to 30 watts so no big deal there.

I really like the T6. Pretty small for a 26650 mod. Surface is slippery though, need to get a wrap for it. Butons are nice any clicky. The battery cover has magnets which is nice, no screw driver needed. Feels solid and the internals are clean. Its thick and the 25mm Subtank fits nicely on it.

Recently after watching some videos, I came across a new kinda unknown Sub Ohm Clearo. Its the Freemax Starre Sub Ohm. .5ohm or .25ohm coils. Mine came with the .5ohm. The .5ohm is rated 20-60 watts and the .25ohm is rated 20-100 watts. Reviewers were all impressed with the vapor and taste of this device. So I ordered one.

Wow, OMG, this Freemax Starre rocks. Blows away my Kanger Sub Tank in vapor production and flavor. Holds 5ml and the air holes are huge. Surgical Stainless Steel and Surgical Cotton used in the coil. Amazing.

After some more research, I discovered the Cloupor T6 really doesn't put out 100 watts. Well, that makes sense as its only a single battery device.

So went to the local vape shop today and bought a Sigelei 150 watt to put the Freemax Starre on. Will order some .25ohm coils soon.

Lovin the Sigelei so far. Magnets on battery cover, comes with a silicone gel case, nice clicky buttons, takes 2 18650. Its taller and wider than the T6 but not as thick. One thing it lacks that the T6 has is a USB charging port.

The Freemax Starre fits perfectly on it. The Kanger Sub Tank is wider than the Sigelei but fits perfect on the T6.

Really enjoying both of these box mods.

A few pics

Why Do Sub Ohm Take So Much Voltage?

Hello vapers! first! I'm a noob at this stuff because I just buy my tank and use it with the coils it comes with and second, my english isnt that good but I can understand it perfectly fine.

Anyway, Ive been searching everywhere but I couldnt find a solid answer to my question.
Im using an Aerotank Giant right now with a 1.8 ohm coil, if I put a 1.2 ohm I would have to use less voltage because I get a burnt taste and the coil burns pretty quick, Im about to order a Sub ohm tank soon and I'll use the stock coils, the one im getting is the Kangertech SubOhm tank.
Why do subohm coils use more voltage when normal coils use less?

I mean, Ive seen people do things like 0.2 ohm coil @ 100W + If I did anything over 3.5V on my 1.2 ohm coil itd burn instantly... SubOhm takes more voltage the lower you go and normal dual coils take less voltage the lower you go!

1.9 Ohm Dual coil = 3.7-3.8V for me
0.5 ohm OOC subtank sub ohm coil = 12-30W?!

Thanks in advance for taking the time to reply to this post and your patience!


Edit: by the way, Im planning to use my subtank with a 50/50 PG/VG 16mg nicotine, Is that ok?  

No Point Using Sub Ohm Coils On A Vw Mod?

I've yet to buy a VW mod but i will be soon. However the outcome of this thread will dictate which one i go for.
Ive been looking at a few:

MVP 3 Pro (60w mod)
Itaste 50w mod
Coolfire 4 40w mod
Kanger Subbox Mini

For arguments sake lets say you have a 0.5ohm stock coil in an Isub G tank on the Istick 50w. You also have a 2ohm stock coil for it.
The mod is capable of supplying 50w to both the 0.5 ohm coil and the 2ohm coil. 50w is 50w right? So what, if any, is the benefit of putting a sub ohm coil in the VW mod?
The manufacturers market them as sub ohm mods, but why go sub ohm if the device is capable of the same wattage on a 1+ohm coil, the experience would be the same?

Which leads me to a similar question. Would any VW mod from say 30w capable to 60w capable basically give the exact same experience for the majority of users assuming the same tank is fitted?

I'm quite new to this but i hope my question is understandable

Starre Freemax Vs Maganus Dvc V2

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Sigelie Coils Taste Like Ebay Knock Offs

Im new to external battery mods but have been vaping for 3 years and I know how to prime a coil with e-juice. I go the extra mile after I prime the coil and let it sit for a minute. Then I fill up the tank put it back together and do not touch it for at least an hour or two just to make sure. I just got my now verified as legit sigelei sobra with the moonshot 120 both of the coils from that taste like those knock off BS eBay fake coils. I started off at a very low wattage and I don't know what's wrong both coils are disgusting. It's not exactly a burnt taste or a dry taste it's like a sour off taste and I can't use them. It also makes me feel like I have something in the back of my throat. What in the heck is going on? Do these coils take awhile to become usable? They're the coils that came with the mod and I verified the mod so I assume the coils are also okay. I even went so far as to try the second coil on a different mod but with the same tank just in case the mod was frying things the very first hit. Can anyone give me an idea of what's going on so I know what I need to do and also if anyone could tell me whether or not the Cascade baby coils will fit in the moonshot 120  

Bottom Coil Compromised Question?

I'm new to vaping. I've went through 3 coils barely using them.

My issue is: When I first install the new coil and add the liquid, it produces vaporizes just fine. It seems like when I set it down for an hour or so, and go back, it still produces good vapor. But after a bit, if I set it down after vaping, and go back, it produced no vapor no matter how much I puff it. It seems like if I unscrew the part where the coil is, and run it under water, and then let it dry, and replace it, then add e juice, it'll start producing vapor again. But it seems like as soon as I set it down for a bit, and pick it back up, there's no vapor and I wash it out again, etc then it works, but eventually just stops producing vapor altogether u til I replace the coil.

What's going on here? am I doing something wrong? Do I need to adjust the coil some how? I've bought brand new coils and barely use them and this happens. Is the coil just getting gummed up? The coils don't make vapor after so long, and the usage doesn't even equate to a full day, maybe an hour or so.