Are You One Of The Lucky Ones? Vape At Work?

I work as an auto tech, and garage manager. I vape all day, in my office or the garage. I haven't had a single client complain, and my boss just laughs at the clouds I blow all day.

What about you?  

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Home Vape Store Organization

Hey everyone.

My bag going to work is quite heavy with juices and tanks and mods I want to bring. Any box organization ideas?

Also my garage shelf is looking bad too. Anyone make a shelf specially for vape stuff?

Pictures are welcome!  

Time To Go On Offense

Got approached by security guard today at work who directed me to the smoking area. Company just moved to a new office complex. I've always went out walking to vape in non-traffic areas. At this new place, security guard must of been alerted or something, must of followed me waiting for me to take a vape. Another fellow vapor in the smoking area said he was scolded too.

This is getting out of hand, not sure I can do the smoking area, smell of cigarettes just gets to me now. Thinking about trying the side walk, thinking side walk should be public right a way, should be safe there or not.

Seems like we need some offensive. Defense is getting us no where, regulations getting enacted without question. The standard is vaping allowed only in designated smoking areas.

I mean is this stuff bad for you or not!! And, if not, if they have no proof that second hand vapor is harmful to the general public, then what right do they have to make me inhale second hand cigarette smoke.

Heck, they should be thanking me for not polluting the corner of the parking garage they call the smoking area with butts and smoke.

End of rant.  

Vaping In A Hotel Room?

I haven't traveled since I started vaping so I really haven't thought about this. I'm on a business trip and staying at a fairly nice hotel. I've been running outside to vape and was thinking that I could possibly vape in my room.

Now I've never tested it but will the vapor set off the smoke alarm? I'm thinking that some smoke alarms are looking for a particulate amount which vapor would be just that. I really don't want to test that anyway since it wouldn't be a good thing as I am here for the next two weeks.

I tried vaping under the sheets but the clouds just don't seem to want to be contained. I'm thinking that the bathroom seems to be ok since they get steamy during a shower.

Anyone have experience with vape clouds and smoke alarms?  

Non-smokers Starting Vaping - Disturbing To Me

I've been away from ECF for awhile but due to the influx of new devices, I recently returned (and got a bunch of new vape gear, but that's another story ).

Was just browsing the New Members forum and I am very disturbed by the amount of posts being made by people who have never smoked asking for advice on how to "blow clouds", "get into vaping" or even "get a better buzz" from vaping.

Of course, the vast majority of replies in these threads are from knowledgeable and helpful ECF'ers telling these poor, ignorant folks that it's probably a bad idea to start vaping 36mg juice in a sub-ohm device if you've never smoked...and that is great!

I just can't help to think that all these young (I'm assuming) non-smokers taking up vaping and "blowing clouds" can't be good for our cause and I find it quite disturbing.

FULL DISCLOSU I currently vape on an SX Mini / Goliath @ .4 ohms and can blow some pretty good clouds, but that's not what it's all about for's about staying off the ciggies.  

Pg Vs Vg = What Ohms For Which In A Kanger Evod Tank

I haven't seen this discussed yet, so I figured I'd announce my discovery:

I use a Kanger EVOD single coil tank, and a non variable voltage eGo style Kanger battery.

When I vape PG, it tastes like a grandma ultra light if I don't use a 1.8ohm coil.

But these 1.8ohm coils burn out instantaneously if I put VG in.

To vape the thicker VG, the 2.5ohm coils work wonderfully.  

Vape Inside My Workplace(shop Lot)

I work inside a retail shop for my father whom is the boss.He doesn’t support that I Vape or use cigarette,but I do think better with nicotine.I don’t want to feel guilty yet affecting others.I can serve customer better when on nicotine...I couldn’t continue with the gum as I felt it’s not enjoyable as vaping  

How Many Watts Do You Vape At And What Is Your Build?

Many people may find this funny, but I vape at 5 watts, and I build my coils with a single 28mm wire, 1.5mm ID, and 5 wraps.

I only vape MTL and use kayfun's.

A single 2ml tank will last me most of the day, and batteries close to 2 days.

I just want a cigarette "like' experience to keep me from smoking (have not smoked a cigarette in well over 3 years now), and see no reason why I need anything more out of a vape.

So tell me about you...  

Please Help Me!

Hi guys, I'm back!

I'm still vaping away, and happy as ever to be doing it. You guys might remember me, it's been a while. My mom died from lung cancer and I haven't smoked a cigarette since. But I'm humbly asking for help from the experts, because I'm at a loss.

I vape on a Vandy Vape Berserker MTL vape pen, and I buy the coils from or I vape salts, 24mg. This works BEAUTIFULLY for me. I'm satisfied, it's easy, I have zero interest in building things or using tiny screwdrivers or any of that. Maybe once all the little people in the house can use the bathroom without my assistance I'll have time to devote to coil building, but I digress....

So onto my issue... No one is selling the coils for this vape pen! It's out of stock everywhere and I am freaking out. I don't want to use pod systems, I live way out in BFE and don't want to constantly be waiting on shipments.

Can anyone tell me SPECIFIC devices to buy that 1. work with salts and 2. have coils that don't need to be built. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE?!?! And dumb it down, talk slowly, I don't know all the lingo of the cool kids.

Thank you guys in advance. You all were very kind to me while my mom was dying, and I appreciate it so much.  

Upgraded My Tank But Still Tasting Liquid ??

Hey there guys, new here.

I have a Vappresso Revenger Mini kit and I have upgraded my tank from NRG SE Mini tank to a "Geekvape Z Sub Ohm tank(Much Larger Tank)". Because I wanted to taste more flavor and still blow lots of clouds in the air with my vaping device being fairly cheap.
I put a New Geekvape Z series coil 0.4ohm 50-60W because I burnt my original 0.2 Ohm coil , I wont talk about my previous coil. I'm getting 2 problems here.

1. I'm using 60W, normal setting and every time I vape or inhale I get a taste of E-Liquid in my mouth. However its blowing perfect clouds and still getting an amazing taste but its just that the liquid drops in my mouth. I just want to spit it out every time. How do I fix that problem?

2. The other thing is if I use Higher Wattage and High settings the liquid pours out of the air flow and starts leaking and backspits in my mouth.

(Before I vaped with new coil)I put the new coil in, I soaked it for 10-15mins, while I fill half tank of E-liquid which is 0.8Ng/0.2PG. Then I inhaled 3-4x with no button pressed. Then I vaped to test, still leaking. I set the vape to 70W and high setting then blow downwards into the device 5-6x. All I was trying to do is desaturate it. My results got better didnt notice much of a leak but I still get a little bit of liquid in my mouth. If you can help me out here, I would much appreciate it.

Thank you and kind regards

Tuatara Vaper  

Nothing To Do At Work? Clean Mod!

Sundays at work are slow, we rarely see customers, so we mainly focus on store tech work and upkeep. My coworker and I finished all the back orders about 3 hours into an 8 hour shift. My Nemesis mod was getting pretty dirty and I haven't had a chance to clean the metal up in a few days, I also noticed the finish was getting very dull, nothing a bit of sand paper wont fix!

unfortunately I forgot to take a before picture, so sorry for lack of reference.

I started by using some 800 grit sand paper to remove the finish, then polished the mod with some 1200 grit for a smooth finish. the threads got cleaned, and every bit of oxidization was cleared off. going to finish it off with some 200 grit tomorrow and then give it a clear epoxy coat, but for now she is shiny and chuckin the vapes in style.