The Next Tootle Puffer I See......

I am going to run up and hug them and tell them how happy I am they are vaping instead of smoking. I hope the cops don't get called. I know I can be harsh at times but I love all yous guys no matter what ya vape on!

I'm having a particularly great week and it's almost my birthday so I am going to ditch all this inter-vaper hate and promote kindness and understanding amongst us all. Will you join me in doing the same?

Unless you try to pwn me in one of the multiplayer games I'm playing then all bets are off!!!!! Have a great evening folks vape on, live long.  

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Tootle Puffers, Part Three! (the Sequel Of The Redux)

TPuffers!!!!!! What have we done! Part Three? Already?

Hello to all the old and the new Tootle Puffers! Welcome to our newest abode. Please make yourself comfy -- there are drinks at the bar, and snacks on the table. We've even got a T-shirt and a wristband for the 1st person to come in here.

(oh, that'd be me. sorry.)

After more than 30 THOUSAND posts, we're still going strong! (Altho I'm not sure we know the meaning of "Tootle Puffer" yet...) (and we might never know! )

If you'd like to offer up what it means to you, then go for it! If you'd like to discuss the color of your water heater, ride a camel on Wednesdays, or divulge the secrets to a great love life, feel free!

So turn down the wattage and blow some wispy little plumes! Have fun, make friends, learn and teach vape, and Tootle On.

And please join CASAA!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you sincerely, my sweetie pies, one and all, for making this one of the most incredible threads on ECF! I appreciate every single one of you very much.

And without further ado or hoopla, here ya go...... TOOTLE PUFFERS, PART THREE! (The Sequel of the Redux)

Hop on!

And for those who would like to trip down the memory lane...............

Part 1: Are YOU a Tootle Puffer??

Part 2: Tootle Puffers, Redux (The Sequel)

Link to her story of how the Tootle Puffers came to be:
Tootle Puffers, Part Three! (The Sequel of the Redux)​

Are You A Tootle Puffer??

Hi everyone!

Ok, you've seen the term on a few threads now, and you've scratched your head thinking...... "What in the world is a Tootle Puffer?!?!"

You're not alone. Many are wondering. Yet, there are a several people who know exactly what it means, and have smiled their way into the Tootle Puffers Club.

Let's have some fun. Let's find out who actually IS a Tootle Puffer, and let's define it!*

Are YOU a Tootle Puffer? What does that mean!!!

*And before you ask, no, I'm NOT making another spreadsheet!  

Somewhere Between A Tootle And A Sub-ohm

Trying to find my happy place.......

I have been playing around with ohms and watts more since I got into rebuilding and have found sub ohming changes the flavors too much for me and the throat hit gets a bit harsh.

Tootle puffing does not satisfy my need for thick rich vapor.

Still looking for my version of perfection. I have gotten close with a few higher ohm builds that still get pretty good vapor production, but I just haven't gotten my vape nirvana yet.

Maybe I need to meditate over my builds?  

From Cigs To Vaping... Help Please

I have been vaping for about a month, and am still dealing with bad throat irritation. I have a 50w istick with an Atlantis tank. Using 3mg juices, normally vaping at about 3.5-3.8v. Changed coil about a week ago.

I find vaping hit and miss. Sometimes I take a bunch of drags and it's smooth and tastes great, big clouds. Other times (especially in the morning) I take even a small hit and I'm coughing up a lung. I take even one hit in the morning and for a few hours my throat is dry, stuffy and irritated. I am pretty active, and I drink plenty of water. I don't think it's me, I think the tank is sometimes giving me smooth good tasting vape but other times it comes out incredibly harsh, and I can't explain why. Is it normal the first 10 hits or so in the morning are that harsh? it seems as though every morning I have a sore throat because of it. Even in general I just feel stuffier, and is since going from a pack of cigs a day to 1-2 cigs a day and vaping.

Any advice or ideas?  

Review Of Joyetech Evio C Pod For The First Week Use

I have got this device occationally from the giveaway hold by Joyech and have used the device for one week. It's really great for me as a new vaper. The EN coil lasts a whole week and now it still tastes great, maybe the AST-STEEL inside works. What I appreciate the best is the device does NOT leak like other vape pods. Just a good suggestion for new vapers like me .  

Tired Of This, So Help Me Please?

Feeling a bit jaded today with everything that's been going on for the last few months, please help reinvigorate me for tomorrow. I never thought that I'd ever be:

An Advocate on Twitter, didn't even have an account until this happened Talking to Politicians constantly Speaking to Schools about vaping Be at a Vape Rally in DC - Met some great people there So here's my question for the Day, what do you think the Anthem should be for this our 'Vape Family'. My choice is of course, Truckin by the Grateful Dead for the penultimate verse, especially the last line, it has certainly been that:

Sometimes the light's all shinin' on me
Other times, I can barely see
Lately, it occurs to me
What a long, strange trip it's been

Peace and Love To You All  

Helping A Long Time Heavy Smoker To Start Vaping

Hey guys, I'm sure this topic pops up quite often round these parts but since everyone's a little different I thought I'd make my own thread

I, myself, have been vaping for 2 years now and I absolutely love it. I'm 26 and I smoked for about 7 years at around 15 cigarettes a day, and then spent about a year and a half transitioning exclusively to vaping. I'm now happy to say I've been smoke free for nearly 6 months thanks to my vape

My aunt has been a smoker for much much longer than I was, around 25 years I believe, and she goes through more than a pack a day (possibly 2). I'm going to visit her in a couple days and I plan on bringing all my old vape hardware for her to check out, and we're gonna hit a b&m as well. Since this forum has done a great deal to help me in so many aspects of vaping, I was hoping you could help me to help her by answering some questions, giving some of your opinions, etc. In framing your answers, it might be important to know that as of now she's pretty lukewarm to the idea. She doesn't reject and is willing to try it, but she's skeptical it'll work for her.

First: from someone who's done this with a serious heavy smoker before preferably, what's the best way to go about this in your opinion? What worked for you? The last thing I would wanna do is overwhelm or do something that turned her off to the possibility of vaping.

Second: what is the comparison of cigarettes to ejuice. Everyone who doesn't know much about vaping seems to want to know: how much ejuice equals one cigarette/one pack/etc. At this point I don't care much, and I never really did, I found something that works for me and that's what matters. But I'm sure she'll want to know. So lets say, for this questions purposes, around how many cigarettes would a 15ml, 6mg bottle of juice equate to?

Third: do you think it's worth investing in a set up more advanced than a basic ego twist/cartomizer initially with the thought that something higher quality might have a better chance to work long term for her? I'm thinking something like an istick/atlantis set up might be a good way to go since they're so popular and replacement atomizers will be easy to pick up online or in a store.

Fourth: I live in southern California, but my aunt is in Leander, Texas, which is around an hour drive from Austin. Can anyone suggest a quality b&m that we can go check out? I've been to enough b&ms myself to know if it's a quality shop or not, and I'd feel much better about her chance to succeed with vaping if I found a nice shop with great customer service to leave her with. we'll likely go into Austin while I'm there and it'd be fun to check out some shops there so feel free to suggest Austin shops (in sure there's a lot) but that would be a mission for her on a regular basis. Something in Leander that she can frequent would be best.

I know this is horribly long so thank you to anyone who reads it all and replies to help me out with any part of this. I love my aunt very much and I know her want to quit is there. She just needs to find something that'll work and I really hope it can be vaping. Thank you again.  

Wednesday Next Week (may 20) = One Year Off Death Sticks!

I just felt the need to share a short version of my journey to date:

I had been vaping part time you about 2.5 years before my new (now ex-) girlfriend got me to walk into what was pretty much the only vape shop in town. After trying the V3 eGo setup, I bought a tank to replace my older eGo-T crap tanks and some juice. the next weekend, I bought an entire new eGo kit and gave her my old batteries so she too could start vaping. We both cut down on smoking by 50% in a couple of days. It took me a total of 12 days to decide I was done with cigarettes and by the 4th week, I was the owner of a Provari. This all started a year ago now. The Russian 91% followed quickly after that. Next wednesday will be my TRUE one year vapaversary. I since acquired a second Provari for a ridiculous price and 2 more Kayfun clones.

I will not hide that there have been temptations, even lately, to try an actual cigarette, but I have been keeping strong. I did smoke a small cigarillo at the company Christmas party last December and resisted the urge to ask for one or two more from my coworker.

I have not felt the need to stop and take a 5-10 minute "breather" for about a year now whenever I do just about anything physically demanding and I have to thank vaping for this. I also now have a great vape shop minutes away from where I live and have been into various vape shops halfway around the world (work related travels... I'm not that rich and I can get great juices 5 minutes from here) I still get one or two juices form that first vape shop I visited, which now has 4 locations, all of them at least a 30 minute drive from home.

Remembering last year, I do miss my ex (we left each other on good terms) and I really wonder how she's doing on her side with vaping. I know she's got a great shop near where she now lives and hope they have been able to help her. I have been to that shop, but was on a business trip and it was hard enough to know she had to go back to her hometown, so I didn't call her to let her know I was going to be in the area. It's probably better that way, although I still think about her.

It's been a great journey and I now can't wait to get on my old hybrid bicycle to see if I can now keep those racer owners behind me for good; during one of my last rides last summer, 2 of them took the better part of a mile before they finally passed me, and that was on the slope uphill on my way back from my 1 hour ride. I still weight over 250 pounds, BTW and will train hard to make those snobs eat my dust with a definitely inferior bike like I used to 10 years ago

Thank you ECF for helping to keep me on track and enjoying vaping so much!  

Vape Anniversary Two Years On The 24 Of May.

Most of this time has been Tootle puffin. IT works for me.
I have tried Low ohm, high watts. waste of juice, Not a lot like smoking for me.
Love the Tootle Puffin


Does Anyone Want To Try Stepping Down To 0mg With Me? -accountability Partners Thread-

Hi everyone! I am going to be stepping down to 0mg liquid and I figured I'd make a thread and see if anyone would like to join in on the experiment. I've quit nicotine a few times throughout my life and I think I've nailed down a pretty good method. I basically just create an interval between the time I wake up, and the time I vape liquid with nicotine in it. So to begin, for example, I would go a week where-in I am vaping only 0mg nicotine for the first hour I am awake, then a week where I go 2 hours before I vape nicotine liquid. If anyone here is struggling to step down, you're welcomed to join in. This thread can serve as a goals and accountability thread if a few of us commit together. If you are interested in joining, please comment below and follow this thread. We can begin in a week or so to allow anyone who wants to join that doesn't have 0mg, enough time to buy/order 0mg. We can check in with each other and report how we felt going without. If all goes according to plan, we can then begin to plan our next step down due date. You can also play along by just abstaining from vaping for your first hour. Maybe we can choose a goal to hit by New Years.

Let me know if you want to give it a shot. Lurkers welcomed.