Leaving Residue?

I've read on this forum about vaping leaving a residue on car windows and computers. I've recently completed re-painting every room in our home that I smoked in to get rid of the yellow/orange walls and ceiling. Everything looks clean and bright now. Smells better too. Question though, has this effort been in vain? Am I funking up my walls again by vaping?? Would a change in VG/PG mix help? Any feedback would be great.  

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That God Awful Film On Everything.

Vaping rocks.... But cleaning this stuff off my car windows is worse than smoking ever was. I've read threads about people having it on their TVs and glasses. I have yet to experience that. Does anyone have it gather on their walls? What is it? Can't be water because it evaporates off. I'm curious to know what this residue is....  

Best Cleaner For Getting Vape Off Car Windows

Hey all, I know we were having a discussion once upon a time in a thread I don't remember about having to clean our car windows often because of the vape residue that gets on them. I just want to know, what do you all think the best cleaner is for that?

Windex is working for me but not well, I have to do the windshield 2-3 times to get it looking close to clean. Looking for something better than can hopefully cut through the residue.  

Preventing Residue In Pc Case?

I sit at my computer a lot during the day for university, work, and to play games. A few years back, a lot of residue from vaping built up in my case. Didn’t notice until my GTX 1060 stopped working one day. Looked inside and the micro capacitors on the card were sitting in a bit of it and had corroded off the board.

Hypothetically, it shouldn’t have done that. It shouldn’t be conductive or corrosive from what I’ve read, but that’s what happened, honest truth.

Few weeks ago I was swapping out my motherboard and noticed there is once again a bit of residue build up on fans in the case. Not as bad as before. I cleaned it all out with rubbing alcohol.

Is there some kind of way I can prevent this residue from building up in the case? Just been trying to keep a window cracked and blow my vapor out the window.

Maybe some paper towel over the intake fan ports? It’ll reduce airflow I’m sure, but my components usually stay well under harmful temperatures. None of my frequently played games are very intensive.  

Is Your Tip All Crusty?

If so, please see a doctor!

Sorry. No, what I mean is, every single drip tip I use - and I have quite a few now, from Smok, Kanger, Atlantis - ends up looking like this after a day or so of vaping:

Apologies for the poor reproduction, I don't have a proper camera handy, only my mobile phone whose "macro mode" leaves a little to be desired.

Hopefully you can vaguely see what I mean: regardless of the kind of juice I use - again quite a variety of manufacturers, and a range of ratios from 50:50 up to 80 PG / 20 VG - leaves a crusty residue around the edges of my drip tip.

I find that after 24 hours of vaping on a single tip, it's pretty noticeable, and a bit nasty. I prefer vaping custards and other dessert flavours, but do have a number of fruity juices and they do the same thing. Though I've never watched closely to see if one kind of juice leaves more residue than others, or at a faster rate.

Of course I clean them regularly and it's no big deal really. I'm just wondering if this happens to everyone, or do I have some weird and incorrect method of vaping? Loose Lip Syndrome?  

If Nothing Else Makes You Consider Quitting Vaping, This Probably Should

So I've been vaping 4.5 years now. Really still a low watt tootle puffer. I probably vape 6ml or so a day now and that has been as high as maybe 10 ml a day. For about my first 3 years I vaped 50/50, for the past 1.5 years mostly 70/30. Not one cig and yes, all bad physical signs from ciggies have appeared gone for ages now. All my juice has come from very well known suppliers.

I could/should? have taken a couple pics but I think I can describe the situation adequately.

I drive a 5 door Ponitac Vibe. I got it in Jan before I started vaping in April of 2015. So yes, I did smoke in this car for about 2.5 months. Still, I've Vaped in it Daily for at least 20 min a day for 4.5 years now.

Yes, I AM probably a pig but I still haven't felt the need to clean the inside of my car windows until recently. On the drivers inside window I've noticed a clear, flaky film on my window, bad enough that it's started to actually flake off. Interesting. One important note, I had the full inside tinted the month I bought the car so the windows were essentially sterile when I started vaping inside the car.

I critiqued things carefully. The film was by far the worst on my window. Next came the window Behind me. Next came the front passenger window with the cleanest being the passengers rear window. This makes perfect sense as the car HVAC is 100% aimed at me. There Really Is Nothing Else the flaky film can be but vape residue. Arguably very similar to what has actually been going into my lungs. Again, medically, I have no known respitory issues.

My tint peeps said clean with just warm water with a few drops of Dawn dish detergent. You'll recall that Dawn is what they use to get crude oil off of birds caught in oil spills, how be it much stronger amounts of Dawn than I'm using. So I got some micro fiber and *important* water As Hot As I Could Stand, Easily 130-140F and a dribble of Dawn in about a 1/2 gal container. This again was the reco from the tint folks to not damage the tint when cleaning it.

Now comes the scary part.

VERY Hot Water, light Dawn and Heavy elbow grease with the micro fiber were Barely Able to remove the vape residue. These were WAY WORSE conditions than I EVER want inside my lungs (to clean). Honestly, it took Three Heavy go arounds to get probably 95% of the residue off. Even Worse was honestly, I don't think the Very Hot water and Dawn were effective At All against the film. (??!!) Most of the film came off from elbow grease After the window was dry from any cleaning juice. Pg and Vg are Supposed to be water soluble and Water Soluble IS what you want near your lungs. My personal experience here Does Not bear out the Totally Water Soluble point, at least not to me anyway.

This is pretty damn scary if you ask me. I enjoy vaping but this will have me switching to 3mg juice Soon in preparation for quitting. As I said, I've already been decreasing my vape amounts before this.

I am not a Dr or a Chemist but I am fairly certain of this.

What I was almost not able to remove from glass was definitely vape residue.
It is logical to assume the same deposits that were on that glass are inside my lungs. BOTH have been exposed to vaping the same amount of time.

Honestly, to me, thus means a Much Higher Chance of some serious respitory issues from long term vaping.

Bruce in Ocala, Fl  

Non-smokers Starting Vaping - Disturbing To Me

I've been away from ECF for awhile but due to the influx of new devices, I recently returned (and got a bunch of new vape gear, but that's another story ).

Was just browsing the New Members forum and I am very disturbed by the amount of posts being made by people who have never smoked asking for advice on how to "blow clouds", "get into vaping" or even "get a better buzz" from vaping.

Of course, the vast majority of replies in these threads are from knowledgeable and helpful ECF'ers telling these poor, ignorant folks that it's probably a bad idea to start vaping 36mg juice in a sub-ohm device if you've never smoked...and that is great!

I just can't help to think that all these young (I'm assuming) non-smokers taking up vaping and "blowing clouds" can't be good for our cause and I find it quite disturbing.

FULL DISCLOSU I currently vape on an SX Mini / Goliath @ .4 ohms and can blow some pretty good clouds, but that's not what it's all about for me...it's about staying off the ciggies.  

Cleaning Airflow Control Base / Valves


Just wondering how to get a good clean of dirt and juice residue buildup on airflow base part for tanks and rda's. I find this part to be the hardest to clean. Not sure if you can run it under water or just try and get into the itty bitty cracks and crannies with a paper towel like I currently do. The tanks I use are mainly Nautlus Minis and Subtanks. The RDA's are freakshow, derringer, tobh, magma, etc. HOW do you get a good clean on the AIRFLOW CONTORL BASE/VALVE​?  

Ways Around The Bans.

Hello all
The vaping manufacturers need to get together and start leaving extra room in the flavorless juices, then sell the flavor concentrates. You can add this to your bottle and voila, you can still get your favorite juices. There is no law prohibiting that, as you can't vape the concentrates by themselves. It would work, at least until they banned the concentrates. The UK does this with nicotine now. Just a thought.  

Vaping Ain't Easy

Don't get me wrong, I love to vape. But I do miss the convenience of analogs. Every corner store carries your brand, it's easy to bum a smoke from a friend or even get a light from a stranger. Vaping isn't that easy.. Today I replaced the coil in my atlantis before leaving home for the day. I suppose I should've tested it before I left the house but I haven't had a stock coil fail yet. So about a hour away from home I pulled my sx mini out of my lunch box and was looking forward to a vape. But it gave me an error, check atomizer. So I unscrewed the tank and double checked the coil was snug to the base and no moisture was under the coil. I also checked the floating pin on my sx mini and everything seems good n clean. Still I get the message, check atomizer.. Sooo frustrating because I'm a hour away from home with no backup vape and no extra coil.. I broke down and had a terrible death stick. Couldn't even finish it due to taste and smell. It's just not my vape. Anyways no one else at my work vapes so I had to vent to some other fellow vapors.. I can't wait to get home and get another coil!!  

Smoking Is Allowed...but Vaping Isn't [college Campus]

So this campus has basically shut me down vaping in any way.

Outside of the commons, there is a smoking area. First day I moved in I started vaping away, listening to music. Then a random guy tapped on my shoulder and told me "They don't like you doing that here." And I was like, uhm thanks for the warning. Did it a few more days without incident, and I had a RA approach me and tell me that "We don't allow that here." I asked why, and she just said that's what I've been told. Was vaping again, because I figured if I did get in trouble it'd be a chance to explain how ridiculous it is to not allow vaping in a smoking area. Head of student housing sees me, and says that I have to stop doing that or he'll write me up. I try to ask why and he simply says "We have no idea what could be in there" and walks away. ????

So I figured I'm not going to risk it, I'll just stealth vape on a little vv mod in my room while I work. My room mate is cool with it, obviously vapor doesn't damage the room in any way, no obvious smell. Its 2am, and of course after only about 5-10 hits a deafening BEEP BEEP BEEP and strobe lights. Apparently I somehow set off the fire alarm. So I quickly think to throw popcorn in the microwave, and as I'm doing it the sound stops. At this point I'm shaking because I could forfeit my security deposit, get everyone evacuated, and have the fire department come out. I wait for a couple hours, but nothing comes of it. No one has to leave the building or anything. I was never confronted about it.

At this point I'm really paranoid, so I pull my car into the far parking lot. Close the windows, and vape there. Listening to the radio, put my seat back and was enjoying myself. This is an area that technically isn't the property of the college so I think I'll be fine. NOPE, I hear sirens... Cop jumps out of his car, loudly knocks on my windows. I roll it down a bit and vapor starts billowing out. After a little bit of back and forth he explains that someone called him out for a "car fire" and that he was doing a wellness check. At this point I'm thinking I really just can't catch a break. He's nice enough about it and even laughs before leaving.

Now I'm way too paranoid to vape on campus at all. I was used to chain vaping at my desk, but now every time I have to drive out and spend an hour sitting in my car :/