Fda Grandfather Date 4/14

So hypothetically if the bill Casaa is asking us to support is passed to keep all things on the market created prior to April 2014, what devices will be available? I started vaping this year, does anyone recall the "must have" devices back then?  

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Collectible Vapes And Devices

Did you know that some old computers are worth a small fortune?

Almost any old Dunhill smoking pipe is collectible and some are very valuable.

The original inventor of vaping supposedly got almost nothing for it because nobody really wanted to use it {back then} and by the time they started to become popular the patents expired {or is that an urban myth?}

Got one of those early vaping devices ???

And the big question, has a collectible market yet developed for early vape devices ??? Are these devices yet to appear on the collectibles market and what kind of money are they bringing ???  

Been Away A Long Time. Is There Any Market For Classic Mods?

Hey all, very few will remember me but I was one of the earlier on adopter mainstays here years ago, especially in the REO and mech mod arenas. Spent thousands on mods back then, but I don't regret it as it helped me kick a 23 year butt habit. I still have several higher end devices from about 5-8 years ago that I will never use again but enjoy looking at. I wonder if there is any market at all for 'classic' higher end devices amongst today's members?

I am talking about REO Woodvilles and REO Grands, Bogger Boxes, SUPER T ELA, Atom mechs, Provari Minis, carto tanks and carts and a couple others that I don't even remember the name of but were THE THING back in the day LoL.

I may let go of them if there is a market at all for them amongst today members. Just curious if there is a renaissance yet for these things.  


So we have all heard it, at least in small fragments. The Head of the witch hunt herself has stepped down from office. The grandfather date to the regulations has been moved to 2015, and it supposedly comes in effect in either June or July, either way the upcoming date is seriously gunna screw us. But what if perhaps this new head of the Fda isn't so bad? Perhaps the grandfather date will be put back in the terrible spit of 07, or the vaping witch hunt will soon begin again. Either way, we won't know until everything goes public, but what do you think will happen?  

$5,000 Fine For Vaping

Hi....the city of Ottawa, Canada passed a bill last night banning vaping on public transportation buses. A fine of Up to 5,000$ . I think this is a wonderful bill. It is idiots like these vapers who " I do it in your face cuz I can attitude " that is outlawing vaping.Vapers......showing a little restraint sometimes can go a long way in helping our cause....thank you.  

Vaping In Public

Heard yesterday that Indiana has passed a law banning smoking in public parks. That includes vaping under the heading of "all other forms of smoking".

Indiana has some history when it comes to vaping regulation. They passed a very restrictive law concerning juice a few years ago, with bipartisan support. That got nixed for legal reasons but it suggests this latest one is likely to be the first salvo in a new crusade.  

Us Shipping Cutoff Dates - Usps, Fedex & Ups

I believe these are the dates that shipping to US consumers ends:

Fedex - March 1, 2021
UPS - April 5, 2021
USPS - April 26, 2021

USPS - after March 22, on the date the final rule is published, no later than April 26, 2021

It looks like vape shops will be the only way for most US consumers to get devices, coils, nicotine base and premixed liquids going forward.

Time is near to get creative or be fully stocked up!  

Now They Are Talking About Banning Refillable Systems.

At first I was not too concerned about a flavor ban because my wife and I use no flavoring and I mix my own... But now Romney and some dude named Jeff have a bill on the floor that includes banning refillable cartridges. That scared the holy bejesus out of me. It sounds like they want all e-cigs to be like the "Mojo" (a disposable closed system).

The frustrating part about this current situation is that all of this seems to have started from some black market THC cartridges, which has absolutely nothing to do with vaping. PG is used in children's asthma medication and nicotine is really not much more dangerous than caffeine, but everyone out there thinks that e-cigarettes are killing people.

I think our first mistake was calling them "e-cigarettes" instead of something like "nicotine delivery device"... The name "e-cigarettes" just causes those that are clueless group them in the same category as cigarettes. Big Tobacco and Big Pharma are probably loving this right now. Smoking kills 450-500k people per year, as far as I know vaping has killed 0, but sure, go ahead and put severe restrictions on vaping. I know it saved my life, 12 years ago I could not manage walking up a flight of stairs, every time I laughed it ended in a coughing fit. Then e-cigs came along and all of that changed.

I wish there was some way to educate the public, especially our government officials.  

What Does This Ban Mean For The Rest Of The World?

Hey everyone! So it’s clear that things are changing for all of you who live in the USA. I truly feel for all of you, and I still can’t believe this is happening. But, what is the impact that this is going to have in all of the other countries that basically depend on the US market?

I live in Perú and in most shops, if not in all of them, most of the juice that is sold is directly imported from the USA. Does this mean that we won’t be able to purchase these items anymore either? And what about new devices? I’m aware that most of them are made in China but under American brands.

I understand that the USA has probably been one of the biggest markets in regards to vaping. How is this whole thing going to impact the rest of the world? Our vape community isn’t that big, it just started growing last year. Stores don’t really make their own e-juices, it’s hard to get good quality ingredients.

I’d really appreciate your thoughts <3  

Late To The Regulation Scare

So I was looking into the fda and what they had to say on vaping and stumbled upon the God awful goodie they have planned for us next year. For those of us who need a refresher look up the regulations that came to light April 14 2014 on vaping. Someone please tell me this has been stopped??!!! Anyone?!?!  

Is High Wattage A Fad?

Hey guys. I've been into vaping since 2009 originally, but really got into it around 2013. From 2013 to 2015 alone, I've seen a tremendous change in the community. Some of this change is extremely positive. For instance, the race to create better technology and new types of devices. From that race has come many awesome companies, with new devices, and new types of devices popping up literally overnight.

Competition is a GOOD thing, for the consumer.

However, I am wondering about the wattage race. The companies who make bats competing to make a higher wattage device. I remember when the DNA20 first came out. I remember thinking, that's awesome, but will anyone ever need 20 watts? Then the dna30 came out. It wasn't long after, that we saw our first 50watt box mod. When a 100watt box mod came out, I thought they were NUTS. Surely no one would EVER need 100watts.

Now, we have what? 150watt devices. 200watt devices. Where does it stop?

At some point, the higher wattages won't keep equaling better quality vape. In fact, I think we already reached that point a while back. I would say 100watts would be a reasonable cut off point, but then again, who am I to say?

At what point does vaping cease to be a smoking alternative, and become a hobby? At what point does vaping cease to be a hobby, and become a SPORT?

I get it......as with any technology ,there will always be a small group within the community that wishes to take things to the extreme. These are the people who take vaping from a simple hobby, to literally a "sport".

For me, vaping isn't a sport. It is a hobby. I don't see the appeal of vaping as a sport, but I have no desire to limit other people's imaginations, so long as they are careful, safe, and don't expose themselves or others to unnecessary harm.

I will say this so. For those of us who vape as a hobby. What does higher wattages do for you? I have a Sigelei 100watt box mod.....and I run kayfuns, RBAs, an Atlantis, and an arctic on it. Even running at my arctic at 0.2ohms , I never need to go past 50watts.

Also, I don't even buy 0.2 ohm coils anymore. For me personally, I find flavor to really come out at HIGHER ohms than that. I find the BEST flavor comes in at 0.5-1ohm. So what is the point of going past that? Just to increase the amount of vapor?

I'm just trying to understand why the vape community is going the way its going. What is the fascination with higher wattages outside of the tiny SPORT vaping sub-group?