A Bit Of A Laugh

New research reveals 27 new deadly hazards from e-cigarettes | Anti-THR Lies and related topics

"A new study out of the University of Minnesota revealed the deadly effect of e-cigarette liquid on rodents. They dropped 55-gallon drums of e-cigarette liquid on rats, from varying heights. The found that for even relatively modest heights — no greater than those found in ordinary houses that are home to children — there was a nearly total fatality rate."  

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Cigalikes Are Garbage

Any veteran vaper will tell you this truth.
We have all probably tried them at first. I know I did. I can tell you a universal and undeniable truth about them.
They are garbage.
They are nothing more than a most introductory lesson into vaping. I know of no vaper in my circle of friends that started with a cigalike and continue to use them. They have many flaws and 1 in particular comes to mind.
In the cartomizer, the unit that holds the 'liquid', no one has any idea what is in there. Sure, the package might tell you but how do you know? These cigalikes were the only product used in a study in 2008 to determine what was in the liquid. The results were disturbing but not surprising. They found formaldehyde, cyanide and other toxic chemicals usually found in cigarette smoke. So, yes, they really are cigalikes. But at the same time, painted the entire industry with a broad brush so now everyone thinks that vaping is just as deadly, if not more so, than smoking analog cigarettes which is nothing but one gigantic lie. Any vaper will tell you that.
Why were these chemicals found in a vaporizer? Because most cigalikes are, and have been, produced by Big Tobacco. They don't want to lose customers or money. They want every former smoker to be just as addicted to their cigalikes as they were to their cigarettes. There are several videos on YouTube of interviews with BT representatives that say this very thing.
Don't buy the garbage because it's cheap. Go to your local vape shop and talk to someone who was in your shoes.  

New 'baddie'. Mint/ Menthol Flavor Causes Cancer.

E-cigarette cancer warning as new study finds mint and menthol flavour risk

The study of menthol and peppermint vapes revealed high concentrations of a carcinogenic additive called pulegone that US watchdogs recently banned in food.

The pulegone additive, a constituent of oil extracts from mint plants, is believed to cause liver cancer if absorbed in high enough quantities.​

Mint, menthol e-cigarette liquids high in cancer-causing compound: study - Reuters

The findings, published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine​

Vape Pods Taste Minty Thanks to Extremely High Levels of a Chemical Banned in Food

But despite all the evidence that pulegone is carcinogenic and causes liver toxicity, researchers found the chemical is present in mint and menthol-flavored e-cig liquid at levels far above a safe threshold.​

This study is the latest in a growing pile of proof to how little-regulated e-cigs and vapes are. To illustrate that, researchers compared pulegone levels in mint and menthol e-cig liquid to levels in menthol cigarettes. At all levels of daily consumption, pulegone exposure from vape pods are significantly higher than exposure from cigarettes, with rates ranging from 44 to 1,608 times higher.​

So much for Juul's best seller - menthol.  

Usa Today: Scientists Want Probe Of Ucsf Tobacco Research (glantz)

Scientists want probe of UCSF tobacco research
One of the country's best-known tobacco researchers is under fire this week after one of his federally funded vaping studies was retracted and other academics are calling for federal review of some of his other influential anti-vaping research.
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additional Glantz studies deserving of the most scrutiny include two major publications in 2018: A meta analysis of other vaping studies published in the British journal Lancet Respiratory Medicine and one in the journal Pediatrics about teen vaping and smoking.

The Lancet analysis of several studies was based on a "misleading negative correlation between e-cigarettes and smoking cessation"and used studies that had nothing to do with quitting smoking, Abrams said. This violated the basic tenets of medical research review, he added.

"It has had a massive misleading influence in the field to this day because it is cited as the main reference" to show vaping makes it harder to quit smoking, Abrams said.

The other study concluded the "use of e-cigarettes does not discourage, and may encourage, conventional cigarette use among US adolescents." Rodu, who analyzed the claim, found only 11 of 9,000 teens studied vaped before they started smoking and 80% of the kids who smoked hadn't used tobacco product previously.

Using that data, Abrams said the "effect of vaping is not just diminished, it disappears."
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Bt's Way Of Winning In The End?

I'm a 45yo New Zealander, and I have absolutely no axe to grind, except one:

I smoked for 25 years. Therefore the tobacco companies have had more than their fair share of my money, and more importantly my health.

Thanks to vaping, using RBAs and mods, and diying my own ejuices - I've been smoke-free for 20 months.

One company that looks like winning, with all the fake news and hysteria being dredged up in USA over vaping is Phillip Morris International. And I'm not talking about their cigarette products - but rather their IQOS product.

A Device That Heats Tobacco, But Doesn't Burn It, Can Now Be Sold in the U.S. Here's What to Know About IQOS

The FDA have already approved this product for sale in USA. And how does the IQOS work?

the FDA says the pen-like IQOS device heats, but does not burn, “tobacco-filled sticks” wrapped in paper, creating an aerosol that contains nicotine. Marlboro, an Altria brand, will make the tobacco sticks used inside the cartridge, which will come in menthol and unflavored versions.
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It's pretty much a cigarette, that goes into a device which 'heats' the tobacco, so you can inhale it.

Here's Why IQOS Could Completely Own the U.S. E-Cig Market | The Motley Fool

And how safe is it?

Comparison of Chemicals in Mainstream Smoke in Heat-not-burn Tobacco and Combustion Cigarettes. - PubMed - NCBI

There is little scientific data, however, of the hazards and toxicity of iQOS. In this study, we evaluated several harmful compounds (nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide (CO) and tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNAs)) in the mainstream smoke and fillers of iQOS, and compared their concentrations with those from conventional combustion cigarettes.

The concentrations of nicotine in tobacco fillers and the mainstream smoke of iQOS were almost the same as those of conventional combustion cigarettes, while the concentration of TSNAs was one fifth and CO was one hundredth of those of conventional combustion cigarettes. These toxic compounds are not completely removed from the mainstream smoke of iQOS, making it necessary to consider the health effects and regulation of iQOS.
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iQOS may not be as harm-free as claimed, study finds

The University of California study found that, since the device could only be used for six-minutes before it needed to be recharged, it may cause some people to shorten the interval between puffs in order to make sure they did not waste any of the tobacco stick which could increase the possible toxic exposure.

But of greater concern was that the polymer filter melted slightly during use and released formaldehyde cyanohydrin, a toxic substance which could be fatal to humans. The compound is metabolised in the liver and broken down into formaldehyde and cyanide.

"This study has shown that the iQOS system may not be as harm-free as claimed and also emphasises the urgent need for further safety testing as the popularity and user base of this product is growing rapidly," the study concluded.

University of Otago public health and marketing Professor Janet Hoek said the findings led her to question whether it really was a "reduced harm" product as claimed by the manufacturers.

If users inhaled more frequently as it was suggested, it was likely they would "increase their nicotine intake and exposure to harmful compounds present in the inhaled aerosol", she said.

She said those who had tried unsuccessfully to quit smoking were better off considering e-cigarettes.
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Just my


Seeking Relief From Nicotine Addiction, Some E-cigarette Users Turn To Smoking

Seeking relief from nicotine addiction, some e-cigarette users turn to cigarettes - CNN

Even though McClain knows the dangers of cigarettes — lung cancer runs in his family — he thinks it might be easier to kick cigarettes than his Juul. Plus, his mom keeps warning him about the mysterious vaping-related illnesses that have sickened hundreds across the country.
So last month, McClain bought his first pack of cigarettes in years. Then he tweeted about it.
"Bought a juul to quit smoking cigarettes," he wrote, "now I'm smoking cigarettes to quit the juul." He ended with this hashtag: #circleoflife.
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By the time the anti-vaping zealots figure out what they've done it will be to late to undo. Actually, it probably is too late.  

Contaminate Vit E Oil Found In Vape Related Deaths And Illnesses

Contaminant found in marijuana vaping products linked to deadly lung illnesses, tests show - The Washington Post https://apple.news/A-wW5xT3FSeiVgNBMOrbVew  

Ban The Pods!

Seeing it already... little plastic pods, in parking lots and the park, the new cigarette butt of the new Age.

Vapors used to be the good guys... the ones who didn't leave their nasty cigarette butts all over the ground.

There's a bipartisan Bill working it's way around the Senate to ban pods and cartridge e-cigarettes and I hope it becomes law!
Teenagers love the easy convenience of the pods. Eradicating them, forcing adults to buy box mods (the horror! For their refillable tanks wouldn't be the end of the world.

Limiting vape sales to vape shops was a good idea. Eliminating gas station and convenience store sales was a good idea too.

Putting reputable e liquid manufacturers out of business? Not so much... maybe a modest sin tax on e-liquid wouldn't be a bad idea. If we're lining govt pockets with revenue, maybe they'd leave us in peace....  

Suddenly Intolerant To Liquid Nicotine? I Can't Believe It

Hi guys! First of all sorry for my bad english. I started to vape at February and I love it, thanks to the e-cig I don't want a tobacco cigarette anymore. By the way, for some reason, about 15 days ago I realized that e-liquid nicotine gives me agitation and jittery that I've never had before. Sure, nicotine is a stimulant like coffeine but as we know it's a relaxant, too. And this stimulant/relaxant combo is what I've had with tobacco cigarettes and with vaping until 15 days ago. To be sure that (liquid) nicotine is the culprit, I've tried everything. With nic free e-liquid I have no agitation, even though I become a little sad because actually I can't stay without nicotine for a whole day. You may say: "reduce the nic dosage" and that's what I did, but unfortunately even with 1.5 mg/ml I have this issue And I don't vape too much. So I decided to do another test: for one day I smoked tobacco cigarettes. Guess what? No agitation and jittery. This is so weird, I can't believe it! Because I can expect it if I vape too much at high nic dosage, but I vape at only 3 mg/ml and not too much. And as I said before even with 1.5 mg/ml. I started to vape at February with 9 mg/ml, then I gradually lowered the dose without any problem (until 15 days ago). Also, I've tried different nicotine e-liquids but nothing has changed. Now I don't know what to think other than I suddenly become intolerant to liquid nicotine, even though I don't have nausea, dizziness, headache, stomach problems and other symptoms that make me think: "you're intolerant for sure". What do you think guys? Is there something that I can do? I don't want stop vaping, especially because I don't want to smoke again Thank you so much in advance guys.  

Help Looking For The Right E-cig

Because of some changes to my income and the snap program in my state, i have decided it's finally time to stop smoking, or at least stop cigarettes. I have an EVOD with a nice glass tank (aspire,) my issue is that i have nasal polyps and they stop my sense of smell. So i have never been able taste the liquid, no matter what mixture i use. Because of that i have always preferred the cigarettes. I like the e cig and all but if given the choice, because of the lack of flavor i would always grab a cigarette before the ecig.

So now i cant afford to keep smoking so i have trying to figure out why i prefer them so much, and one of the biggest ones as far as i can tell is the weight. With a cigarette you can hold it between your fingers and still use your hands, With the e-cig, it's heavy i have to puff and put it down before i can really do anything.

Now because of my taste issues and experimenting, i have 10 bottles of liquid just sitting here that i have pretty much never opened. If i could finish off that stuff it would save me about 120 dollars a month. For me (and i assume a lot of other people) That's a hell of a lot of money.

So what i am trying to figure out is, is there a really light weight e cig out there? Maybe a style that mimics the Blue or other cartridge e-cigs but still allows for refilling? Almost all of my liquid has citrus in it so it would need be glass but it seems like that would still be better then what i have now.

Also cost is an issue. It would have be on the cheaper side of things if possible.


Document Central?

Perhaps folks who have posted documentation in a variety of spots would want to post it here as well. We could use a go-to thread when we're looking for solid evidence on a topic ("Just the facts, ma'am.).

Let's post only heavy-duty stuff, genuine documentation, not in-my-opinion pieces and the like. I'll start with these:

A document from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services ("These e-cigarettes are not considered smoking devices, and their heating element does not pose the same dangers of ignition as regular cigarettes.") A 55-page study from the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Biotechnology Information ("The potential of significant adverse effects on bystanders is minimal.") A 13-page study from FEMA's U.S. Fire Administration ("More than 2.5 million Americans are using electronic cigarettes [e-cigs or e-cigarettes], and this number is growing rapidly. Fires or explosions caused by e-cigarettes are rare. Twenty-five separate incidents of explosion and fire involving an e-cigarette were reported in the United States media between 2009 and August 2014."). ​