Second Hand

Hi ecf! From what i read and understand that second hand vapor isn't that bad for you(please correct me if you can). Was wondering if i did it in a closed room with the window open would even reduce what little harm there is?  

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Something To Remove Vapor From My Office


I have a small office in my house in which I enjoy vaping a lot. But I need the vapor to dissipate more quickly than it does! If I open my office door and leave it open for less than a minute, the vapor comes out and sets off our smoke alarm which is attached to a service that dispatches fire response! Thankfully, I've been able to run downstairs to, hit the code and talk to the alarm company to stop the trucks from coming, but as one might imagine, this is not fun. And it's anxiety-provoking for me. Additionally, the vapor filling and remaining in the room is... unattractive for Skype meetings.

I would love a desktop exhaust of some kind that can dissipate the vapor at least a bit if I smoke into it. But here's the thing, it needs to not be a window exhaust. It's too cold in the winter to have that running in the window and in the summer, I have an A/C unit in the window. Smokeless ashtrays are meant to collect smoke off a burning cigarette and by my research do not pull exhaled smoke.

Any thoughts?  

Serious Question Here

Ok, let me make this brief as possible. I'm guessing my wife (non smoker or vapor') seems to have developed a sensitivity to my vaping. She seems to have nasal congestion a lot when I'm home. I'm not a cloud chaser, so I don't fill the room and tend to blow my vape away from her.

Has anyone else experienced effects of "Second Hand Vapor"?  

Save The Children!!!!!!!!11

Saw this video online and was wondering what you guys thought about it. I know second hand vapor is safe so does that make this video ok?  

Time To Go On Offense

Got approached by security guard today at work who directed me to the smoking area. Company just moved to a new office complex. I've always went out walking to vape in non-traffic areas. At this new place, security guard must of been alerted or something, must of followed me waiting for me to take a vape. Another fellow vapor in the smoking area said he was scolded too.

This is getting out of hand, not sure I can do the smoking area, smell of cigarettes just gets to me now. Thinking about trying the side walk, thinking side walk should be public right a way, should be safe there or not.

Seems like we need some offensive. Defense is getting us no where, regulations getting enacted without question. The standard is vaping allowed only in designated smoking areas.

I mean is this stuff bad for you or not!! And, if not, if they have no proof that second hand vapor is harmful to the general public, then what right do they have to make me inhale second hand cigarette smoke.

Heck, they should be thanking me for not polluting the corner of the parking garage they call the smoking area with butts and smoke.

End of rant.  

Room Gets Cloudy, Best Way To Get Rid Of Vapour

One of those stupid questions but would like to hear your tips...

I vape heavily (sometimes end up chain vaping for a few minutes) on high watts and end up fogging out the room.

Long story to explain why but my question is what is the best way to vape in such way but get rid of the vapour quickly?

I've tried opening my window and it takes forever to get rid of it all. Does a damp towel help?

Not too fussed about it really but since it's a general question, I wanted to hear what you lot do (if you do anything at all to reduce the vapour).

Thanks for holding your cool through this dumb question lol.  

Mistakes You Have Made As A Newbie Or A Veteran Of Vaping.

Thought this would a fun thread to get going here in ECF.

Well,i'll start with something that just happened to me.

So yesterday i got my order in from the spanish website i use for my vaping needs,got some DIY materials and a couple of coils for my Innokin Zlide.

The vape shop was kind enough to send me as a gift a bottle of peach flavoured hand sanitizer.

I kept that hand sanitzer on my desk but stupidily enough i kept it close to my bottles with e-liquid.
So i refilled my Innokin Zlide with what i thought was my popcorn flavoured e-liquid when in reality i just refilled it with the peach scented sanitizer.

Lucky for me when i closed it i could tell by the smell that something was wrong so yeah...that happened.
Tossed the coil to the garbage (only used it like 2 days) and proceeded to wash and clean the tank,but in my defense the bottles look the same (except for the colour that is)

Common mistake,lights were turned off and i was watching a movie so yeah that happened hehe

p.s. hand sanitizer is the bottle on the right  

How Can I Vape Without The Alarms Going Off All The Time?

My dad installed new alarms recently, and these are the kinds that detect vapor. So the alarms have gone off four or five times now, and it's really anoyying cause now I can't vape in my room. They've never said anything about me vaping in my room. They don't care for all I know. Until the alarms started going off. Please don't tell me to o just obey my parents and stop doing it. I was a smoker before, and vaping stoped me from smoking cigarettes. I'm 22 also. What should I do? Because I don't wanna have to go outside all the time. Would opening the window work?  

Preventing Residue In Pc Case?

I sit at my computer a lot during the day for university, work, and to play games. A few years back, a lot of residue from vaping built up in my case. Didn’t notice until my GTX 1060 stopped working one day. Looked inside and the micro capacitors on the card were sitting in a bit of it and had corroded off the board.

Hypothetically, it shouldn’t have done that. It shouldn’t be conductive or corrosive from what I’ve read, but that’s what happened, honest truth.

Few weeks ago I was swapping out my motherboard and noticed there is once again a bit of residue build up on fans in the case. Not as bad as before. I cleaned it all out with rubbing alcohol.

Is there some kind of way I can prevent this residue from building up in the case? Just been trying to keep a window cracked and blow my vapor out the window.

Maybe some paper towel over the intake fan ports? It’ll reduce airflow I’m sure, but my components usually stay well under harmful temperatures. None of my frequently played games are very intensive.  

Revo By Pm

Has anybody seen these yet. Its kind of like a cigalike except it has actual tobacco in it and you need to light the end. A friend stopped over with a pack so I tried it and was pretty suprised at the amount of smoke/vapor. After I was done i busted it open and all the tobacco was still there except a bit off colour. Pretty interesting even thouh I could not figure out how it worked. Suposidly PM realeased them in the 90s, but they didnt sell. Of course they re release it now that vaping has gained in popularity

Dont really know what to think of them on 1 hand it was pretty satisfying on the other your still heating big tobacco.  

First Decent Article Re Vape Crisis

Honestly, this USA Today is one of the first articles I've read where someone is actually talking to some of the people who have experienced first hand serious health issues from the underground and worthy of a read:

Vaping illnesses: Crisis mixes teens, black market THC, no regulation