Ecf Members Choice - Juice Of The Year: 2014

Hello again fellow vapers. It is that time. Time to pick your favorite e-liquids. This year will be very similar to last. DaBucs and myself will be running it again. We have decided to add some categories though. Last year had some great ideas to improve.
Rules: cast one (1) vote per category
No banter, or chit chat, keep this thread clean.
Make your vote based on the makers description. If it says it is a tobacco, but you taste cotton candy, put it in the tobacco category.
If you can please use the layout for your votes as it is below, it would be appreciated. So if you don't have a vote for beverage, keep it blank, but include the number.
Best unique is for anything without a category. Thanks for the votes. Any questions feel free to ask through PM.

1) Best Bakery/Dessert:
2) Best Tobacco:
3) Best Menthol:
4) Best Fruit:
5) Best Candy:
6) Best Coffee:
7) Best Beverage/Tea:
8) Best Unique:  

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Tobacco Flavor & Teddy Bears

Teddy Bears what? I am going to get to that very quickly...

So the whole premise behind the 'flavor' ban seems to be premised on the idea that tobacco flavors are acceptable, but fruit/candy flavors might entice our teen children. Our children, as we refer to them, about to be 18 year old legal 'Adults' in the USA in a short period of time, 18, age enough to join the military, will find the flavor of tobacco so offensive, that they will be unable to handle it?

"Son/Daughter, are you vaping? No way mom, tobacco is so icky! Can I have another bowl of fruit loops?"

It reminds me of coffee, and how many here thought their first cup of coffee was kind of nasty tasting, but you grew into it, even enjoy it? Somehow though Starbucks has survived and thrived. Did you know that coffee can raise your heart rate? Maybe we should keep feeding our teens the McDonald's child meals, because you know, the flavors get to be more challenging as you grow up. (yes I am being very facetious).

Is this really the way we see our teenagers now? No flavors but candy/fruit will entice them, and Teddy Bears of course, teens don't outgrow their stuffed animals either.

This is our government's solution though, ban flavors other then tobacco. It's so deeply incorrect in premise, it's hard to even argue why it's flawed.  

Menthol Addiction Seems To Be Gone!

I smoked menthol cigarettes for 45+ years. Never cared for the taste or smell of cigarette tobacco, but I liked my menthol. When I tried Blu ecigs, the tobacco didn't taste like tobacco, it just tasted "meh". The menthol flavor was more meh with a mentholesque hint, and they were a freaking hassle. When I finally realized this weird vaporizer shop across the street from the hospital and next to the ambulance company actually sold E-cigarettes, not those things you steam up a room with Vick's Vapo-Rub, I went in and told them about my experience with Blu's and asked if they had anything better. I walked out with an eGo starter kit, some fruit flavors, and some menthol and mint juice to mix with them. Success! Got my menthol/nicotine fix and was able to put down the combustibles! For a year and a half I've been doing the same thing only DYI: Fruit and menthol and/or mint. Just had to have that menthol feel or it didn't do the trick for me.

Last week I got a bunch of new flavors from MFS. I mixed up some desert coffee and a key lime pie concoction, no menthol or mint, and it was GOOD!

Now if only somebody would tell this stupid spell checker there is no "u" in flavor!  

The 8th Annual Unofficial Equipment Of The Year Poll

Here we go again ....
The basic idea behind this poll is everyone who participates is asked to name their favorite Mod (Power Source) and attachment (Juice Burner). This year I will be adding a third category for Pods.
Please limit yourself, if you can, to one or two of each. These are supposed to be your Favorite Set-Up.
Pictures are welcome !

For me personally, it's the REOS Grand with the RM2 Rebuildable Atomizer. My nail beaters have over six years and 500,000 miles in the dashboard of tractor trailers, and are still preforming well.

In the last year or so, I've also taken a liking to the Vapefly Galaxies, with the squonk pin.

Please feel free to discuss and/ or show off your favorite mods. I will be running a weekly tally, and together maybe we can help someone find their next great vaping gear !  

Calling On The Vaping Community To Contact President Trump

The best strategy according Demetris and PBusardo is to hire a professional PR company to combat the false information that the news media and anti-vaping crowd has been churning out every day/nite on TV and social media. That will take a LOT of money (millions according to D & P). The US vaping industry doesn't have that type of money, but the big manufacturers in China do. China manufacturers will be affected by this if the US vaping industry fails, because it will fail if a flavor ban is successful.

Trump is the key person in all of this. He's the one who will make the final call by using his John Hancock, and he's been known to go against the grain of "The Swamp" in Washington. He is basically only interested in satisfying his voter base. All vapers need to personally contact Trump via the White House and tell him, as a voter, that if he is going to get your vote in 2020 he needs to NOT go forward with a flavor ban. Regardless of how you feel about Trump, or whether you'll actually vote for him when the time comes, this must be done and would take each of us only about 5 - 10 minutes of our time.


Contact the White House | The White House

WHITE HOUSE: Comment line 202-456-1111 | Switch board 202-456-1414 (the switch board is the best approach as it will put you on hold and give you a chance to speak)

Trump probably doesn't have a clue about vaping. He doesn't understand how important the use of flavored e-liquid is to the success to stop smoking. Having only "tobacco flavors" to choose from just won't cut it for the majority of vapers.

What he must understand is that a flavor ban will likely destroy the vaping industry in the US. Vape shops will not be able remain viable and will close - a loss of thousands of jobs and small businesses. This will affect his "sterling" numbers of the lowest unemployment in recent memory. There has to be at least 10,000 potential voters who have something to do with the vaping community (probably more), about the number of votes that gave him the presidency. He's not going to want to lose that many votes in the next election.

A flavor ban will result in creating its own Black Market. Many vapers will resort to making their own flavored e-liquid. How did that work out for the homemade black market THC vials that killed 6 people and put over 400 people in intensive care?

Smokers looking to quit smoking will no longer have vape shops or US based online vendors to purchase e-cigarettes. Many vapers will return to smoking, which will increase the 400,000 smokers who died last year.

Please tale a few minutes of your time to contact President Trump.  

How Many Of You Would Smoke Flavored Cigs (cereal, Fruit, Pie, Custard, Etc) If You Still Smoked?

I would bet that the majority of the people that post here are ex-cigarette smokers ... You started vaping as a means to stop smoking cigarettes.

And I am willing to bet that very very few of you would have purchased flavored cigarettes (if they were available) when you were actively smoking cigarettes.

So, my question is .... Why are the majority of the ex-tobacco smokers here buying fruit, breakfast cereal, custard, bakery, candy, etc flavored juice to put in your atomizers?

Me ... I DIY my juice which is a mix of various tobacco flavors to include some cigar overtones.

Me ... I just don't personally vape something that smells and tastes like apple pie, etc ... but that's just me.  

Vaping Cant Be Stoped

I was thinking the whole situation in many countries that vaping is straight up banned or illegal....and also countries like USA that is not that extreme but still many regulations going on and anyways we all know the big tobacco companies and what they try to do.

I am sure tho that vaping won't be stoped...u can't stop vaping and all the big tobacco do is to try buy some more time for them cause they know that cigarettes are in their end..

I don't know how long this will last but I am sure vaping will make cigarette smoking obselete and it will go very big...

Europe claims they have a plan to end tobacco use until 2032 or something like that for example....maybe that happens and it would be good cause it's for everyone's good.... but u can't just fight vaping and let smoking still exist...

Vaping will be back and for good....the people slowly start accept it and learn it cause honestly imagine how many smokers are out there and how many vapers...while vaping is much more enjoyable objectively...

We the people didn't support vaping enough...
ok maybe we the vapers did but I mean the majority out there don't......people are scared and they don't like to change their habits easy....even if it's for their own good.

I know politics are corrupted and all that....but some of us live in democracies maybe not perfect but still....if all people wanted to stop smoking and switch into vaping to make their life better then they couldn't stop us...
Worst case they would do it to get votes like they usually do with everything they do... not that they care for us...

So yeah vaping will go very big the next year's..

Question For The Ex Long Term Smoker's

I've been trying to get my dad to quit smoking for two years now. He wanted to quit using an e-cig. However, he just can't seem to stick with it. He has been smoking for 30+ years. He smokes almost two packs a day.

I think the problem really is that he hasn't -tried-. As soon as he wants a real smoke, he lights one up. He only uses his e-cig is places he can't smoke.

He says he wants something that taste like tobacco. I've tried buying him numerous tobacco e-liquids. The closest was one from Ahlusion, but he still says it isn't like tobacco. He keeps saying he'll quit, but then he doesn't.

He has an ego with a mini protank, he seems fine with that. He isn't very amused by my mech mods and RTAs. lol.

I'm just lost as to what to do. A lot of people say to just stop telling him to do so and let him do it on his own. It is hard to just sit and watch him smoke though, esp when my mom had lung cancer just over a year ago (luckily, she did quit smoking with an e-cig and went into remission after radiation treatment). When I switched, I had only just started to smoke again (I smoked 3 years, quit, then started smoking again for about 4 months, then to an e-cig). I didn't like tobacco flavors when I started and almost immediately went to fruit flavors. He's tried those too, doesn't have much interest in them.

So my question to you ex long term smokers, what helped you make the switch? I feel like I just can't relate to smoking 30 something years.  

Best Device For Vaporizing Loose Tobacco (htps)

So I've been reading this 4 year old thread about vaporizing tobacco by this member GivingUp and I'm really impressed with the idea. Like so many people I've tried to ditch smoking in favor of vaping. I tried to get myself to like it by experimenting with all kinds of set-ups, but it doesn't like me, so when I came across heat-not-burn, I thought this just might be it.

Obviously, dry herb vaporizers are overpriced so it behooves one to do plenty of research before making any purchase and any input is much appreciated as I really can't wait to quit smoking. I'm looking to vape loose Dokha tobacco, which is a very dry and fine-shredded tobacco. It's extremely potent nicotine wise so used in very small amounts (kind of like concentrates in dry herb vaporizers so that's one problem solved function wise). The tobacco is so fresh it's still green and has no additives of any sort.

What's the best device that would theoretically extract the most from this tobacco?

Also I'd appreciate it if members could share their experiences if they'd switched from smoking tobacco to vaporizing it and how it affected their experience and, most importantly, their health.  

The Things You Are Most Grateful For Being Tobacco Free

Hey everyone! I've been casually vaping off and on for two years now, but I finally took the plunge and started vaping exclusively. I am almost 4 days tobacco free! It's the longest I've been without tobacco in 7 years!!! It's been a lot easier than I thought it would be.

Something that keeps me going is to think about the horrible realities of being a tobacco user.

What are the things about tobacco you are glad to have behind you? The smell? The taste? The money? What did you hate most about smoking?

I could really use the little reminders throughout the day.  

Aren't We All A Bit Obsessed About Vaping?

(I know this doesn't apply to all of us, but for me it sure does.)

I mean.. look at us. Spending so much time here on the forum reading about tips and tricks, what's your vape? what is the juice you vape? etc etc. I haven't joined a forum for 15 years or so. The last time i was on a forum i was a 16 year old boy, trying to figure out life and the best way i knew how was being anonymous on the internet asking and pondering life's questions.. like "*** am i supposed to do here on planet earth?"

Nowadays i watch daily video's about vaping. From health concerns to indoor smokers, from conspiracy theories (tobacco companies) to Rip Trippers. Outside the digital life whenever i'm home i either vape, try new juices, building another coil, wicking and make my girlfriend try a new taste oh.. almost forgot the most expensive part, checking out webstores for... whatever i think might be missing from my collection

Don't get me wrong though, i love it. It's fun, it's interesting, it's a bit of a nerd thing i guess. Trying to find the perfect vape. It's like a drug (and i know drugs, i like them.. from time to time with moderation offcourse
nicotine is a drug, caffeine is a psycho active drug, alcohol and offcourse all the illegal ones. From xtc to heroine, one worse then the other)

But i find it very interesting that since i started vaping that i somehow had this need to find fellow vapers and talk about it. Haven't had that feeling for years, to be part of something.

I also never ever attended a demonstration for anything in my life, but today in a couple of hours from now i'll be in Utrecht vaping with other vapers against the ****ty little regulations the EU forces on us vapers. I do this for multiple reasons;

1) i truly hate that whoever says i cannot do/buy/use something *as long i'm not hurting or bother someone else with it*
2) it pisses me off that the elite, may it be a person or the bigger companies use unfair tactics to get whatever they want
3) to meet fellow vapers and talk about... vaping..

Anyway yesterday night in bed i thought this and was wondering how you guys/girls feel about it