Move Over, Philb


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Free Diy In The Northwest Burbs Of Chicago - Good Stuff To Give Away

I'm in the NW burbs and will stop vaping completely when I move to my new place. The folks here offered a lot to me when I started and I'd like to give back.

If you DIY and live close by I have a lot of flavors and PG/VG that I would like to get into the hands of someone that will use it. I will not ship so please don't ask.

First come first serve based on the PM's I receive.

Moderators, if I put this in the wrong place please move it.  

Is Today The Day?

U.S. Will Move to Ban Flavored E-Cigarettes, Trump Official Says

Need Advice From Knowledgeable Vapers

Hi all. I've been having a really rough few months and need some advice. Long story short, lost my job last month due to covid after having hours cut 5 months before that, wasn't able to keep paying for our old place, so we had to move to a new apartment. I paid a neighbor to help me move since my wife is pregnant and is unable to lift much, and his son stole all my vape stuff besides 4 batteries and my charger. Every other vape related item I owned was in that box. I am now left searching for replacements with very little cash to spend. I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction as to where I can find a decent mod and atomizer for a small price. I would prefer an 18650 squonk setup if possible, but any tips would be greatly appreciated. I am also in need of low cost juice, so if anybody knows a good place for me to go it would really help me. I got a cigarette from my neighbor today and smoked it after promising my daughter I was done smoking, and feel terrible about it and need to find something quickly. Thank you in advance.  

What To Do While Ecf Is Upgrading...

A whole day or so in read only mode? Time to inventory your vape stash, to keep yourself occupied! Decide what to move on, either by selling or Pay it Forward here on ECF. Good luck coping everybody!  

Interesting Discussion

Didn't know where to post this (please move if needed)
A YT video with several reviewers and vape suppliers... a rant basically, but very interesting conversation:

Dna 40 Authenticate Devices

Looking for a list. I know of the vapor flask, vapor shark and Hana boxes. Needs to be 18650 replaceable batts. Ready go!

Sent while on the move with Tapatalk  

If The Kayfun And The Goblin Has A Baby.....

It would be this guy.

Cthulhu Mod RTA


All the good bits from each all rolled up into one. Hope you buy your juice by the gallon, lol

If any retailers are reading this they are looking for distributors.

Mods can move this as needed, just trying to get a little exposure out here  

I Need A Little Help

Hello guys, I am going to explain my problem. So I accidently dropped my vape (Joytech eGo AIO) and nothing really happened. Until I saw that the charging port moved a little bit down so now I can't charge my vape. How can I move back a little but my vape?
Thanks for the reply.  

I Never Thought I'd Say This...

I miss winter already. My everyday outfits, while more comfortable, simply don't have enough pockets. I don't want to move to a man purse, but if I want to carry a spare bottle of juice, spare batteries, my mod and possibly a spare tank it's my only option.  

"heads Up" Avoid Usps For A Bit.

Something is up with USPS lately. Ive never had any problem with them until lately. Right now I have a few packages stuck in transit and way past there delivery date. Just thought I would let everyone know.

If this is not the right place for this just move it but I think this needs to be front and center cause vape mail is important.