The Future Of E Figs ?

I hate saying this and I really do but who thinks E Cigerrettes will eventually get banned ? I mean they are very effective and have to be considered the first real threat to government taxes. I've kinda got the feeling already that vapers feel that this only can last so long.

Be interested in hearing your thoughts, but we saving a fortune compared to analogues and governments are losing billions in the process.  

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How To Get Around Future E Cig Taxes

It is time for us to stand together as consumers.

How can we avoid unfair and excessive taxes?

Taxation is inevitable. The cards are stacked against us. Government officials, Big Pharma & Big Tobacco don't want us to vape. They want us to smoke, pay high taxes & slowly die, while spending our life savings battling ailments from the poison contained in cigarettes.

We all know Vaping shouldn't be categorized with tobacco. We all see the train coming to run us over.

Here are the questions we should all be asking...

What are we going to do about it?
How are we going to get around this?
How can we protect our rights as consumers?

Our generation put the music industry in its place by creating a system of checks and balances with MP3 downloads.

It's time we stop complaining & start uniting to come up with solutions.  

How Long Do You Inhale For?

Hi all

Just curious to know how long everyone inhales for? I don't mean how long you hold it in for before you exhale, but how long you suck in through your device for?

I ask because people say you need to suck in for at least 8 seconds because the first initial seconds are wasted on the coil being primed. I also see a lot of vapers on youtube who inhale for about 7-8 seconds, but I can only manage 5 seconds on 25VW before it starts to feel too harsh. I can do 8 seconds on 15VW but feel I'm missing out and don't know whether it's do with my lung capcity or whether I have to just tough it out and allow my lungs to adapt?

Sorry to go on, but also say you suck in for 5 seconds at 25VW but can manage to suck in for longer at 15VW say for 8 seconds, are you getting as an effective vape as the 5 second 25VW vape?  

China's Vaping Hypocracy!

I do not know if anyone else has posted about this topic, so here is mine. I recently tried to order a new tank and juice from a vendor on Taobao ( big online store in China), and was met with, "search not found", over and over again. I sent a Wechat (Chinese Twitter) to a vendor that I know in another city and was informed that the Chinese government had banned the sale of ALL vaping products. The reason? Well to stop children vaping of course. Apparently there is an epidemic (no pun), of kids stealing their parents credit cards, ordering hardware and juice and then hoping their parents do not intercept the parcels. Forgive me for being incredulous with this regard. So at a hand wave the Country that benefits the most from the vaping industry bans it from their own country! So vapers in the West think yourself lucky that your governments can not just railroad vaping as much as their sponsors would like them to. I am coming up to 11 years of vaping, going to be hard to keep going when a 30ml bottle of juice is Wechat selling for about $25 plus postage. Especially as I can buy a pack of MB red for just over a $. So I wonder how long I will be able to vape as I sip on my Corona V.  

Do You Plan To Quit Someday?

Hello fellow vapers.
Here is a topic I was thinking of lately and I wanted to ask your opinion/plans.

Generally speaking, e-cigs were invented in order to help smokers switch from smoking regular cigs to something much less harmful and eventually help people quit this (one of the worst) habit of smoking / adding nicotine to your system.

Ideal plan was to give a smoker something similar (as a process) with enough nicotine to satisfy his needs but without all that sh@t that cigs contain.
After some time this ex-smoker was suppose to start lowering amounts of nicotine in his e-juice up until he is OK with 0 mg. nic vaping.
And eventually quit vaping as well, eliminating the habit.

In reality, I'd say about 80% of ex-smokers who became vapers don't even plan to quit vaping, they have their preferred nic. level and they keep on vaping it year after year being happy about it.

So what's your opinion on that? Do you also plan to keep on vaping or you might quit it in the future?  

Stocking Up Strategy?

If indeed the vape mail ban puts an end to this party, I'm wondering how people are approaching it. Obviously there is cheap hardware and expensive hardware, with the idea that the "good" stuff will last longer. I'm thinking especially of box mods. For example, DNA chips. Are they supposed to last longer than what you get in a $40 mod?

So, are you buying fewer good things, or more cheaper things? Are you saving the good stuff for some day in the future and using up the cheap stuff now? Or are you using the good stuff, thinking that it will last a long long time.

Myself, I don't have a strategy on this but am interested to hear what others have to say.  

What Will Become Of Ecf In The Aftermath Of A Ban?

What will become of ECF in the aftermath? If flavors are banned and refillables get banned as well, would discussions about such subjects be allowed to continue? Where would the forum go from there?... monetizing the site might also be more difficult. I would hate to lose such a valuable resource.  

E Cig Gear Future Availability

Due to the flavor ban that might eventually affect the whole country and the upcoming pmta deadline that will make it a challenge for companies to release any products at all, is it possible that vape gear will disappear. There is the diy option for juice so im more concerned about hardware. Any thoughts?  

Wanting New Hardware

I currently use Halo's Triton batteries and I like the batteries but I do not like the tanks. I have been having issues with them wicking and it's annoying. I use the batteries now with the regular cartomizers because the cartos always work and I don't have to fiddle with them. The problem is they are a regular carto and don't hold much juice so I'm always topping them off. I've always like the streamlined look of the triton and ego style batteries and the battery life is ok on them but I'm tired of having to fiddle with crap. I just want to pour in some juice and be able to vape for a while without worrying about anything.

I have noticed the Isticks and they actually look kinda cool but I'm still concerned about jumping into the box mod world. My other concern is what tank would you use on them that would be better than the Triton tanks, do they make some that are hassle free and you can just vape and maybe screw on a new coil every week or two. Another thing is it seems all the new tanks out there have metal mouthpieces and I HATE those, they feel horrible on my lips. I like the regular plastic kind that don't get cold or hot but are just normal feeling (if that makes sense).

If someone could please give some advise on a tank, there are so many new things out there and I'm lost. I have been vaping off and on for several years but have never found anything to keep me off cigs for more than 6 months at a time because of all the fidgiting thats involved. Also any thoughts about going from an ego style battery to a Istick.

Thanks for any and all help. This stuff is so confusing to me.  

Menthol And Mint Being Banned Too!?

Does anyone know if mint and menthol are considered flavors, for the purpose of the upcoming ban. I always thought they weren't but on the radio today, I thought I heard it say that they will be banned too.  

Rhode Island Just Banned “e-cigarettes” As Well.

Raimondo bans sale of flavored electronic cigarettes in R.I. - The Boston Globe

It’s getting crazy in the US. I feel for you folks.

I would be surprised if the Canadian Government doesn’t do something similar in the next year.