Is This A Fair Price For Some Used Gear?

A friend of a friend has for sale his Hana Modz V3 (DNA 30 I believe) and a derringer RDA and he is asking $85. The batteries are dead in the Hana so assume I'll have to come out of pocket another $15 for that, is that a fair price?  

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Hana Modz Dna 50 Clone Voltage?

For all you brainiacs and problem solvers out there. I've just recieved my Hcigar DNA 50 Hana Modz Clone from our friends at Fasttech. Overall it seems like a niece piece for the price. I've only really one issues with it which is as follows. The voltage read out is fairly accurate up to 40w but can't seem to go higher than 6.4v all the way up to 50w. 50w should read at 7.07v given the below build.

I'm currently using purple efest 3100mah batts with a 1ohm dual coil on a plume veil.

Is it that the display is faulty, (doubt this), I need higher drain batts (probably not as not pushing the amp limit here), or simply just that it's a clone and the chip isn't all the way up to the job?

I'm leaning towards the last one but can't complain, as an (essentially) 40w mod for the price is pretty flippin good!

Any ideas or suggestions would be great.

Cheers folks!  

How Bad Are The "slight Imperfections" Of Thr Hana Modz Dna30?

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Hana Modz Dna 30 Reading Shorted

I'm building a dual parallel 26g, on a 2.4mm screwdriver 5 wraps in the mutation x v3. Everything looks fine, one coil looks better than the other but still fuctional. I pre fire the coils to make them glow from inside out and they do. I put it on the hana mod and it reads out "shorted". I currently dont have a ohm reader which I should have gotten one long time ago before sub ohming but I depends on the box mods. Anyways anyone have any clue what might be or is the hana trippin? I get hot button on the smpl mod clone but I'm guessing its cus I was ore firing to get it to burn right (without cotton)  

Sigelei 150w Is A Beast!

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This thing has been great so far. Absolutely no problems and I like it much much much better than my Hana Modz DNA 40. For $110, it's as good or better. All the problems other people have had with this thing, I have experienced none of them. I was vaping for four days with a .2 ohm build on the Doge v2 running between 60w-80w and it still had 50% battery life. The performance is ridiculous, especially for it's price tag. I'm so happy I didn't waste money by over paying for a VaporShark or Vapor Flask. Just because something is more expensive, it doesn't mean that it is better...  

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$450 What Would You Buy?

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Friend Wants To Get Into Vapor - What Gear?

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I rebuild a lot, so what I use isn't ideal for someone totally new to the game.

I suggested an iStick 30 and subtank mini. Seems to be a decent balance of cost, power, and option to rebuild in the future. She doesn't want external batteries, chargers, or any other expensive hassle.

Any of you try to ease someone into vaping recently with all the new higher power hardware out? What worked well, what didn't work well?  

Getting New Hardware This Week...don't Know What To Go With. Halp!

So I currently have an ipv mini that goes to 30 watts, a couple mech mods I never use anymore, and a Hana knockoff (didn't know, or wouldn't have bought. Got it back when I was a clueless noob).

I am insanely jealous of, and constantly use, my friend's Sig 150watt. What I like about it is just that, the wattage. I love vaping at 65-70 watts. Sometimes higher. So I know m just for the sake of saving money later, I want something that gets AT LEAST 100 watts.

But now these tempature regulated mods have hit the market and I have heard wonderful things about the flavor. But is there any that go above 100 watts worth knowing about?

So now I don't know if I should get the Sig 150, the ipv 3...or go down in wattage some but get tempature control. Any suggestions, help, and wisdom is greatly appreciated.  

$15 For A Build Really?

So i build my coils, but i wanted someone get my wraps tighter, so i asked a friend, and he recommended me too one of our vape shops. the guy there said $5 per coil and 5 for wicking, is this just outrageous or whats the normal price for a build  

Vaping And Life Insurance

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Not sure I can do that.

Maybe I could try vaping zero nic...I don't know. Maybe I'll just stick with the policy I already have.