Temp Controlled Mods

So I'm looking into buying a temp controlled mod for my next purchase. Ideally, I would be getting the VaporFlask with the DNA40 board. Problem is, I dont have $300 usd to drop on it. Sooo....

I was thinking about the FT clone, and was about 3 clicks away from making the purchase when a friend tells me about the IPV4 pre-order over on the bay. The DNA40 has temp control and goes up to 40 watts (duh) but from what I have read, the IPV4 also has temp control and goes up to 100 watts. I'll never use all 100 watts BUT sometimes will vape above 40 watts. I like that both are dual 18650 and have the temp control function (I'm dying to play with some nickel wire) I'd really like some opinions

Any thoughts on the VaporFlask clones from FT? Would it be worth it for me to wait for the IPV4?

Cheers ECF!  

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Titanium Wire And Temp Control Devices – Vapingwithtwisted420 Video

VapingwithTwisted420 is using Spider Silk titanium wire for his temp controlled reviews.

I have an allergy to Nickel and have been using TI wire on my IPV4. Definitely something to consider.


Ipv4 Tutorial

Hello everyone, I feel like I should post this in the Beginner's Thread. I bought an IPV4 today and it is my first temp control, non-built-in battery mod. I need help! LOL like with everything. I tell you my gear. The IPV4 of course, a Nitecore D2 charger, a pair of Imeren 18650 batteries, 5 Kanger OCC nickel coils and 2 .3 Atlantis coils. Along with an Atlantis V1 and pair of Kanger subtanks. Now I know, some of you are probably thinking people like me shouldn't have temp control but please humor me I want to learn.
Basically my first question is where do I start? How do I get to temp control on this mod? Where should I set it for these Nickel coils? Should I leave it at the same setting for regular coils? How do I get to joules? Where should I set those? Ok, let's just start with that. Is there a place online I can get a tutorial?
Sorry to be like a kid trying to learn to ride a bike, but as anyone that owns one of these things knows, the instructions don't say much. Thank you all for any help given, I know there are some real pros here.  

Tempted By...

I've been tempted by temp control. I am an avid mech user. I love my REO. I love my SMPL. I love my G-box. I have a 40w VF clone (no temp control), but I haven't been using it that much. My local B&M now sells The VaporShark rDNA40, but is temp control really worth it? I've been having a heluva time with my subtanks - they always taste burnt now even at low wattage. Would the nickel be any better?
The other thing is, if it's worth it, do I replace the chip in my VF with a real chip with the temp control (I really stink at soldering) or just say to heck with it and get a Shark?
Need input...lots of input. lol

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Sx Mini

So I am considering picking up a temp control mod and venturing into that side of vaping. I have been eying the sx mini but that price tag...whew. I've also heard sigelei will be releasing a 75w temp control model soon for half the price. has anyone used or own an sx mini? Is it worth the price tag or are there other mods out there better? I do not want the ipv4, I'm just not a fan of that mod. Suggestions?  

Temp Control Help

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Anyone Own Or Ever Vaped The Smok Tct Pro?

So while home sick (yes I was actually sick) today, several reviews sold me on the SMOK TCT pro as THE tank for my IPv4. I was looking for a high watt tank that could also make use of temp control. Didn't want another Atlantis and the Kanger subtank is good but it's just not quite enough for me in temp control mode. Anyone have any experience with the SMOK TCT or VCT pro tanks? Please share!  

Average Life Of Kanger Temp Control Coils

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Cleaning Nickel Wire (ni200) Builds?

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