
Interested to know if anyone else uses cartos without tanks? Have been vaping for over 4 years now. Tried all sorts of toppers and always seem to return to Boge S/C's at 5.5 volts on my provaris or 5 volt Woo. All the best B.K.  

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Question From A Luddite

Hi Guys,

I've been vaping for 5 years or so. The main reason I quit smoking and took to vaping was I confess, not for my health, but for my purse. As we all know cigs are too expensive and I actually love vaping more than I ever liked smoking.

Anyway, I'm also set in my ways. Except for a brief foray into tanks, I have used low res cartomizers and have been happy. Now, I am finding it impossible to buy cheap Boge cartos so apparently while I have been happily vaping away without hanging out in the vaping community, the world has moved on and there are all sorts of new fangled products on the market. But, most of the new stuff is ridiculously expensive! I'm just a poor girl, I don't wanna buy fancy crap. Right now I am using an Iclear 16 tank and I gotta say it sucks compared to Boge cartomizers. I use a ton of juice (I make my own juice cuz it is wayyy cheaper) and the wicks only last a couple days compared to 2 weeks for cartos.....What gives?

Isn't there a CHEAP way to vape anymore? I don't wanna buy expensive mods, I use these 10 dollar pass-through rechargeable batteries and everything is cheap and hunky dunky....

Any suggestions on a cheap cheap cheap replacement for cartomizers?



Carto Tanks

I know I'm probably 5 years behind here but i've just recently started to use cartos with tanks and I'm really digging the vape I get out of them. I'm normslly a tank user(Kangers mostly). I got some Boge cartos and a couple of their F-16 tanks. There's something really satisfying about the way they hit. Anyone else still using this ancient technology?  

Why Are Cartomizers Flat On The Top?

95% of everything I vape is with different clearomizers that I use. They have these tips on the top that fit my mouth nicely, and I like vaping with these clearomizers.

I keep a few cartomizers around for plastic cracking e-juices, and my question is - Why don't cartomizers also have that tip on the top? Why are they all flat?

I far prefer clearomizers over cartomizers for my set up, but for those times when I do use a cartomizer, it sure would be nice if they came with the same tip on top that clearomizers use. Cartomizers should at least let people put their own tip on them, but that's not possible either, at least on the ones that I've seen.  

Old Vaper Stuck In His Ways Looking For New Path

Background: I started vaping years ago when the technology was relatively immature and rapidly changing. I was an avid participant in this forum at the time. I used 808s and 510s with all sorts of atomizers, cartomizers, clearomizers, and tanks (and most of them were awful by today's standards). Some of you who have also been around for a while may remember cutting up air conditioner filters...

But when I found the Eleaf iStick Pico and paired it with an Aspire Nautilus tank (1.8 Ohm coils) I was done. I have used that same rig for years and have been very satisfied. I even quit coming to this forum because I thought there was nothing left for me to learn.

But I know the technology has continued to advance and I am now wondering if I am missing out on the next great leap in vaping. I have come back to this forum (a little surprised my account was still active) seeking updated knowledge.

To be clear, I am not interested in creating giant thick clouds of vapor. In fact I generally prefer to keep my vaping clouds as thin and inconspicuous as possible when I am anywhere outside of my own home (which sadly is not too much these days). It is throat hit and flavor that I am after (so I try to find low VG juices, for example).

So I am hoping that some kind forum members will help me quickly get back up to speed on the state of the art for vaping. Maybe point me to some good resources that will explain the more recent advances. I tend to think of sub-ohm mods as being only for those giant clouds, but maybe I am full of it. But I have been told that rebuildable atomizers offer better flavor, so that interests me. I don't even know what I don't know at this point. Please help me learn.

Thank you in advance for your help.  

Wanting New Hardware

I currently use Halo's Triton batteries and I like the batteries but I do not like the tanks. I have been having issues with them wicking and it's annoying. I use the batteries now with the regular cartomizers because the cartos always work and I don't have to fiddle with them. The problem is they are a regular carto and don't hold much juice so I'm always topping them off. I've always like the streamlined look of the triton and ego style batteries and the battery life is ok on them but I'm tired of having to fiddle with crap. I just want to pour in some juice and be able to vape for a while without worrying about anything.

I have noticed the Isticks and they actually look kinda cool but I'm still concerned about jumping into the box mod world. My other concern is what tank would you use on them that would be better than the Triton tanks, do they make some that are hassle free and you can just vape and maybe screw on a new coil every week or two. Another thing is it seems all the new tanks out there have metal mouthpieces and I HATE those, they feel horrible on my lips. I like the regular plastic kind that don't get cold or hot but are just normal feeling (if that makes sense).

If someone could please give some advise on a tank, there are so many new things out there and I'm lost. I have been vaping off and on for several years but have never found anything to keep me off cigs for more than 6 months at a time because of all the fidgiting thats involved. Also any thoughts about going from an ego style battery to a Istick.

Thanks for any and all help. This stuff is so confusing to me.  

Try A Cartomiser Yet????

I'm seeing many posts lately about people having problems, some majorly, with Clearo and Clearo tanks.

I just wanted to put it out there that there is another option that they may not have seen yet- cartomisers.

There are only a few makers of this product ( Boge, Smoketechs, etc..) but there aren't many posts about them simply because many of we users don't have issues using them, so nothing to post...

To find out more, there is a sub-forum here and many Utube vids plus many of us still use them happily on a daily basis.

I just wanted to put this out there for newcomers and such that may not be aware of another choice before thay return to cigs.

Happy Vaping  

Any Sugestions Please

hi all
I have a mvp 3 and I use iclear 30 tanks 1.9 to 2.1 ohms
im vapeing at 12 watts 5.1 volts and have been for a few weeks now
everything was fine until today right now in fact hence the reason for this question
I refilled my tank and screwed it back on my mvp when I pressed the button to vape
it reads the ohms and volts and wattage the wattage was as normal 12 watts
the volts were 7.1 and the ohms were 6.0 totally unvapable and burnt tasting
(I should also point out that the volts and watts are locked in on the mvp)
I have also tried the tanks on other devices and still the same issue
which leads me to believe its the tanks at fault and not the device
I have been vapeing long enough to understand the reasons for burnt taste
and the causes and solutions to rectify it but I have never had this happen before
I tried other tanks and the same has happened except for one which works fine
does anyone have any idea whats going on

Si Volt User Returns! I'm So Lost! Help.......

I quit smoking with the help of Steel Jan and Smokeless Image a few years ago. Now with stress and quarantining I find I'm dying for a cigarette. So here I am. Couldn't help but notice everything has changed! I want to find something similar to my old Volts and clearimizers. Is it hopeless? Anyone?  

Hello Again...

I thought I'd drop in and say hi. I joined about 9 years ago, quit smoking around 6-7 years ago (?), and eventually just fell out of touch.

I'm still vaping, and I'm glad to see it's getting easier all the time. I don't really have a favorite of anything other than tanks (Nautilus). I just mix a single flavor I found (Heisenberg) and base, and buy a cheap replacement mod whenever I lose one. Life is simple and good.

I've spent like $100 dollars this year, so I'm still ahead in terms of money.

For the old folks: For context, I was active here back when Provaris were a really hot item.

So anyways, for those struggling to stay off the cigs, keep at it. It gets better! I don't miss it (although I do like the smell as long as it's outside).


PS. Pandemic sucks. If there are any fans of text games, check out the link in my signature.  

Help For My Glasses

I know. The subject of foggy-vaping-glasses has screeched across these pages before. Yet after 10 years of discipline and wonder at the beauty of vaping, I feel close to giving it up. But no. I'll clutch my Provaris and cartos and blow from every rooftop in every State Capital first!

'Tis vapor I'll be blow'n, those luxurious clouds of flavor that replaced the Cult of Tobacco long ago. Vapor... whose flavors waft morning coffee across your campgrounds and promise a touch of caramel custard after that well earned Trout. It is vapor that is also, oh most unfortunately, fogging up my reading, computer, and long-distance vision when I happen to be in close spaces. Which, in Trump's Quarantine De Covid, seems to be most of the time.

Keeping in mind optical grade lenses, and no desire to wash pairs with drops of Dawn Dish soap many times per day, has anyone found gentle products that work??