Ebay Shipping

When ordering on eBay make sure to find out where your item ships from. Some venders lead you to believe items are in stock when in fact they order from china.Be sure to read fine print .I've been waiting all most a month for a god mod 180s from a vendor who did just that. Live and learn.I could have done better at Fasttech.  

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Fasttech Troubles

I've had it with Fasttech.
I order $13 complete with shipping and 2 days latter they claim a shipping upgrade changed it to $16 because they made a mistake plus some items not in stock.
So I cancel the order, receive store credit and order again. Then 2 days later one item not is stock is holding up the order again while every other item is ready to ship.
So I cancel the $1.55 not in stock item and a few days later the order is $16 again and another item is out of stock. This is over a month just trying to get the order straight and waiting for replies.
I told them to keep the $1.55 they didn't give me credit for and ship it whatever way they want.
No more!  

Ebay Preventing Vaping Sales

I very recently had up for auction on eBay a group of my old Kanger products for sale. Imagine my surprise, as I just received a notice from eBay stating they had just cancelled my auction, explaining that my items "violated eBay's policy towards e-cigarettes". I had no idea eBay was so opposed to the sale of vaping products, so I called customer service. The lady explained that, as of March 30th 2015, eBay would begin to systematically remove any and all listings related to e-cigarette commerce, since the position of the Federal Government was still unclear with regards to e-cigarettes.

Yet another witch hunt from ignorant fools.

I told the lady that, while I understood eBay's position in light of the gray areas, and that I certainly was not upset at her personally, I was still extremely disappointed in their decision. I asked that my opinions become part of the record that might find their way up to the powers that be at eBay. I told her that the vaping community is an ever-growing one, and eBay's decision to disallow vaping supplies will have a significant impact on them.

I was neither abusive, nor belligerent, nor profane in my discussion with her. I was polite and calm. And yet, she was in an obviously uncomfortable hurry to get me off the phone, leading me to believe that I had struck a nerve.

I have purchased from eBay Kanthal wire, Japanese cotton, ceramic tweezers, a butane torch, replacement glass tanks, and other various accessories over the past two years. This latest decision by eBay just reinforces my opinion that, despite the fact we are in the 21st century, we continue to live in the Dark Ages.  

The Hypocracy Of Ebay.

No wonder they breed potential politicians at ebay. This is a snippet of the text contained in a email a friend of mine got over the weekend:

Due to strict government regulations, eBay doesn't allow the sale of most tobacco products. This includes cigarettes, cigars, herbal cigarettes, and smokeless tobacco. E-cigarettes also aren’t allowed on eBay. We realize e-cigarettes don’t contain tobacco. But due to a lack of globally consistent or clearly established regulations for the sale of these items, eBay has made the decision to not allow the sale of e-cigarettes or their components.

So, since its NOT regulated as of yet, they`ll regulate it for us??? And yet the "other stuff" paraphernalia runs rampant on ebay. That and other things you would`nt want to try and explain to your 6 year old. Like that knitted sweater for a pickle.
God Bless ebay, they`ll be the Vaping Heroes for us all and help make our decisions for us, cause we are just too slow to understand or comprehend the nature of our actions.
Also, you can buy ANY flavor of juice (especially the "other stuff" flavor) you want on ebay, as long as it is zero nic. But what are you going to vape it with? You can buy the juice, but you cant buy the vaporizer. HOW is this LOGIC agreeable to anyone?

The most scandalous entity on Ebay, is Ebay itself.  

Coronavirus And Ordering From China

I was going to order some stuff from fasttech and saw this on the website.

"Service alert: the ongoing coronavirus spread is placing China under defecto lockdown.
Local labor policy currently prevents staffs from returning to work as scheduled.
Customer service is available with limited capacity at this time as we work from home.
Shipping is now expected to resume normal service on February 10, 2020. More details to follow"

Is anyone worried about ordering from China?  

12 Day Fasttech Shipping

Has anyone ever had less than 12 day shipping from Fasttech? I hope that it may take less time as I ordered a couple rda clones so the packaging should be small and should travel fast. They offer DHL shipping but it's $36. My entire order wasn't that much. I guess 12 days will have to do. I hate waiting.  

Please Help Me, I Am Out Of Date.

I have been vaping for 4 years now. I am using the baby beast tank. I have 3 of them.
I have never used anything else because,, well, it works fine for me. My problem is that I am having a hard time finding coils. I used to by clone coils on ebay for dirt cheap. There are no longer any coils on ebay. I cant find any coils online. They are either out of stock; or very expensive. What do people do nowadays? Do people still use the baby beast or has everyone
changed to something cheaper/better? I always use Q2 .4 Ohm coils. I only found 1 place online that has them and they are $20 for 5 of them (including shipping). What would you guys do? I was so happy with the clone coils. They were inconsistent but cheap. Some would last 3 days and some would last 10 days; but for $1.35/each I was happy.
Thank you for any advice you can give.

Rockymountainvapor Problem?

Sorry if I posted this in the wrong section, they do not seem to have an active ECF thread anymore. Please move if necessary.

This thread is not to smear them, but to ask if any current customers know what's going on with them.

I know they are still in business because they have a 2019 holiday sale posted on their home page.

Problem is, I placed an order on 12/2 (Cyber Monday) and my order is still in "pending" status.

I contacted them via contact form 2 days ago and no response yet.

Are they usually this slow and unresponsive? Or did they suffer a tragedy/loss?

I ordered from several vendors that day (US and China) & all have shipped within 48 hours. All the US orders have been long since delivered by now. In fact, I am fixing on getting an order from china delivered sometime this week as it has already been released by US customs. lol

I have never experienced such a long wait for shipping from any US vape vendor so I'm a little concerned. I don't like my money being tied up with vendors who say they have X in stock, but don't. Not saying this is the case with RockyMountainVapor, but I don't really know.

I see they are no longer an ECF supplier, so that is a bit disconcerting. I'm certain they used to be at one point.  

I Live In Ny.. Anyone Still Shipping Here?

Please help... I was wondering if anyone knows of a website that is still shipping to NYC?? I definitely wasn't as prepared as I should've been for what is going on here. I guess if things get desperate I will have to order stuff from China. When I started vaping I used to get juice from fasttech.. I really do not want to do that.

As far as the DIY thing goes I would have to figure out how to get all the stuff I need. I really don't want to quit or start making my own juice considering the time you have to steep... it probably takes a lot of time to have a good result.

Please advise... what would you do if you were me?  

Rayon Maybe?

I was looking around at wicks and decided I finally wanted to try Rayon.
The fun part is, I started looking on eBay and noticed a small inconspicuous baggy (o.o!)
It appears exactly the same as a small bag I got as a sample from ordering from a few places-
Cellucotton 100 Rayon 36 ft 3 Packs Unbleached Cotton Vape Atty RDA RBA Wick | eBay
Looks exactly like this! But no label!
It was a "Freebie" so I have no idea, the note that came with it was "Here's some wick for you to try! Thank you for ordering!"

So...how would I tell if it's rayon or just cotton?  

Anyone Try Ordering From Fasttech Since The Shipping Ban?

Anyone try ordering from Fasttech since the shipping ban? I mean they always labeled their packages as "Electronic parts" or "screws" and innocuous things like that. So I was wondering if they could still get stuff through or if customs was x-raying and confiscating that stuff.