Easyvape Application For Windows / Android


Let me introduce my new Windows Universal Application around the ecigarette, EasyCigarette. I hope you'll enjoy it since it took me so much time to develop it.
It's a free application, no adds !
Feel free to give me tips, feedbacks, report bugs, give me new ideas, or simply tell me you like it , ...

EasyCigarette features :
Expenses Management Eliquids DIY Coils Calculator Shops Location HomePage Customization (avatar + cigarettes statistics) Good Deals Multiple Devices Sync ... and more to come
Screenshots below (phone version) :

! Important !
As you can see, this application seems to be France geared (oriented). It's only because i'm french and it's more easier to find informations / partnerships in my language. Moreover i dont know what are the (US - EN) references in the ecig field.
But don't worry this application is developped to be international. It's really easy for me to add a new data provider (new address list in geolocation, new good deals provider, for example). Feel free to contact me for this or help me to find contacts !

Windows Store Application : http://apps.microsoft.com/windows/app/easycigarette/9c5bd992-eebc-4696-85dc-55ab82225a1a

Windows Phone Store Application : EasyCigarette | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (United States)  

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Vaping companies are required by the FDA to provide a Premarket Tobacco Product Application (PMTA), which will include scientific data to show a product is appropriate for public consumption. Manufacturers have until Sept. 9 to submit their application, failing which their products will be pulled from the market. Once an application is submitted, companies can keep selling their products for a year from the date of deadline, without official approval, or until a negative action is taken by the FDA.

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E-liquid Nicotine Calculator For Android

Hey folks, I've recently created a website E-Liquid Nicotine Consumption/Absorption Calculator to calculate equivalent of how many analog 'regular' cigarettes (in terms of nicotine) we're inhaling when vaping on e-juice.

I've got some really nice feedback from you, so I've decided to give it a shot and also create a mobile version of the website. For now, it's only available for Android.

Android app is called 'E-Liquid Nicotine Calculator' and it calculates above details, as well as it allows you to estimates monthly savings of switching from regular analog cigarettes to vaping.

Please let me know what you think or how I can make it better.

You can download it from Google Play:
E-Liquid Nicotine Calculator - Android Apps on Google Play
(as long as you have an Android device it should work)

Some Screenshots:

The Best Things In Life Are Free :)

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an on going list that i've tried to keep....
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Free greensmoke kit for first time customers only
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Beware, Not All Vape Stores Are Created Equal.

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Some Movement From Paypal

I've just received a notice that Paypal is changing its terms and conditions, and buried deep inside the changes I found this.
PayPal said:
The Acceptable Use Policy currently prohibits use of PayPal for activities that violate applicable law or industry regulations regarding the sale of tobacco products or prescription drugs and devices. We're replacing that prohibition with new policy language covering these types of items, as well as e-cigarettes. Under the new language, use of PayPal for cigarette transactions will be prohibited. In addition, merchants will be permitted to use PayPal for sales of non-cigarette tobacco products, e-cigarettes, and prescription drugs and devices only with PayPal’s pre-approval.


The relevant parts of the chart under Activities Requiring Approval will be revised to read as follows: “PayPal requires pre-approval to accept payments for certain services as detailed in the chart below. [TABLE="width: 552"]
[TD] Service Requiring Pre-Approval​
[TD] Contact Information​
[TD] … selling … non-cigarette tobacco products, e-cigarettes or prescription drugs/devices.[/TD]
[TD] Please send contact information, business website URL and brief business summary to aup@paypal.com[/TD]
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Let's hope that this doesn't involve you telling them and them freezing your account while they sit on your application for months. But it seems like they might at least be warming to the idea that e-cigs are not the root of all evil.  

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Best E-cigarette Stores In Switzerland

E-Cigarettes have become very popular in Switzerland, but due to high costs and difficulty finding a good place to get them I have decided to make a list of the top online sites for getting them.
(Sorry if this is in the wrong sub-forum)

Accueil - Cigarettes électroniques en Suisse

Vape Shop.ch offers a great variety of products for hobbiest and just normal vapers or starters, it offers many different flavours from France, Switzerland and some from America.
I have purchased from this site a few times and the service is good and fast. It's also cheaper than stores.

Cigarette Electronique Suisse - e liquide avec nicotine - freevap.ch - Freevap

I have ordered many e-juices and accessories from this site and I know it is also very good with a good vairety and also good prices for Switzerland.
Not too sure about other websites but this is one of the only ones in Switzerland where you can choose different amounts of nicoine as inside of Switzerland it is elegal to buy them from stores.

Die grösste Auswahl an E-Zigaretten und Zubehör von Red-Vape - E-Zigaretten und Zubehör von Red Vape

I haven't bought too many times from this shop but the times that I did the service was quick and easy, a lot of variety and a clean easy website to find what you need.

These are my top three but also I will recommend this store called www.ArtVap.ch which is my regular store and close to where I live and where I usually get all my stuff, the website is not up right now but it will be up soon and it is 100% incredible service as I know the guy well and he knows what he's doing.
Big variety also and a lot of stuff for begginers and intermidiets.
If you're close to Vevey come check out the store!

Thanks and I hope this helps

Vape Safe  

Feeling Lazy And Buzzed


So I have been trying to switch to vaping and have had bad luck with side effects. Ear pains, chest pains and other. I tried a bunch of different juices and they all give me side effects. Until now it's been 3 days I have been off cigarettes and using Stigs I bought at a gas station. Kills the craving for a e ci . I love the taste.

First 2 days I had a bad case of acid reflex and heart burn , but when I switched from mango to mint it went away.

I'm feeling great, I feel my lunge are already better, but for some reason I feel lazy as f***...I feel buzzed, like I took narcotics. Is this normal ? Will it go away?

I try to drink a lot of water and juices and they help a bit.
I'm not in physical pain or anything, just I feel weird and slow. I dont want to stand and I wanna sit all the time.

Any clues ? I'm hoping it will to away. .

When I used free base nicotine and a mod I didnt have this feeling. I actually felt more energized like I took a stimulant. But free base and mods give me ear pains. ..