Annoyed With Sub-ohm And Lack Of Education.

Let me clarify I enjoy sub-ohm and cloud chasing. It's not rocket science and can be as safe as any other vape. My annoyance is with TC coils being sold by Kanger and such at .2 ohms. You can daily read on here someone wanting to play with low ohm coils that have no understanding of ohms law. Add to that people tend to believe if it's made from a factory and it fits a mod then it's safe. I'm just waiting to read about someone placing a TC coil on a mech using a AW bat with a 10amp limit thinking they are safe because everything seems to work together. They don't know any better and I have no quarrel with that, it's part of learning. It's companies and individuals selling products with no regards to wether the person understands the risks and to make things worse half the people working at vape shops don't know any better either. I talked to a couple guys working that said learning ohms law was a waste of time to just use the calculator apps. Those apps build complacency and complacency is one of the most dangerous things in the world.  

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I Think I’m Ready For Mech Mods!

Hey Guys,

I have been wanting to use a mech mod for quite some time now. But I didn’t want to rush into things, given that they can be dangerous if not used properly.

To prepare I have studied ohm’s law and have a pretty decent grasp on it. And have a calculator app on my phone.

I have checked out Mooch’s battery recommendations and have a good idea of what batteries to use and which to avoid.

I still do have a few questions I was hoping an experienced Mech user could help me answer:

- What would be the “sweet spot” as far as resistance and safety go for a dual coil set up? Obviously I want to go as low as possible and have a hard hitting vape. But I also want to be safe. I plan to use a dual 18650 Parallel mod (The Clutch X18). I would be most likely be using Sony Murata batteries as I cant find any Samsungs where i live. I’m thinking somewhere around 0.17-0.2? Or would it be safe to go lower than that? I will of course test my build on an ohm reader and regulated mod before throwing it on the mech to be safe.

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Thanks in advance!  

What Coils And Battery To Use??

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Cloud Chasing Coil Resistance

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Is the lower resistance or surface area of the coils more important?

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Coil Ohms And Wattage Solution

Hello Been vaping about 2 years now
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So like many others I have been juggling with wattage I currently Use A couple of kanger subtank minis using the RBA and a kayfun v4 I've been all over the place building ohms but have settled on 1.2 - 1.4 ohms BTW I'm not into sub ohms
So after many months of different ohms and watts with the help of steam engine I have found I like my vape at a heat flux of around 175 so to get to this and I can't believe how simple it was I just take the ohms I am using such as 1.2 @ 12 watts = 178 heat flux 1.3 @ 13 watts = 178 heat flux and so on I can't believe it became that simple
So I suppose all it takes is to find what heat flux you enjoy and adjust from there
I never bought that what I have read thru the last 2 years that 14 watts is 14 watts no matter what ohms you use it seems to me there had to be more factors involved
Just my thoughts

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk  

Rebuilding Kanger Heads , Help Please

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It's Been Awhile. Wow! How Things Have Changed!

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I've been happy with the Vamo V2 and Aspire dual coil Davide setup I run. So I really wasn't chasing "the next new thing". But WOW how things have changed in a year and a half or so. Now everyone is using box mods with sub ohm factory coils, or twin stack coils.
Aspire seems to have made a name for themselves, and there seems to be a bunch of new suppliers getting in the ring. Along with the old reliable ones such as Kanger, it seems there is a whole lot of selections out there.
I feel like a newbe all over again.
I guess I'm just going to have to sit back, read a few threads, and do some catching up.
Y'all have fun!!  

I Made It A Year !!!!

So today I would like to thank the following people who not only started me on this journey, but who have supported me through what I feel was 1 of the best things that could have happened to me:
1. Gary Greener - You gave me my 1st set up for free an egoCtwist battery & Kanger Pro tank
2. Dylan Hill - You have been in my corner from Day 1- through up grades & bringing me to the BEST B&M to get juices & knowledge & for Building me Coils bc to be honest I'm just to lazy to build them lol
3. Maja Flava Vape Den 44 East Scott Street Riverside NJ - You guys have been AMAZING!!! Between all the time you've spent with me explaining vaping, mods, juices, coils, coil building, support, & Even more I can't Thank You Enough!! The vape community & people I've now become friends with from your store is incredible & with out you I wouldn't have been able to stay off the cigarettes.
4. ECF Forum - Thanks for having this forum!! The support, knowledge, & experience of the forum is so much more then I could have imagined.



Vaping Quesitons

Ok I'm hoping I don't get heat for these questions/statements but educating ones self especially with something that is still very new is important to me.

1. Read some articles on how there is second hand vape similar to cigarettes (99% better mind you) what are your thoughts? Vaping may not be as safe as smokers think, research suggests | Society | The Guardian

2. Formaldehyde found in builds running at high watts/voltage? But 0% at low/normal builds, what i can't seem to find is whats considered to high for a Mechanical Mod or even for a V/W, V/V Setup? My normal build for a mech mod is twisted single coil 24 gauge 6-7 wraps, usually gets about 0.28 ohms and single coil 8 wraps of 24 gauge puts out 0.73 ohms on my flavor builds.
Before You Vape: High levels of Formaldehyde Hidden in E-Cigs - NBC News  

Low Ohms Reading Coil/tank Question

GS Air coils/GS 3ml tanks.
I Googlefied this and Did see One place that said A worn out tank could make coils not last as long. (Sounds near fetched to me...)

Can an old tank start Causing premade coils to show Low ohms, like. 05 ohm?

I am pretty sure these are factory coils not FT copycats.
Bruce in Ocala, Fl