Need Help Choosing A New Setup

Looking for something small and durable I can fit in my pocket. I work construction so durability is key. Just need some input  

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Recommendation Gear For A Friend

I feel very comfortable with searching for different vape gear and choosing what I think would work best. I enjoy my gear and I know what type of things I like. My question is about what should I buy for a friend who is new to vaping, but a previous smoker?

I've narrowed it down to a few things.
Innokin MVP 20watt
Joyetech EGO One 1100mah
Joyetech Egrip
Kanger subtank nano would be the most versatile clearo

My objective to stay cost friendly and simple. If anyone could recommend anything similar or something I may have missed let me know. I'm trying to stay away from the istick and replaceable battery devices. I let the person a try a few of my setups and the one that appealed most to him was my freakshow mini single coil @0.7ohms on the SMPL clone, the battery voltage was around 3.9ish at the time. He is not looking to become a hobbyist and has no interest in blowing clouds.

I'm leaning toward the MVP20watt and the Kanger subtank nano the most right now, but feeling the MVP3 would be an even better choice for the device. Let me know if you have any suggestions, I will be buying soon.


I also want to mention this person does construction work and the device may be subject to some durability tests lol.  

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Hello . Can someone please help me decide on what APV to go with . I was thinking either the Innokin MVP 3 or the Smok M80. Also I do not know what tank/atomizer to go with as well ! I have been using a eroll for too long I do not know my stuff and the eroll just isn't cutting it anymore . I messaged a supplier but he has not gotten back to me so I thought I would as here. Any input would be greatly appreciated . I just do not have time to watch all the reviews .



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International Flight > Spare Batteries In Carry-on And Juice + Everything Else In Checked Bags?

International Travelers

I am now in the US and I am going back to the Philippines for about a year.

I have a couple of VW box mods and a mech. tube mod along with 3 or 4 various atomizers. I also have a bunch of 18650 and 18500 batteries along with a couple of those skinny EGO style Twist batteries.

Since I make my own juice, I have some large bottles of VG and some 60mg Nic unflavored PG base, along with some bottles of flavorings.

I am thinking that everything I have goes into the checked bags except for the batteries which go in carry-on luggage ... does this sound right to you?

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Looking For A Vape Device That Doesn't Leak?

I have tried three different brands and types of vaping devices (the first one was Smok, the second one I can't remember the name, and the third was a Voopoo nano drag) so far that have all ended up leaking when not sitting upright, even when I'm positive everything was put together and working correctly. I'm looking for a recommendation of something small that I can just toss in my pocket or purse when on-the-go without having to worry about leakage, and was hoping you guys would know of some that would suit this?

I'm just looking for something small and simple as I'm not really into doing mods or messing with settings or anything like that, and would need something I can fill myself as I have a few big bottles of juice that I haven't been able to use due to this recurring problem.  

Need Some Advice On A New Setup...

Hello ECF, I need your help once again! I'm going to be taking a mini vacation in July and want to get a new setup for my trip. My current gear-

IPV2S, BCV XXIX, Freakshow Mini, Tobh, Atlantis and a SubTank Mini.

I find myself using the IPVxSubTank Mini combo most often due to convenience, and will be taking that setup on my trip as well as whatever new setup I end up purchasing. Problem being, I want/need bigger juice capacity and longer battery life. Most of all, I need something that wont break the bank.

Was looking into something like the eGrip but not sure if 1500mAh will be enough. Or the Evic VT once it's available (been dying to get a temp control device).

Thoughts? Suggestions? Any input is appreciated!


Egrip Alternative?

I recently bought a joyetech egrip for something small but powerful to keep in my pocket at work. I like it but is limited by battery and airflow. Is there anything similar (mod and tank one piece) that is more powerful or has changeable batteries? The only thing I have found was one made by Yiloong the pinnochio mod - 18650 battery 40 watt 2015 Yiloong Creative Box Mod Pinocchio Mod Like Castigador Box For Genesis Atomizer - Buy Pinocchio Mod Product on . I cant find this in any store online.  

Need Some Advise On A New E-cig

Hi everyone, it's been a loonng time since I've been on these forums. I am in the market for a new cig and wondered if you all could possibly point me to a good one. I've been vaping for about 6 years now (maybe longer), and have pretty much stuck to joyetech products over the years. I currently own the eCom of which I've been somewhat happy with over the last year or so...but it's dying. I really don't want anything much larger than the eCom and would like to stick with something that can still be carried in my pocket. I am considering the ego One, it's small, but seems quite thick. I'm not too hip on the boxy ones either.

Anyway, I'm just looking for some advise on some decently sized e-cigs that work well (and look nice). It seems difficult to find legitimate review sites as well, is there a good trusted website that reviews different models? Thanks!  

Steel (opaque) Tank Tips For Gauging E-liquid Levels?

I am considering a stainless tank for their looks and durability. I have a phobia because I have never been able to not break anything made from glass, including pyrex. I tend to be kind of rough with my gear, and always prefer the most durable option. I'll probably drop it onto the tile floor, or concrete. It would render my tankomizer unusable, as well as wasting the e-liquid. Then, I'd be worried someone's pet would come and lick up all that poisonous nicotine and get sick, so I'd have to carry paper-towels around with me or something.

Is there a neat trick to gauging the e-liquid levels in the steel tanks, or is it always just a guessing game? Do you use time as a fuel gauge? Like, knowing how much juice you go through in an hour, then do math?

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