My Juice Leaked

Thought I might share a funny story.

If I have to leave my office building, I will grab a little bottle of liquid and place it in my pocket just for safe measure. This set of events happened today. My meeting took a break and I went into the men's room and decided this would be good place to do a quick fill of my subtank mini. Just as I finished filling it, my phone rings. I finish my call and everyone is returning to the meeting so I grab my stuff off the counter, just put it in my pockets and go back in to the conference room. At the end of the meeting I stood to leave when a woman noticed a stain on my gray suit pants. Note: when gray gets wet it becomes dark gray. Now I don't always remember that others don't vape so I simply said "Oh, I guess my juice leaked" and left. I got a call about an hour after I returned to my office when the gentleman that invited me to the meeting asked "Did you tell some woman that your juiced your pants!?" I said "yes, it was a little embarrassing but nothing to worry about". Turns out this woman rushed out of the room and grabbed a phone to call 20 people and tell them. I took calls for 2 hours with people asking me if I was "ok" and wondering what kind of juice I am leaking. The moral of the story is, make sure you put the cap on your bottle tight.  

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Someone Called The Cops Because Of My Obnoxious Clouds

So I thought I'd share this....

Everyday on my lunch break (really a breakfast break since my shift starts at 5am and break around 10am) I enjoy a nice bowl of oatmeal and an apple. After eating I like to go out to my truck to have a vape while checking emails, FB, IG, forums, ect.
I had a particularly proper build running today and was giving the chevy a nice fogging. windows were up because it was a little chilly and after about 5-10 minutes I honestly couldnt see the steering wheel while sitting in the driver seat

I hopped out and went back to work for about an hour or so. While I was taking my morning inventory I felt a tap on my shoulder and heard a stern voice anounce my full name... a police officer to my suprise!
"Do you mind if I have a talk with you outside sir?" he asked.
"Not a problem officer," I replied a bit worried as I thought perhaps someone had hit my car in the parking lot or maybe someone I knew had gotten hurt or in trouble... Not the case however.
"Is that your truck sir?" he questioned, pointing to my truck with what looked to be a cumulonimbus still lingering on the the interior.
"Yes it is"
"You got anything in there?"
Puzzled I replied "Anything as in...?"
He raised his eyebrow and gave me a stern look. "Anything I should know about?"
I understood. "Oh you mean, like...?"
He stopped me. "well sir we had gotten a phone call earlier from a woman saying that someone might have been sitting in there smoking ....."
I loled as I handed him my work setup. (an IPV3 and the Hobo v2.1)
"Its a personal vaporizer sir." I stated still laughing quite uncontrollably.
"And what kind is this? What do you put in here?" still implying that it was drug related and possibly a '.... vaporizer'
"Its a box mod, Its for nicotine." I pulled my juice from my pocket and held it up for him to see.
He was so confused. Baffled really. Just then a second officer walked up looking even more stern.
"you know we have a k9 here. You're sure you dont have anything you;re not supposed to? you weren't smoking any .....?"
"Not at all sir. Like I have just explained and showed you, it's a vaporizer. I use it for nicotine. Haven't smoked a cigarette in a year..."
"Oh like a vape pen!?" exclaimed the second officer.
"Yes like a vape pen..."
They apologized for the mistake and walked away.
And Im just standing there, in 2015, wondering why they know what a ..... vaporizer is but not an actual PV?

Has anyone had any similar experiences with law enforcement and vaping?  

Vape Pen Charger Explosion

Just watched a news video... "Vape pen charger explosion"
Vape pen charger explosion causes thousands of dollars worth of damage to California woman's home
The lady was charging a vape pen and the charger "explodes" causing a nearby paint can to shoot up into the ceiling. The fire dept guy says "those lithium ion batteries..." and so on. Now wait just a minute! Technically, it wasn't a "vape charger" and they showed the vape pen looked fine. Pens don't come with a charger, just a USB cord, so it was just a universal USB charger (like for phones, ect) and the pen battery didn't explode. Also, why did she have a paint can sitting next to it? Did she leave the vape pen on (might not matter)? Was the USB cord damaged (short)? Pens use a LiPo battery not Lithium Ion. I know I'm nitpicking, but all people will really "hear" is vape pen explodes... nobody really thinks things out. Could this have happened anyway while charging a phone or something else? Right after watching this, I see an article in the local paper telling people to stop vaping immediately because of the recent events (and they don't mention ANYTHING about the real cause!) Final thought: there was also a water bottle next to where the charger was... maybe she spilled water on the charger? I'm like Peter Falk in the old TV show Columbo... "but what got me thinking was..." Maybe I overthink things, but at least I do think (and ask questions)  

Hanging A Black Flag For Nova Scotia

Well today I went to the local B&M and a sign was posted upon the door ""As of May 31st -sorry for the inconvenience but you will need to be 19 to enter and there will be no vaping permitted inside the store" with a little more info posted on the door regarding email your MLA (a complete waste of energy in my opinion - however I shall go ahead and waste it) and we are working hard to rectify this.

When I spoke to the young lady saying how foolish it was she replied -"yes but we will find a way around it perhaps a membership fee to vape in the back room " etc I replied "oh" (and thought how slippery are the forces of darkness) We then discussed not being able to taste juice prior to purchase and she so sweetly gave me the party line "true but you can't sample orange juice in a store or cigarettes before you buy"

The young woman was young of course - too young to know how insidiously and deviously tobacco control elements have worked. I believe she was also a partial owner and I suspect she was relieved that the place wasn't closed down completely -so she was buying into the rationale because she really had no choice -sad.

My heart went out to her and to the whole sorry state of affairs. Nova Scotia has fallen!!  

Vaping In Hotels: Beware!

So I am on a business trip in Madison, WI. I am staying in a hotel (a Hilton to be exact) and I was just hanging out in my room, watching TV, and doing a bit of vaping in my boxers. Then it happened.... the fire alarm went off. I about pooped my pants it caught me so off guard. I ran down to the lobby to explain what happened when the fire department showed up and started asking questions. When they found out that my room was the one that tripped the alarm, they instantly started treating me like a criminal. You would have thought I just murdered their first born child.

Eventually I got the "you shouldn't smoke inside, it's against the law" lecture from one of the firefighters and when I told him I didn't realize it was an issue in a private room where I'm not actually smoking, he went off on me. He told me that regardless of what it is, any type of "smoking" is against the law and that I should have just told someone I was smoking and it would have saved everyone from a headache. He just could not comprehend why I was confused as to why the alarm went off when there was no smoke present. He got my name, phone number, and date of birth from me right before he left, not sure what that was about. The hotel attendant was much more understanding, to whom I apologized profusely for the chaos I caused. She said it's not the first time it has happened and that she is going to talk to the building manager about some new signs addressing the issue of vaping in the rooms.

After doing some research on my own, I found a few things to be true.

1. Smoke alarms arent necessarily built to only detect smoke. Some can be set off by steam, dust, or any type of aerosol.
2. Dane County, WI just recently (Jan 2015) enacted a ban on vaping indoors and that apparently applies to private hotel rooms as well.
3. Public fire alarms are really fracking loud!!!

Be sure to do a bit of research on local vape laws when you travel, it could save you some trouble and legal issues. Hopefully this doesn't come back to bite me in the butt, it was an honest mistake and had I known, I wouldn't have vaped inside in the first place.

Just thought I would share my story so others may learn from my stupid mistake. Save yourself the embarrassment and look up the laws, ask an employee about rules involving vaping, and for the love of God and all that is holy, don't vape near a smoke detector.  

I Met A Representative From Big Tobacco Today.

Don't really know why im sharing this, guess im just wondering if anyone else has had this experience or not. The other day I was at the local B&M and a minivan pulls into the parking lot, im friends with the shop owner so I hangout with him regularly and noticed the minivan as soon as it pulls up, the guy sits there for about 10 minutes just sitting there and writing things down, our conversation goes "Are you expecting a delivery or something?" "no why" "This dudes been sitting here for about 10 minutes just writing away" "Maybe its my first audit or something" the dude finally gets out of the van and comes in "How long have you guys been operating here?" Jon the owner says "about 7 months now, what can i help you with?" "My name is Chris with the National Tobacco (i forget exactly what he said) and I cover everywhere from statesville to asheville, im from asheville but was across the street getting some food and seen your shop, i'd never noticed it before." We live about 2 hours from asheville, I dont actually think he just stumbled upon the shop but who knows. Then he says "We're trying to get into the electronic cigarette market and have started making a brand called V2, ever heard of them?" I said, "I've seen them in gas stations a couple times, but other then that I've had no experience with them" He then says "what about the zig zag kits? Ever tried them?" "never tried one, but i've seen them once or twice" "Well that was one of our lines, the v2 is our next level model to kind of keep up with the new stuff thats coming out, I have a box of them out in my van that i can bring in to give you an idea" the dude then walks out to his van, we just kind of wait on him until he gets back then he returns with this big v2 display box "We're selling these retail for 450.00 but we can sell you three for 150 each, thats around 900 dollars of profit if you buy today" Jon says" Well i've never heard of the brand so i'd have to look into it more first" "Alright thats fine but..." then he gave this super long sales pitch about how it will be better then anything else on the market and ahead of its time with the magnetic tanks and blah blah blah, then Jon went behind the counter and pulled out this huge box and says "This takes three batteries and goes up to 240 watts, starter kits are great and all, but they will never really be ahead of the times unless you can build a sub ohm starter kit and thats not cheap" the sales rep dude then says "Alright, well im just going to leave my card, just give me a call if you decide you need any of our products" And he left, I guess the best thing that comes out of this is i can ask, has anyone ever dealt with any v2 products? How are they with reliability, battery life ect. I'd like to get back to Jon with some reviews, maybe they could be better then the regular egos and this is a good deal for the local shop.  

Illinois (chicago) Residents Public Meeting - Call To Action - Casaa

IL – Public Meeting 09.23.19 – Mental Health Committee to Discuss a Response to “The Vaping Crisis” - CASAA

The Illinois General Assembly’s Mental Health Committee will hold a hearing on the subject of “Addressing the Vaping Crisis” on

Monday, September 23, 2019
2:00 PM
Michael A. Bilandic Building

C-600, 6th Floor

160 N LaSalle St

Chicago, IL 60601


The likely outcome of this meeting might be a recommendation that flavors other than tobacco be banned.

While this is a public meeting, many of the speakers are being selected in advance. If there is time left over, speaking will be limited to 2 – 3 minutes. Please be respectful and have your remarks prepared.

A witness slip is required whether you plan to speak or not, please submit a witness slip, here .

If you plan to speak, the witness slip is the only “sign up sheet” available.

Fill out the form with your contact information; under section III, select “Addressing the Vaping Crisis” from the drop down menu and click the “Opponent” radio dial; and specify written or oral testimony (Section IV).

Click Here to Send a Witness Slip
If you would like to have written testimony delivered to the committee, please send it to

Even if you do not plan to speak, your presence is important as it demonstrates the large numbers of people affected by this issue.

In addition to participating in this meeting, Illinois residents who vape and are not “sick from vaping” are being asked to fill out this survey from the IL Dept. of Public Health (IDPH). THIS SURVEY IS FOR ILLINOIS RESIDENTS ONLY! Do not encourage people outside of Illinois to participate by misrepresenting where they live.

Click Here to Take the IDPH Anonymous Survey

I will be there - hope to tell my story.
Illinois - ONLY - residents - if you haven't yet Please take the survey.
Can't make it or don't want to speak? Please send a witness slip.
Let's pack this place!  

Smoking Is Allowed...but Vaping Isn't [college Campus]

So this campus has basically shut me down vaping in any way.

Outside of the commons, there is a smoking area. First day I moved in I started vaping away, listening to music. Then a random guy tapped on my shoulder and told me "They don't like you doing that here." And I was like, uhm thanks for the warning. Did it a few more days without incident, and I had a RA approach me and tell me that "We don't allow that here." I asked why, and she just said that's what I've been told. Was vaping again, because I figured if I did get in trouble it'd be a chance to explain how ridiculous it is to not allow vaping in a smoking area. Head of student housing sees me, and says that I have to stop doing that or he'll write me up. I try to ask why and he simply says "We have no idea what could be in there" and walks away. ????

So I figured I'm not going to risk it, I'll just stealth vape on a little vv mod in my room while I work. My room mate is cool with it, obviously vapor doesn't damage the room in any way, no obvious smell. Its 2am, and of course after only about 5-10 hits a deafening BEEP BEEP BEEP and strobe lights. Apparently I somehow set off the fire alarm. So I quickly think to throw popcorn in the microwave, and as I'm doing it the sound stops. At this point I'm shaking because I could forfeit my security deposit, get everyone evacuated, and have the fire department come out. I wait for a couple hours, but nothing comes of it. No one has to leave the building or anything. I was never confronted about it.

At this point I'm really paranoid, so I pull my car into the far parking lot. Close the windows, and vape there. Listening to the radio, put my seat back and was enjoying myself. This is an area that technically isn't the property of the college so I think I'll be fine. NOPE, I hear sirens... Cop jumps out of his car, loudly knocks on my windows. I roll it down a bit and vapor starts billowing out. After a little bit of back and forth he explains that someone called him out for a "car fire" and that he was doing a wellness check. At this point I'm thinking I really just can't catch a break. He's nice enough about it and even laughs before leaving.

Now I'm way too paranoid to vape on campus at all. I was used to chain vaping at my desk, but now every time I have to drive out and spend an hour sitting in my car :/  

Non-smokers Starting Vaping - Disturbing To Me

I've been away from ECF for awhile but due to the influx of new devices, I recently returned (and got a bunch of new vape gear, but that's another story ).

Was just browsing the New Members forum and I am very disturbed by the amount of posts being made by people who have never smoked asking for advice on how to "blow clouds", "get into vaping" or even "get a better buzz" from vaping.

Of course, the vast majority of replies in these threads are from knowledgeable and helpful ECF'ers telling these poor, ignorant folks that it's probably a bad idea to start vaping 36mg juice in a sub-ohm device if you've never smoked...and that is great!

I just can't help to think that all these young (I'm assuming) non-smokers taking up vaping and "blowing clouds" can't be good for our cause and I find it quite disturbing.

FULL DISCLOSU I currently vape on an SX Mini / Goliath @ .4 ohms and can blow some pretty good clouds, but that's not what it's all about for's about staying off the ciggies.  

My Complete Setup (mod, Rda, And Juice)

Hey everyone, I just wanted to post my setup here, nothing to fancy so just take a quick look and feel free to leave a comment or reply.

To kick things off I've got a Seeker Mech Mod by EHPRO. It's a sleek design, all copper, and easy to press button. Little short and thick for those of us who like our setups to look beefy.

Atty- The Tobh Atty. It is a pain in the butt to take apart from the get go but once you get a bit of juice on all the O rings it comes apart fairly easy. Good deck to build on all pre-drilled holes on the three posts 1(+) and 2(-) (Obviously). Deep basin to hold plenty of juice for our drip and drivers safety. My current build is a dual single coil coming in at 0.28 ohms. Using a regular cotton wick.

Juice- "Bliss" made by The Artisan Vapor 100%VG This juice is an explosive flavor of fruits, and for being 100%VG it has a heavy flavor. 39ml bottle runs at 20$ not to bad for a good juice. When I drip with a full basin it lasts roughly an hour, and I heavily use my vape.

Battery- This thing is one of the best right now but I'm still limited on what builds I can do. My 0.28 is safe, however my 0.22 is unsafe (Go figure) ANYWAYS! (Specs) MNKE IMR-26650 3.7(low) 4.2(High) 3500mAh.

So I think that's all. Thanks for reading guess, and questions or comments just drop it down below. Goodbye and VAPE ON!

Vapor Man Vs Senate Inquiry (advocacy)

The recent meeting on THR in Australia was an absolute joke, the main stream media refused to cover it, so please share this video to give these "scientists" the attention they deserve.